Investigation By: Nejoud al Mana
Problem Statement The problem is that there are new people coming to the country almost everyday, and some of them don’t know the country very well and when they go to places they might get lost. There are a lot of places in Qatar that don’t have receptionists, and that’s not really good for when people outside the country come to these places. There are many good things and places to discover in Qatar and it shouldn’t be wasted because there are not enough receptionists . So I want to make a robot that can be a receptionist the whole entire day without getting bored or tired in many places. This will help increase the amount of people coming to the country and enjoying there time and also it wont waste their time wondering the country while they can just ask for help. This is relevant for me because I went to many countries and some of them I got lost and I needed help so I asked a stranger and they showed me the way.
Design brief I will design and create a receptionist robot for the people who travel a lot to make it easier for them to find their way around a country or a building, so that they don’t get lost and also for them to actually explore the country and go to the best places there. This could be really helpful for people that travel a lot or for the people that just came to the country for the first time.
Design Specifications 1 My robot will need to know the following : He will need to know the whole country, and learn where they are so he can share the information with others. He will need to be in his desk working late. He will need to know the best places around
Design Specification 2 What my robot must have: • Speaker; The robot needs speakers to communicate with other people and so the people have the ability to hear them. Testing: I can ask the robot to talk and see if I can hear them. • Wheels; The robot needs wheels to move around and be able to help people. Testing: I cold check if the robot could walk around. • Sensors; So it can sense who’s coming in and out and if they need their help. Testing: I can get near the robot and see if it will respond. • Moving parts; So it can have the abilities to move and reach out to things and also type for the things it doesn’t know. Testing: I could ask it to move around and see if he would.
Design Specification 3 What my robot would have : What my robot must have: • GPS; It needs to know the country and where the places are to help people. Testing: I could ask it where certain places are and see if its answers are correct. • Voice; We need to be able to hear it and it has to speak so we can communicate with it. Testing: I can ask it a question and see if it responds. • Designs: To look nice and make more people come and use the robot. Testing: I could ask people what is better with designs or without? • Face: To make the robot look realistic and for the people to use it more seriously, also for it to look like a human and maybe treated like a human. Testing: cannot be tested.
Design Specification 4 • Legs: So it can move around for emergencies even though it doesn't’t need to move we can just build wheels. Testing: I can ask it to move around. • Fingers: So it can hold things more steadily. Testing: Ask it to hold things and see if it could hold it good without making something fall. • It should be programmed: so it doesn’t do anything its not suppose to do, and so it remembers things that it could forget. Testing: I cannot test this.
Research Receptionist robots help people find their way in the building and out. They are usually sitting on a desk in a waiting area, It could work anywhere in a building or outside. It is mostly used by people who travel a lot. It reduces the amount of people working on a desk all day just answering questions when they can go out and do other things. This is a receptionist in japan they are talking in a Japanese language but it shows how the receptionist is helping out the person : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ-2nY6AwDU For this receptionist robot you have to type in your question then you would get the answer: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5067678 http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/news/view/1191
Analysis Advantage’s: The advantages of a receptionists robot is that it can help people all over the world find their way in one country It can help lost people that come in a building, the people can easily ask the receptionist and find their way. The receptionist does not have to take a break, it can stay in their place without complaining. Disadvantage’s: Sometimes the robot cant understand what you’re trying to say or type, that way it will ask you to ask the same question a lot of times. How the robots are programmed can be different, it might not know the answer to the question people ask because it wasn’t programmed to know.
My Design • My design has most of the design specifications that I listed! It even has more things that I didn’t think that I would need, I really like how this one looks and I'm pretty happy with it. • The good points about this robot is: The sensors, they are put in a good place and their place is good. • Bad: That the square is all squared and it looks like it’s a box it could look better with some round edges. • It could be improved if it was a big size and it was a little round edged so it can move better.
My friend’s design • This design is a good design for this robot to be a GPS robot because it can do anything like move and do many things. • Analysis: This is a good robot to move around and do many things even more then being a GPS. The bad point is that the robot doesn’tneed to look like a human.
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