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Introduction To Scientific Programming. Chapter 4 – Defining Classes and Methods. Overview. Classes & Methods Classes Objects Methods Variables OOP - Encapsulation Revisits Scope Pass-by-value vs. Pass-by-address Object Assignment & Comparison Putting It All Together. Motivation.
Introduction To Scientific Programming Chapter 4 – Defining Classes and Methods
Overview • Classes & Methods • Classes • Objects • Methods • Variables • OOP - Encapsulation • Revisits • Scope • Pass-by-value vs. Pass-by-address • Object Assignment & Comparison • Putting It All Together
Motivation • Wouldn’t it be very handy to have software already available that accomplish tasks that occur frequently? • In fact, it is one of the central goals of software engineering to make software development fast, efficient, and error-free. • This is accomplished by using or reusing software components that have already been developed, debugged, and tested. • This leads us to an organizing structure that has been developed over time for most modern programming languages. In Java, this is called “Classes”.
Code Statement • =,public,if, … • while,for, … • Operators • +,-, /,%, … • Primitive Data Types • - int,double, … Software Organizational Hierarchy Level of Organization • Package • groups of classes High • Class • group of objects • Object • data + method(s) • Methods • Action or value return • Code block • { … } Low
I. Introducing Classes and Methods “Top-Down” A. Classes B. Objects C. Methods D. Variables OOP - Encapsulation … and then
I.-A. Classes • A class is an abstract, bundled (data + code) structure that programmers use to accomplish frequent and/or repetitive tasks. • A class is a general blueprint for constructing specific instances of that blueprint. (In general, a Class itself does not execute). • Examples: an Automobile class, an AddressBook class, a BankAccount class, a Matrix Class, a Complex class, … • Aclass is made up of data and Methods (actions on the data). • When a specific copy of a class is created (or instantiated), this specific instance is called an Object.
Example: String Class • String is a class • It contains data (a sequence of characters) • It contains methods that perform actions and return values on a String type • Coding convention for Classes: make first letter of name uppercase • Note: Classes are additional (non-primitive) data types! • A specific string is called a String object • This is a specific instance of a class • Each object inherits the structure of the class (data storage and methods)
Are you finished? Yes 3 Console: Example: String Class • Example: read characters typed in by user from the keyboard and output the number of characters entered • String userInput; • System.out.println(“Are you finished?”); • userInput = SavitchIn.readLine(); • System.out.println(userInput.length()); A String Class method
Class Source Files • Each Java class definition should be placed in a separate file • Use the same name for the class and the filename, except add ".java" to the file name • Good programming practice:Start the class (and file) name with capital letter and capitalize inner words • e.g. MyClass.java for the class MyClass • Put all the classes you need to run a program in the same project directory
Java Class File Structure imports Class Name Class Data/Variable Definitions Class Constructor (optional) Method 1 Method 2 Method n
Summary Syntax Of A Class Definition /******************************************* * Class description * ******************************************/ public class Class_Name { <Instance variable definitions-accessible to all methods> //Method1 definitions of the form public returnType Method_Name1(type1 parmameter1, ...) { <statements defining the method> } //Method2 definitions of the form public returnType Method_Name2(type1 parmameter1, ...) { <statements defining the method> } }
Book Example: Instances of A Class Class Definition First Instantiation: Object name: patsCar amount of fuel: 10 gallons speed: 55 miles per hour license plate: “135 XJK” Class Name: Automobile Data: float amount of fuel float speed String license plate Methods (actions): increaseSpeed: stop: filltank: getfuellevel: Second Instantiation: Object name: suesCar amount of fuel: 14 gallons speed: 0 miles per hour license plate: “SUES CAR” Third Instantiation: Object name: ronsCar amount of fuel: 2 gallons speed: 75 miles per hour license plate: “351 WLF” Source Code Automobile patsCar, suesCar; Automobile ronsCar;
Automobile fuel: double speed: double license: String + increaseSpeed(double howHardPress): void + stop(double howHardPress): void UML Class Diagrams Class Name Data Methods (actions) - private + public Graphical notation to summarize some of the main properties of a class. UML = Universal Modelling Language.
B. Objects • Objects are named variables that are instances of a class • Note: the class is their type! • Each object has both data and methods. • Object data items are also called instance variables.
Objects II • Invoking an object’s method means to call the method, i.e. execute the method • Invoke an object's method with the dot operator • objectName.method() • Each object of a class has the same data items but can have different values • All objects of the same class have the exact same methods
Instantiating (Creating) Objects • Syntax: ClassName instance_Name = new ClassName(); • Note the keyword new • Examples that we have already used in our labs: • Random generator = new Random(); • DecimalFormat myFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); • Public instance variables can be accessed using the dot operator: • My favorites • Math.PI – the most famous constant of them all • Math.E – base of natural logarithms
C. Methods • A method is a series of code statements and/or blocks that accomplish a task. • Modern day methods are descendents of what used to be called “subroutines” or “procedures”. Methods now include the association with an object. • Two basic kinds of methods: • methods that return a value • void methods that do some action but don’t return a value
Return Type of Methods • All methods require that the return type be specified • Return types may be: • a primitive data type, such as char, int, double, etc. • a class, such as String, AddressBook, etc. • void if no value is returned • You can use a method where it is legal to use its return type, for example the readLineInt() method of SavitchIn returns an integer, so this is legal: int next; next = SavitchIn.readLineInt();
voidMethod Example • The definition of a writeOutput method of Class AddressBook: • This assumes that the instance variables name, numberOfEntries, and updateDate have been defined and assigned values. • This method performs an action (writes values to the screen) but does not return a value. //AddressBook class public class AddressBook() { String name; int numberOfEntries; Date updateDate; … public void writeOutput() { System.out.println(“Book = " + name); System.out.println(“Entries = " + numberOfEntries); System.out.println(“Last updated = " + updateDate"); } }
value Method Example • Methods that return a value must execute a return statement that includes the value to return • For example: public int count = 0; //definition section //Method #n public int getCount() { return count; }
Method and Class Naming Conventions • Use verbs to name void methods • they perform an action • Use nouns to name methods that return a value • they create (return) a piece of data or an object • Start class names with a capital letter • Start method names with a lower case letter
A Very Special Method - The main Method • A program written to solve a problem (rather than define an object) is written as a class with one method, main • Invoking the class name invokes the main method • Note the structure of our lab project programs: public class LabProject3{ public static void main(String[] args) {<statements that define the main method> }}
Methods That Follow A Specific Structure • Accessor methods—public methods that allow instance variables to be read • Mutator methods—public methods that allow instance variables to be modified • Mutator methods should always check to make sure that changes are appropriate. • Providing mutator methods is much better than making instance variables public because a method can check to make sure that changes are appropriate.
Passing Parameters To A Method • Methods can be passed input values • Input values for methods are called parameters • Each parameter and it’s data type must be specified inside the parentheses of the method heading • these are called formal parameters • The calling object must put values of the same data type, in the same order, inside the parentheses of the method name • these are called arguments, or actual parameters
Primitive Data Types as Method Parameters • There are two possible forms for method input parameters: • Pass-by-value (a copy of the value is passed to method) • Pass-by-address (the address of the variable is passed to method) • Let’s look at “pass-by-value” first • For all primitive data types, when the method is called, the value of each argument is copied to its corresponding formal parameter. • Formal parameters are initialized to the values passed and are local to the method. • Argument variables are not changed by the method! • the method only gets a copy of the variable's value
Example: Parameter Passing //Invocation of the method... somewhere in main... f1 = SavitchIn.readLineFloat(); f2 = SavitchIn.readLineFloat(); System.out.println(“Closest squared integer = " + fmult(f1,f2)); … //Definition of a method to multiply two floats and return // the closest whole number. public int fmult(float number1, float number2) { float fvalue; fvalue = number1*number2; return Math.round(fvalue); } • What is the formal parameter in the method definition? • number1, number2 • What is the argument in the method invocation? • f1, f2
D. Variables • Variables declared in a Class are instance variables. • Instance variables are created when the object is created and destroyed when the object is no longer used (this is the concept of lifetime). • The AddressBook class has three instance variables: name, numberOfEntries and updateDate. • It is always good practice to initialize variables when declared.
Local Variables and Blocks • A block (a compound statement) is the set of statements between a pair of matching curly braces • A variable declared inside a block is known only inside that block • It is local to the block, therefore it is called a local variable • When the block finishes executing, local variables disappear! • References to it outside the block will cause a compile error • Further, a variable name in Java can only be declared once for a method • So, although the variable does not exist outside the block, other blocks in the same method cannot reuse the variable's name • Warning: some other languages (e.g. C++) allow the variable name to be reused outside the local block.
More On Declaring Variables • Declaring variables at the method level (outside all blocks) makes them available within all the blocks • It is ok to declare loop counters in the Initializationfield of for loops, e.g. for(int i=0; i <10; i++)… • The Initialization field executes only once, when the for loop is first entered • However, avoid declaring variables inside loops • It takes time during execution to create and destroy variables, so it is better to do it just once for loops.
II. OOP - Encapsulation • Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the design of software using objects • More than just defining objects, OOP allows us to do certain things that reduce development time, reduce errors, and improve maintainability. • The first of these is the idea of “Encapsulation”. • Simply stated, encapsulation is the idea that you hide all of the details of your classes from the outside “user” (so they can’t mess it up).
Encapsulation II • In Encapsulation: • Classes protect their data (all instance variables are private) • Assess to data is only through methods (Accessor/Mutator) • (ex. public int getCount() ) • Most methods are private (public only when necessary) • Provides a public user interface so the user knows how to use the class • descriptions, parameters, and names of its public methods • the user cannot see or change the implementation
Your Book’s Encapsulation Diagram • Implementation: • Private instance variables • Private constants • Private methods • Bodies of public and private methods • Interface: • Comments • Headings of public methods • Public defined constants Programmer who uses the class A programmer who uses the class can only access the instance variables indirectly through public methods and constants.
III.-A. Revisit:Variable Scope • Let’s revisit the idea of scope for variables and methods. First, lets look at variables. • Recall, scope is the visibility (or accessibility) of something to other parts of your code. For variables:
Method Scope • A method’s scope is established using the modifier public or private before the methods type • Ex. public int getCount() • For methods:
III.-B. Revisit: Method Parameters (Pass-by-Address) • What does a Java variable hold? • It depends on the type of type, primitive type or class type • A primitive type variable holds the value of the variable • Class types are more complicated • they have methods and instance variables • A class type variable holds the memory address of the object • the variable does not actually hold the value of the object • In general, objects do not have a single value and they also have methods, so it does not make sense to talk about its "value"
Class Types as Method Parameters (Pass-by-value) • For object variable names used as arguments in methods, the address (not the value) is passed! • As a result, any action taken on the formal class type parameter in the method actually changes the original variable! • Two ways to protect class parameters • Don’t modify contents in a method • “Clone” the formal parameter inside the method
Example: Class Type as a Method Parameter //Class invocation AddressBook abFamily = new AddressBook(“Family", …); AddressBook abWork = new AddressBook(“Work”, …); … //Start by filling work address book with family addresses s1.makeEqual(s2); … … //In class AddressBook, method definition makeEqual // that copies contents of AddressBook object public void makeEqual(AddressBook otherObject) { otherObject.name = this.name; otherObject.numberOfEntries = this.numberOfEntries; otherObject.updateDate = this.updateDate; for (int i=1; i<this.numberOfEntries; i++) { <code that copies entries> } } • The method call makes otherObject an alias for s2, therefore the method acts on s2, the DemoSpecies object passed to the method! • This is unlike primitive types, where the passed variable cannot be changed.
Comments on Example • The call to method makeEqual makes otherObject an alias for abWork. • Therefore the method changes abWork, the object passed to the method. • This is unlike primitive types, where the passed variable cannot be changed. • Use of reserved word this • References the calling object
III.-C. Revisit: Object Assignment & Comparison • Now that we know that an object’s variable name holds the address of the object, we are ready to examine assignment of objects: • This transfers the address of abFamily to abWork. The net effect is that abWork now points to abFamily. • Any information in abWork prior to this assignment is lost after the assignment! //Class invocation AddressBook abFamily = new AddressBook(“Family", …); AddressBook abWork = new AddressBook(“Work”, …); … abWork = abFamily;
Comparing Class Variables • A class variable returns the memory address where the start of the object is stored. • If two class variables are compared using ==, it is the addresses, not the values that are compared! • This is rarely what you want to do! • Use the class's .equals() method to compare the values of class variables.
Example: Comparing Class Variables //User enters first string String firstLine = SavitchIn.readLine(); //User enters second string String secondLine = SavitchIn.readLine(); … //this compares their addresses if(firstLine == secondLine) { <body of if statement> } … //this compares the characters in the strings if(firstLine.equals(secondLine) //this compares their values { <body of if statement> }
IV. Putting It All Together – An AddressBook Class //****************************************************************************/ //* AddressBook.java //* //* This class represents an electronic address book that can store contact //* information. Standard actions include adding a contact, deleting a contact, //* finding a contact, and displaying a contact //* //* Author: S. Horton //* Date created: 09/05/03 //****************************************************************************/ // //Import Date class import java.util.Date; // //Start of class defintion // public class AddressBook { private final int MAX_ENTRIES = 100; //Fixed size limit of 100 private String BookName; private int numberOfEntries; private Date updateDate; private String[] names = new String[MAX_ENTRIES]; private String[] phones = new String[MAX_ENTRIES]; …
IV. Putting It All Together – An AddressBook Class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class constructor that sets up a new AddressBook. Input is the name of // the address book. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public AddressBook(String name) { BookName = name; updateDate.getTime(); numberOfEntries = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method to add an entry to address book. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addEntry(String entryName, String workPhone) { numberOfEntries += 1; if (numberOfEntries > MAX_ENTRIES) { numberOfEntries -= 1; System.out.println("Error: max entries="+ MAX_ENTRIES + " reached, " + "cant add entry!"); } else { names[numberOfEntries] = entryName; phones[numberOfEntries] = workPhone; updateDate.getTime(); } } …
IV. Putting It All Together – An AddressBook Class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method to delete an entry to address book. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void deleteEntry(String entryName) { // Code to search names array for entryName // If found, remove it and then bubble up names to fill hole // If not found print error message } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method to find and display an entry in address book. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void findEntry(String entryName) { // Code to search names array for entryName // If found, display it // If not found print error message } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method that copies contents of AddressBook object //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void makeEqual(AddressBook otherObject) { otherObject.BookName = this.BookName; otherObject.numberOfEntries = this.numberOfEntries; otherObject.updateDate = this.updateDate; for (int i=1; i<this.numberOfEntries; i++) { //code that copies entries } } }