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LHC - Open for Business

LHC - Open for Business. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNNZtpDYZBU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVfqZdzMff0. Nobel Prize 1985 for decisive contributions to the large project which discovered the W,Z boson at the UA1 experiment, CERN SPS. Carlo Rubbia Director General of CERN 1989-1994

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LHC - Open for Business

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  1. LHC - Open for Business http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNNZtpDYZBU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVfqZdzMff0 Nobel Prize 1985 for decisive contributions to the large project which discovered the W,Z boson at the UA1 experiment, CERN SPS. Carlo Rubbia Director General of CERN 1989-1994 At the end of 1991 Carlo Rubbia has been given the o.k to the project LHC ( Large Hadron Collider), the new super accelerator to develop power or millions of electron volts. According to the policy of Chinese boxes, LHC has been inserted into the same tunnel of LEP to improve the performances and the voltage to let Europe earn time and money, before the Americans that still have to build their SSC.

  2. E/s = 1010W = 1010J/s = 1017TeV/s = 108TeV/ns = 1020eV/1023atoms-ns = 1meV/collision-ns

  3. 7+7TeV

  4. CMS Site in Cessy, Fr

  5. RF Cavity 3 MV/m x 6m at 400 MHz Niobium on copper LHC Tunnel

  6. Luminosity = 1034cm-2s-1 N kb F(xy,z) n 

  7. Integrated Luminosity Estimates for '08-'09

  8. <-Sep 11

  9. 450GeV/c

  10. CMS Detector 4T Solenoid Calorimetry, ECAL/HCAL Tracker Muon Detection Magnetic Field Return Yoke


  12. CMS Pixel Detector p n Pixel size 200x200m2 jet 500m charm bottom top

  13. Simulated Event in Detector

  14. http://www.physics.ucdavis.edu/~chertok/CMS/FPIX_install/Site/FPIX_Install_-_Ricardos_G9.htmlhttp://www.physics.ucdavis.edu/~chertok/CMS/FPIX_install/Site/FPIX_Install_-_Ricardos_G9.html

  15. 8-21-08 17:00

  16. N= L .. Cross Section

  17. proton t t photon t gluon H top loop t gluon photon proton Higgs -->  Production

  18. H  

  19. Eta x Phi Plot of H -->  Event ECAL HCAL

  20. Mississippi QuarkNet Students Discover Higgs Boson h -->  mGeV/c2 h --> e e mGeV/c2 h --> j j j j mGeV/c2 h --> ll j j mGeV/c2 h --> e ee e mGeV/c2 X --> llll MTeV/c2

  21. September 9, 2008 Dear all, As you might have heard, yesterday evening, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, a 450 GeV beam was sent down the machine which was stopped by a set of collimators well before P5. The bunches were about 2e9 and the expected flux of secondaries were about 1e5. The whole tracker, both strips and pixels, was in STANDBY mode. By standby, we mean HV is OFF and LV is ON. We then found out that the temperature of the detector started to go up. After 30mins or so, we figured out that it was due to an increase in the LV digital current by about 0.5A. Wethen disabled the double columns and the current went back to almost the previous value (temperature also went down). We now understand that in STANDBY mode, we have to either disable the double columns or set the threshold of all pixels to be very high. DAQ experts will discuss how easy it is to switch from this STANDBY mode to the "ON" mode in a global run - Simon Kwan, CMS Pixel Detector Here's the History Channel's URL for a 1 hr program devoted to the LHC: http://www.history.com/shows.do?action=detail&episodeId=276858 LHC Rap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM

  22. ~1 m 0.3 m

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