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Researches and their onomatological conclusions in the field of surname changes in Hungary. Tamás Farkas ELTE University, Budapest. about the differences between the two sections of the overall stock of Hungarian family names also reporting of a new research project.
Researches and their onomatological conclusions in the field of surname changes in Hungary Tamás Farkas ELTE University, Budapest • about the differences between the two sections of the overall stock of Hungarian family names • also reporting of a new research project
The two sections of the overall stock of Hungarian surnames Historic surname system • in historic centuries • arouse naturally • in the community Official surname changes • in late centuries • established artificially • by individuals Researching the differences: questions on the circumstances and the ways of their emergence
1. What time were they born? Historic surname system • born in XIV–XVI. cent. • officially fixed 1787- Official surname changes • allowed 1814- • in big numbers 1848/49, 1881- Different periods: different factors of internal and external history of language (set of linguistic elements, historic social situation, naming tastes)
2. Who is giving the surname and to whom? Historic surname system • the community • to each of its members Official surname changes • certain members of society • to themselves Differences in • social groups • motivational basis
3. Why is that surname born? Historic surname system • the demand of the persons’ reliable identification Official surname changes • adopting a more advantageous (or less disadvantageous) name In the name changes: • appropriate identification • changing the image of person’s ethnic of family background • changing the connotations of the name Different reasons
4. On what bases is the surname chosen? Historic surname system • after characteristics of the person Official surname changes • conscious, individual and subjective choice In the name changes: • fit in the existing surname system, legal rules • most typical: adjusting to former surname • name giving taste Different motivational system
5. From what material and in what way is the surname formed? Differences: • frequency of certain surnames • new surnames • new styled categories Reasons are in the differences of • stock of possibly used nouns and names • some morphological procedures • motivations Historic surname system is a sample for the new surnames in general and in certain names
Studying the differences in surname categories −− will be followed Surnames derived from • place-names (regularly formed by -i suffix) • first names • common nouns New typed categories Name elements
A) Surnames from place-names New subcategory (?): surnames from pseudo place names Békevári ’peace castle’ + -i Síkhegyi ’flat hill’ + -ietc. Romlaki ’ruin lodge’ + -i Szépligeti ’nice grove’ + -i Vérkúti ’bloody well’ + -ietc. Aranykövi ’golden stone’ + -i(cf. Goldstein) Könyvhegyi ’book hill’ + -i(cf. Buchberger) etc.
A) Surnames from place-names New surnames: from real place-names, but non-existing in historic surname stock Prágai ’Prague’ + -i Rajnai ’River Rhein’ + -ietc. Pannonhalmi (cf. Pannonhalma:1809-,earlierSzentmárton) Farkasházi (cf. Farkasháza:1907-, earlier and later:Lupest) etc.
A) Surnames from place-names Frequency of certain surnames: Kárpáti ’Carpathian’ (by archaic ortography: Kárpáthi, Kárpáthy) Kárpát ’Carpathians’ Kárpátfalvi ’Kárpát-village’ + -i Kárpátvölgyi ’Kárpát-valley’ + -i Kárpáthegyi ’Kárpát-mountain’ + -i and many examples among the historically existing surnames
B) Surnames from first names New first names Hajna (literary origin) Szilárdffy ’Constantin’ + ’-son’ etc. Renewed old names Zsolt (old Turkic-Hungarian) Előd (old Hungarian) etc. Died out old names Dános (< ’Daniel’), Ódor (< ’Ulrich’) etc.
C) Surnames from common nouns An example: surnames from ethnic names Avar ’Avar’ etc. Román ’Rumanian’ (1705: Román, cf. XIII. cent.: Oláh) Szlovák ’Slovak’ (1828: Szlovák, cf. XII. cent.: Tót) (those in the brackets are common historic surnames) etc. Svéd ’Swedish’ etc.
by -i suffix (also as -y) Historically with place-names (‘from, of’) first names (‘son of’) Artificially also with common nouns Fellegi ’cloud’ Pálmai‘palm(-tree)’ Regényi ’novel’ Reményi ’hope’ Kedvesi ’beloved’ Széplábi ’nice legs’ etc. by -fi suffix (also -fy, -ffy) Historically with first names (‘son of’) Artificially also with common nouns Magyarfi ’Hungarian’ Mezőfi ’meadow’ Angyalfi ’angel’ Hattyúfi‘swan’ Hősfi ’hero’ Békefi ’peace’ etc. D) New typed surname categories
1st elements: e.g. Rózsa ’Rose’ in historic surname stock Rózsa ‘Ø’, Rózsás ’with...’ in artificial surname stock only Rózsai ’from...’ Rózsafi ’son of...’ Rózsaági ’...branch’ Rózsavölgyi ’...valley’ Rózsamezei ’...meadow’ Rózsahegyi ’...hill’ (1853: Rózsahegy settlement-name) 2nd elements: e.g. -vári ’castle’ in historic surname stock many examples... in artificial surname stock only Aranyvári ’golden castle’ Sziklavári‘rock castle’ Romvári ’ruin castle’ Szépvári ’nice castle’ Hídvári ’bridge castle’ Békevári ’peace castle’etc. Name elementsSuffixes(as-i, -fi)Nouns
Morphological differences place-name + -i > historical surname ↔ new surname Koltó + -i > hist.Koltai ↔ newKoltói Szendrő + -i > hist.Szendrei ↔ newSzendrői Bánhida + -i > hist.Bánhidi ↔ newBánhidai
A new resarch project: Surname changes in Hungary 1867-1896 Characteristics of the research • Period: first great age of surname changes • Sources: petitions and official documentation • Represetation: all of the cases (16.788 cases)
A new resarch project: Surname changes in Hungary 1867-1896 • all of the datas • coding all the datas • complete • of documentay value • enabling complex searches A digital database
A new resarch project: Surname changes in Hungary 1867-1896 Interests of studying the surname changes • name changes as social historical phenomenon • onomastic characteristics of name changes • other linguistic and onomastic conclusions
Thank you for your attention! ICOS XXII - PISA 2005 farkast@ludens.elte.hu