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Security Management. Security Personnel Management. Hiring of Security Personnel. Bringing new people into the organization is one of the most important function of the security department. Steps in Hiring Security Personnel. Recruiting Activity. Entry Level Positions
Security Management Security Personnel Management
Hiring of Security Personnel Bringing new people into the organization is one of the most important function of the security department.
Recruiting Activity • Entry Level Positions A direct approach in advertising the fact that a vacancy exists is usually desirable. • Non-Entry Level Position The recruiting approach for skilled technical and managerial personnel is different from that for entry level positions. Rather than the direct, open approach the “Blind Ad” technique is recommended.
Interviewing Activity An applicant’s first contact with the company should be with the personnel department. Every applicant’s first interview should be with a personnel interviewer who will review the data on the application, making any corrections and clarifications as appropriate. The purpose of the interview is for the interviewer to determine if there is a match between the interests and qualifications of the applicant and the needs of the department.
Rules in Interview • Ask open-minded questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no. • Do not signal the answer. • Ask motivator-type questions. • Ask applicant what he likes to do most on the job. • Do no waste precious time “selling” your company or department. • At the conclusion of the interview, give the applicant a date that he can go by.
Selection of the Best Candidate To narrow down to the best candidate, the interviewer must understand the job for which he is recruiting. To discipline oneself in the interviewing and the selection process to look for the candidates with the best qualification regardless of their color, race, religion, sex, etc.
Background Investigation of the Applicant Checking the background of an applicant is a very important phase in the hiring process. A good portion of background checking is done by telephone, but in this case the investigator should get out from behind his desk and into the field talking to people about the candidate.
Job Offer Once the applicant has been chosen and screening is completed, we have come full circle back to the personnel department. The selected applicant application and the interviewers comment are reviewed. The salary and the starting date are agreed upon.
Training of Security Personnel Training is an educational, informative, skill development process that brings about anticipated performance through a change in comprehension and behavior.
Three Things That Management Wants the Employees to Know and Understand • What managements wants them to do. • Why managements wants to do it. • How management wants it done.
Training as Ongoing Responsibility The training function within the security organization should be continuous and ongoing .
Types of Security Programs • General Seminars • Interrogation Workshop • Testifying in Court Seminar • Report Writing Workshop • Supervisory Training
Meeting Organizational Needs The types of training programs are limited only by organizational needs. Organizational needs come down to people needs.
Security Training Manual A security training manual or handbook is an absolute essential and it must be updated on a regular basis.
Discipline Generally, the very word discipline evokes an emotional reaction on the part of employees at all level in the organization.
There are a number of dictionary definition of the work discipline: • Training that corrects, molds, or perfects. • Punishment. • Control gained by obedience or training. • Orderly conduct. • A system of rule governing conduct or practice. • To penalize for the sake of discipline. • To develop by instruction and exercise. • To bring a group under control. • To impose order upon.
Supervisor’s Role in Discipline Discipline is a responsibility which rests squarely on the supervisor’s shoulders. The supervisor who is fair and consistent in his treatment of employees will gain rather than lose respect through being firm and expecting conformity to the rules. Some supervisors make the mistake of believing that discipline is only directed at the inefficient worker. The supervisor who understand the employees psychological needs will generate less reactive hostility and consequently experience less resistance than the supervisor who approaches the employee with insensitivity and harsh tactics.
Disciplinary Problems Due to Misunderstood Assignment The assignment errors: • Instructions may not have been given in a logical order or sequence • The person giving the instruction may have spoken indistinctly or failed to use clear language • Instruction may have been too complicated
Suggestions to Follow in Giving Assignments • Know the assignment yourself • Do not assign work above the employee’s ability • Explain the purpose of the assignment so that the employee understands why he is being asked to do it • Request or suggest, do not demand • Give brief exact instruction with all of the necessary details, but not too much to confuse • Demonstrate if possible • Do not assume the employee understands. Have him reiterate the instructions
Do not watch every move, let the employee feel responsible • Let the employee know you are there if he needs assistance • Be certain these points have been covered • Who is to do it • What is to be done • Where it is to be done • When it is to be started and finished • How it is to be done • Why it is to be done
Basic Rules of the Disciplinary Process Rule #1 – Put rules in writing - Make certain employees understand the rule Rule #2 – Discipline in the privacy of an office - To the employee, being corrected for deficiencies in conduct or performance is a sensitive and frequently embarrassing experience Rule #3 – Be objective and consistent - Effective discipline condemns the act, not the person.
Rule #4 – Educate, do not humiliate - The concept here is to help, not to hurt employee who has failed to meet standards of conduct or performance. Rule #5 – Keep a file on all employee infractions - This is not to suggest that a negative dossier be maintained on each employee. Rather, documented incidents of past failures are a necessary and useful reference for repeated incidents. Rule #6 – Exercise discipline promptly - If corrective action is appropriate, then it must be handled immediately or on as timely a basis as possible.
Self-Discipline No supervisors can ever hope to discipline others effectively if he cannot discipline himself. Vanity. The supervisors who misuses authority will earn resentment instead of respect. Temper. Loss of temper may make him feel better for a while, but it will not improve his performance in handling people or assignments. Arguments. Most arguments are useless. Discussions, not arguments, produce agreement and cooperation.
Personal likes and dislikes. Nothing creates a better atmosphere than friendly recognition of subordinates on an equal basis. Work Habits. Subordinates cannot be expected to discipline themselves in terms of good work habits if the example set by management is one of poor work habits. Humility. The effective supervisor will never hesitate to acknowledge his own errors. He is not going to be right every time and the rest of organization knows it. He should not hesitate to ask others including subordinates for their opinion knowing that they may have some ideas better than his own.
Motivation and Morale What motivates one person may not motivate another. Motivators that are effective in one industry may be out of the question in another.
Douglas McGregor’s “X and Y Theory” Assumptions “Theory X” Assumptions - The average human being has inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can. “Theory Y” Assumptions - The average human being does not inherently dislike work. The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest.
The Autocratic Theory This theory has its roots deep in history, dating back to the Industrial Revolution. The theory is based on absolute power.
The Custodial Theory This theory depends upon company wealth to provide economic benefits for the employee.
The Supportive Theory This theory depends upon leadership.
Work Motivation Theory The theory y assumptions and the supportive theory of organizational behavior are the basis of an enlightened approach to motivation.
According to Dr. Herzberg motivators are the primary causes of satisfaction.
Responsibility as Motivator In the security environment, genuine responsibility is perhaps the most important motivator in an employee’s work.
Achievement as a Motivator Group and collective success is certainly important to the employee who is a member of a group.
Recognition of Achievement as a Motivator Rare is the person who is not motivated by a praise, flattery or any other complimentary form of recognition. To say well done goes a long way. Not to say sell done when it is due, goes a long way, too, but the wrong way.
Growth as a Motivator Growth is the consequence of expanding one horizons, increasing insight brought about by an ever–widening variety of experiences, gathering in new ideas, concepts and information, coping with new situation and problem.
Advancement as a Motivator Opportunities to move up in the organization must be clearly visible and, in the eyes of the individual, personally attainable. Advancement should be occurring throughout the organization from the interdepartmental promotion to advancement to supervisory posts in other department to managerial position in security department of corporate sister companies.
“Demotivators” • Never belittle a subordinate • Never criticize a subordinate in front of others • Never failed to give your subordinate your fill attention • Never give your subordinate the impression that you are preliminary concerned with your own interest • Never plays favorites • Never fail to help your subordinates grow • Never be insensitive to small things • Never show up employees • Never lower your personal standards
Promotions The objective of management is the promotion process is the identify to promote the best qualified candidate with the resultant general acceptance and approval of the promotion.
Identifying Promotional Candidates Two basic factor in selecting candidates for supervisory or managerial responsibility • The employees track record in job performance • The anticipated or expected performance in the high level job
Selection of the Right Candidate The Board, preferably three in number, should always have as member of successful candidate immediate superior, a person who will be a peer of the successful candidate, and someone from the higher rank above the successful candidate’s superior.
The board Interview The board should seek to enable the candidate to relax as much as possible after he has been ushered into the room. The same question ask the same way, should be put to each candidates.
Following the selection When a promotions follow the selection process described, the attitude of those candidates interviewed who did not get the promotion is usually one full acceptance of the decision and the appreciation for the opportunity to complete.
Promotion from Within The policy of promoting from within the security department should always be followed except when such policy would not serve the best interest of the organization.
Vertical Promotion Outside the Department Vertical movements breaths life, excitement and motivation into the organization.
Advantages of Multiple Layers The organizational advantages of multiple layers of rank in security could be compared to that in military service.
Temporary Promotions One way to measure the employee potential higher level of responsibility is to appoint him temporary to such post during natural absences of the regular supervisors like vacations and others.
Retreating No matter how careful an organization approaches the promotional process, mistakes in the selection are sometimes made.
Three courses of action available to management upon discovery that an employee has been promoted beyond his level of competence. • Permit the employee to continue performing in an incompetent fashion. • Terminate the incompetent employee. • Allow and arrange for a retreat back to the former rank.