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Us ing of ECVET tools in Vocational Education

Us ing of ECVET tools in Vocational Education. 04-10 Mart 201 8 SEVİLLA. What is ECVET. ECVET.

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Us ing of ECVET tools in Vocational Education

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  1. Using of ECVET tools in Vocational Education 04-10 Mart 2018SEVİLLA

  2. What is ECVET

  3. ECVET ECVET is a transfer systemdevelopedforthepurpose of providing, recognizingandaccumulating transfer of learning (knowledge, skillsandcompetences) obtainedthroughdifferentlearningpaths in vocationaleducationandtraining. ECVET facilitatestheunderstandingandrecognition of theknowledge, skillsandcompetencesthatindividualsacquire in a differentcountry, in a differenteducationandtraininginstitutionand in a differentlearningenvironment.

  4. Country A Country B Ahmet Bey has theopportunitytostudyabroadfor a while Learning Outcomes 4

  5. Country A Country B Ahmet Bey has theopportunitytostudyabroadfor a while Ahmet Bey getslearningoutcomes 5

  6. Country A Country B ... and now Mr. Ahmet wants to bring his new learning outcomes home and include them in the qualifications. Acquirednewlearningachievements 6

  7. Country A Country B Transfer Process Acquirednewlearningachievements 7

  8. Country A Country B ... but it's hard because of theobstacles ... ? 8

  9. No transparency • No mutualtrust • No confirmationmechanism • No accumulation of learningoutput • No recognition ... but it's hard because of theobstacles ... BetweenEuropeanUnions’ Countries 9

  10. Aims of ECVET ECVET bu engellerinkaldırılmasınakatkısağlayacakvekolaylaştıracaktır

  11. Country A Country B Because A willvalidateandrecognizelearningoutcomesacquired in theinstitution B ECVET will be instrumental in bringing Ahmet Bey's new learning outcomes to his country Acquirednewlearningachievements 11

  12. Principles of ECVET

  13. Aims of ECVET • Regardless of when and where the learning takes place, • The evaluation, recognition and certification of the Learning Outcomes obtained in the geographical mobility, • It provides the transparency and identification of learning outcomes and achievements.

  14. Principles of ECVET • ECVET is based on mutual trust between institutions, • ECVET can be used by any VET provider regardless of its size, status, level of autonomy, VET's own legal structure, • ECVET supports the definition and validity of the new Europass's Common Quality Assurance Framework for non-formal and informal education, • ECVET can also be applied in the national or regional context.

  15. ECVET focuses on students in the European context, where individual rights of exchange and free movement are the right. • ECVET aims to support individual development and employment. • ECVET is not compulsory but is a system of distributions from a European center based on voluntary participation. • ECVET requires transparency in terms of qualifications, procedures and increases it. • ECVET is designed for VET as a whole.

  16. MOBILITY… BeforeMobility DuringMobility AfterMobility • Set up a partnership • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding • Identify the unit(s) of Learning Outcomes for mobility • Discuss assessment of Learning Outcomes • Clarify how LO Learning Outcomes be validated and recognised • Sign a Learning Agreement • Provide the learning activities preparing for Learning Outcomes identified in the Learning Agreement • Assess what Learning Outcomes the learner has achieved • Provide evidence about the results of the learner’s assessment (including a transcript of record) • In line with the Memorandum of Understanding and the Learning Agreement • Validate learners’ credit achieved abroad • Recognise learners’ credit achieved abroad • Transfer Credits.

  17. BeforeMobility • Set up a partnership • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding • Identify the unit(s) of Learning Outcomes for mobility • Discuss assessment of Learning Outcomes • Clarify how LO Learning Outcomes be validated and recognised • Sign a Learning Agreement

  18. Needs… • You have students who want to improve themselves in terms of professional knowledge through their overseas mobilityin our school. • Those who want to do internship • Those who want to study

  19. Haveto… • Finding the Right and Reliable Partner….

  20. Sorun… • Previous Project Experiences • Existing Networks • Our Facebook, linkedin, twitter • Various AB Portals • E-twinning • ADAM

  21. Identify learning outcomes for mobility. • Negotiate evaluation of learning outcomes. • Explain how the learning outcomes will be validated and recognized. • Certification.

  22. Mobility duration, • Participant type and qualifications, • Template program, • Tracking Tools • Evaluation process • and logistic (accommodation) options …

  23. Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) • Duties of the parties • Tracing • Assesment • Documentation • Verification • Recognition

  24. LearningAgreement • Learning Outcomes • Programme • Duties of the Student • Monitoring and Support • Evaluation and Approval Process • Signature of all parties

  25. DuringMobility • Provide the learning activities preparing for Learning Outcomes identified in the Learning Agreement • Assess what Learning Outcomes the learner has achieved • Provide evidence about the results of the learner’s assessment (including a transcript of record)

  26. Assesment

  27. Assesment

  28. AfterMobility • In line with the Memorandum of Understanding and the Learning Agreement • Validate learners’ credit achieved abroad • Recognise learners’ credit achieved abroad • Transfer Credits.

  29. ECVET Clusters

  30. EuropassDocument

  31. Transcript

  32. Thankyou

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