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The Arthropods

The Arthropods. Chapter 16. Phylum Arthropoda. Phylum Arthropoda. Largest phylum in Kingdom Animalia Anthropoda means “jointed feet” Includes lobsters, spiders, scorpions, millipedes, and insects Can be harmful or helpful Harmful: destroy crops, eat other animals’ food, spread diseases

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The Arthropods

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  1. The Arthropods Chapter 16

  2. Phylum Arthropoda

  3. Phylum Arthropoda • Largest phylum in Kingdom Animalia • Anthropoda means “jointed feet” • Includes lobsters, spiders, scorpions, millipedes, and insects • Can be harmful or helpful • Harmful: destroy crops, eat other animals’ food, spread diseases • Helpful: studied by engineers; control the numbers of harmful arthropods; help plants reproduce; make wax, honey, medicine, and silk

  4. Phylum Arthropoda • All arthropods have: • Exoskeleton – their bones are outside of their body • Chitin – allows the bones to be tough and flexible – they bend without breaking • Arthropods molt – as they grow, their exoskeleton becomes too small – they outgrow the exoskeleton and throw it away • Jointed appendages – their legs and feet have joints (bend) • Body segmentation – most have 3 parts to their bodies • Head • Thorax (chest) • Abdomen (belly) • Open Circulatory System – they have a heart, but the blood goes into the body parts after leaving the heart (not veins) • Ventral Nervous System – Ganglia (nerves) are located near the legs and connected to the brain by one cord

  5. Nervous System Anatomy

  6. Nervous System Anatomy • Brain – located in the head • Ganglia – nerves in the legs • Ventral Nerve Cord – big nerve that connects the brain and the ganglia • Antennae – come out of the head and do taste, smell, and touch • Compound eyes – insects and crustaceans have these – able to see all around, not just a few directions ______ OR_________ • Simple eyes – able to see very little, usually just light and dark

  7. Subphylum Crustacea

  8. Subphylum Crustacea • Lobsters, crabs, crayfish, shrimp • Kingdom Animalia, Subkingdom Invertebrates, Phylum Anthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea • Usually live in the water • Carapace – the back plate of a lobster (the front has 6 plates) • Scavengers: they eat anything!They grind their food into powder using the gastric mill. • They can regenerate (grow new parts) • Reproduce sexually – male gives sperm to the female in the fall, female lays eggs in the spring that hatch in the summer

  9. Subphylum Chelicerata

  10. Subphylum Chelicerata • 3 classes: Arachnida is the most importantclass • Arachnids have: • 8 legs – 2 of these are pedipalps (legs used for sensing and mating instead of walking) • 2 major segments • Cephalothorax (head-chest) • abdomen • No antennae or mandibles (jaws) • Have chelicerae instead (mouth that looks like fangs) • Respiration by book lungs • Breathe through their stomachs • Usually 4 pair of simple eyes (8 eyes) • Reproduce sexually – females are usually larger than males

  11. Other Arachnids • Scorpions, mites, and ticks

  12. Class Insecta

  13. Class Insecta • 80% of all animals are insects (bugs) • There are 31 orders under Class Insecta • Structure of Insects: • Three pairs of legs (six legs) • Usually have wings • 3 segments to the body • Head • Thorax (chest) • Abdomen • One pair of sensory antennae (2 of them)

  14. Wings of Insects • M0st insects have 2 pairs (4) wings • Kinds of wings: • Membranous wings: thin, transparent (see through) – most common kind of wing - like a dragonfly or a bee • Scale-covered wings: butterflies and moths

  15. Wings of Insects • Continued: • Leatherlike wings: extra set of wings that protects the wings used to fly – like a cover for wings – grasshoppers have these • Horny wings: ladybug wings – thick, protect the smaller wings, cover the back of the bug

  16. Digestion (eating) of Insects • Mouth: • Upper lip - labrum • Mandibles - used for chewing • Maxillae – put food into the mouth • Lower lip – labium • Stomach: • Foregut – behind the mouth – this is where salivary glands get the food wet with spit before going to the gizzard to be ground up into powder • Midgut – where the stomach is – gastric cecaput more digestive juices onto the food • Hindgut – place right before the food is excreted (pooped)

  17. Respiration, Circulation, Excretion and Reproduction • Respiration: insects breathe in their abdomens through tubes called spiracles • Circulation: the insects heart pumps blood into the abdomen, where it covers the organs – no veins • Excretion: Malpighian tubules are straws that pull nitrogen out of the insect and put it into the intestines, where it will become poop • Reproduction: Sexual reproduction • The male puts sperm in the female • The female then lays eggs that will hatch later

  18. Metamorphosis in Insects • Metamorphosis means changing from a baby to an adult • There are two kinds of metamorphosis: • Incomplete metamorphosis (3 stages) • Grasshoppers, cicadas, and true bugs • Egg • Nymph (teenager – looks like a small adult) – only for insects that stay on land (cicadas) • OR • Naiad – teenager that doesn’t look like the adult and lives in the water (grasshoppers) • Adult – the bug

  19. Incomplete Metamorphosis

  20. Metamorphosis • Complete metamorphosis (4 stages) • Most insects – butterflies, flies, beetles, mosquitoes • Eggs • Larva – like a little worm (maggots, grubs, wigglers, caterpillars) – childhood bug • Pupa – teenager insect – usually inside a case called a cocoon • Adult – the bug

  21. Complete Metamorphosis

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