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Vocabulary Project. By Tommi Davey and Megan Kern. Augment. To make larger; to enlarge in size, number, strength, or extent; increase. In the first picture you can see that the pile of items grows or becomes larger. Belabor.
Vocabulary Project By Tommi Davey and Megan Kern
Augment • To make larger; to enlarge in size, number, strength, or extent; increase
In the first picture you can see that the pile of items grows or becomes larger.
Belabor • To explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedly or more than is necessary
In this picture you can see Tommi explaining a book and pointing to it showing that she has gone over it many times.
Cajole • To persuade by flattery or promises; wheedle; coax
In this picture you can see Megan bribing Tommi to do something using money.
Credulous • To believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence; gullible
In this picture you can see Megan telling Tommi that 2+2=3. Even though that is not correct, Tommi believes her.
Dissention • Strong disagreement; a contention or quarrel; discord
In this picture you can see that Megan and Tommi disagree between what animal is better, cats or dogs. They both strongly agree that the other is wrong.
Erudite • Characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly
In this picture you can see Megan reading a nursing book which is a high level book to read. Making her a knowledgeable person.
Furtive • Taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret
In this picture you can see Tommi secretly stealing something from Dani’s pencil pouch without Dani knowing.
Incoherent • Without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling
In this picture you can see that a computer and highlighter have no relationship, thus showing incoherency.
Irascible • Easily provoked to anger; very irritable
In this picture you can see Kenny getting easily angered. He got angry because Megan asked him a simple question he thought was stupid.
Lament • To feel or express sorrow or regret for
In this picture you can see Megan is sad because she found out she didn’t get a good grade on a test.
Melancholy • Gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression
In this picture you can see a baby looking sad or in a gloomy state of mind.
Odious • Highly offensive; repugnant; disgusting
In this picture you can see Megan holding a diaper and her plugging her nose indicates that it’s smelly or odious.
Premeditative • To meditate, consider, or plan beforehand
In this picture you can see a girl meditating showing that she is in a premeditative state.
Query • A question; an inquiry
In this picture you can see a girl raising her hand to ask a question for the teacher.
Ravenous • Extremely hungry; famished; voracious
In this picture you can see that the girl is very happy to have food because she is very hungry.
Reprove • To prove again
In this picture you can see a math problem that was wrong but corrected to prove again that this is the right answer.
Sanction • Authoritative permission or approval;’ as for an action
In this picture you can see a kid asking permission to go to a friend’s house.
Sublime • Characterized by nobility; majestic. Of high spiritual, moral or intellectual work. Not to be excelled; supreme.
In this picture you can see the dog wearing the crown showing nobility.
Truant • Absent from school without permission
In this picture you can see a girl sleeping in and skipping school without permission.
Vulnerable • Capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon
In this picture you can see Megan holding her ankle because it is wounded or hurt and is a vulnerable spot.