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Praise the Eternal With A Psalm. Text: Psalm 81 Music: Dwight Armstrong. Page 42. Praise the E-ter-nal with a psalm; sing to the God of Ja-cob;. Verse 1 of 4. Raise the cho-rus, make a joy-ful noise; bring out the harp and tim-brel. Verse 1 of 4.
Praise the Eternal With A Psalm Text: Psalm 81 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 42
Praise the E-ter-nal with a psalm; sing to the God of Ja-cob; • Verse 1 of 4
Raise the cho-rus, make a joy-ful noise; bring out the harp and tim-brel. • Verse 1 of 4
Blow on the trum-pet, sound the drum,on our sol-emn feast day; • Verse 1 of 4
This is a stat-ute and a law which God has or-dained for Is-r'el. • Verse 1 of 4
"Hear, O my peo-ple, hear My voice;I will ad-mon-ish Is-r'el; • Verse 2 of 4
You shall have no oth-er, for-eign gods; I am the God who freed you. • Verse 2 of 4
When you were trou-bled you did call;I de-liv-ered Is-r'el.“ • Verse 2 of 4
God an-swer'd in the se-cret place; with thun-der He did com-mand them. • Verse 2 of 4
"I am the God who brought you out,out from the land of E-gypt; • Verse 3 of 4
Hear, O Is-r'el, o-pen wide your mouth; I sure-ly then will fill it." • Verse 3 of 4
But Is-ra-el would not heed God;they would have their own ways; • Verse 3 of 4
O, if they on-ly had o-beyed, their God would have sure-ly freed them. • Verse 3 of 4
Praise the E-ter-nal with a psalm; sing to the God of Ja-cob; • Verse 4 of 4
Raise the cho-rus, make a joy-ful noise; bring out the harp and tim-brel. • Verse 4 of 4
Blow on the trum-pet, sound the drum, on our sol-emn feast day; • Verse 4 of 4
This is a stat-ute and a law which God has or-dained for Is-r'el. • Verse 4 of 4
O God of Every Nation Text: William W. Reid, Jr. Music: Welsh folk melody; arr. D. Evans, 1865 Page 183
O God of ev-'ry na-tion, of ev-'ry race and land, • Verse 1 of 4
Re-deem the whole cre-a-tion with Your al-might-y hand; • Verse 1 of 4
Where hate and fear di-vide us and bit-ter threats are hurled, • Verse 1 of 4
In love and mer-cy guide us and heal our strife-torn world. • Verse 1 of 4
From search for wealth and pow-er and scorn of truth and right, • Verse 2 of 4
From trust in bombs that show-er de-struc-tion through the night, • Verse 2 of 4
From pride of race and sta-tionand blind-ness to Your way, • Verse 2 of 4
De-liv-er ev-'ry na-tion, E-ter-nal God, we pray. • Verse 2 of 4
Lord, strength-en those who la-bor that all may find re-lease • Verse 3 of 4
From fear of rat-tling sa-ber, from dread of war's in-crease; • Verse 3 of 4
When hope and cour-age fal-ter,Lord let Your voice be heard; • Verse 3 of 4
With faith that none can al-ter, Your ser-vants un-der-gird. • Verse 3 of 4
Keep bright in us the vi-sion of days when war shall cease, • Verse 4 of 4
When ha-tred and di-vi-sion give way to love and peace, • Verse 4 of 4
‘Til dawns the morn-ing glo-riouswhen peace on earth shall reign, • Verse 4 of 4
And Christ shall rule vic-to-ri-ous o'er all the world's do-main. • Verse 4 of 4
Seek You First the Kingdom of God TEXT: 1 Chronicles 28; Isaiah 55; Matthew 6:33;7:7 MUSIC: Ross Jutsum Page 150
Seek you first the King-dom of God and all His righ-teous-ness. • Verse 1 of 3
All these things He’ll add to you,and He will rich-ly bless. • Verse 1 of 3
Ask, and it shall be giv-en; seek, and you shall find; • Verse 1 of 3
Knock, and it shall be o-pened; our God is gra-cious and kind. • Verse 1 of 3
Seek you first the King-dom of God and all His righ-teous-ness. • Verse 1 of 3
All these things He’ll add to you, and He will rich-ly bless. • Verse 1 of 3
Serve the Lord with per-fect heart and with a will-ing mind. • Verse 2 of 3
Lis-ten now and do your part; seek Him and you shall find. • Verse 2 of 3
You, the Lord has cho-sen; do the Work; be strong; • Verse 2 of 3
Build your house for His tem-ple; to God sal-va-tion be-longs. • Verse 2 of 3
Serve the Lord with per-fect heart and with a will-ing mind. • Verse 2 of 3
Lis-ten now and do your part; seek Him and you shall find. • Verse 2 of 3
Seek the Lord while He may be found, and call while He is near. • Verse 3 of 3
Turn to Him, for-sake your way, and He will sure-ly hear. • Verse 3 of 3