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實證醫學競賽: CAT 摘要. 組別: A. 比賽題目. 58 歲,罹患第二型糖尿病的陳先生,因肝膿瘍合併敗血性休克住進加護病房治療。 你值班發現病人目前血糖值為 249 mg/dL CR 交待不要讓病人血糖低於 180 ,以免發生低血糖; 但新陳代謝科醫師建議血糖要 keep 在 110 以下 ICU 護理人員問你:「請問病人的血糖要如何控制比較好呢?」. 臨床問題. P: Type II DM, liver abcess, septic shock, ICU, adult I: Glycemic control below 180mg/dl
實證醫學競賽: CAT 摘要 組別:A
比賽題目 • 58歲,罹患第二型糖尿病的陳先生,因肝膿瘍合併敗血性休克住進加護病房治療。 • 你值班發現病人目前血糖值為249 mg/dL • CR交待不要讓病人血糖低於180,以免發生低血糖; • 但新陳代謝科醫師建議血糖要keep在110以下 • ICU護理人員問你:「請問病人的血糖要如何控制比較好呢?」
臨床問題 • P: Type II DM, liver abcess, septic shock, ICU, adult • I: Glycemic control below 180mg/dl • C:Glycemic control below 110mg/dl • O:Duration of hospital stay, morbidity, mortality, major complications
問題類型 • ✓治療 • □診斷 • □傷害 • □預後
訂定 PICO • P: Sepsis, hyperglycemic adult • I: Tight blood glucose control(≤110) • C: Moderate or no control of blood glucose • O: Mortality Rate
資料庫來源 • Pubmed- search abstracts • OVID- full text articles
搜尋之關鍵字 • “Blood glucose”[MeSH Terms] AND • “Sepsis”[MeSH Terms]
搜尋之歷程 • 於Pubmed用“Blood glucose”[MeSH Terms] AND “Sepsis”[MeSH Terms]搜尋: • 未限制條件時=584篇文章 • 限制條件: English, All adult 共101篇
文獻研讀:第1篇 • 題目及出處:Benefits and Risks of Tight Glucose Control in Critically Ill Adults:JAMA. 2008;300(8):933-944 • 研究設計:Meta-analysis • 研究結果分析: • Randomized controlled trials totaling 8432 patients contributed data for this meta-analysis. • There was also no significant difference in mortality when stratified by glucosegoal ([1] very tight:110 mg/dL; 23% vs 25.2%; RR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.77-1.04; or[2] moderately tight: 150 mg/dL; 17.3% vs 18.0%; RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.83-1.18) orintensive care unit setting ([1] surgical: 8.8% vs 10.8%; RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.63-1.22;
文獻研讀:第1篇 • 研究結果分析(續): • Tight glucose control was not associated with significantly decreased risk for new need for dialysis (11.2% vs 12.1%; RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.76-1.20), but was associated with significantly decreased risk of septicemia (10.9% vs 13.4%; RR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.59-0.97), and significantly increased risk of hypoglycemia(glucose 40 mg/dL; 13.7% vs 2.5%; RR, 5.13; 95% CI, 4.09-6.43). • 結論:A statistically significantassociation with reduction insepticemia, the reduction may have beenin less severe episodes of septicemia,given the lack of an associated reductionin hospital mortality.
文獻研讀:第2篇 題目: Blood glucose control in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock 出處: World J Gastroenterol. 2009 September 7; 15(33): 4132–4136. Published online 2009 September 7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.15.4132. 研究設計: Systemic review/meta-analysis
結論: • It is now suggested that tight glycemic control with a target blood glucose level of 90-110 mg/dL does not improve clinical outcome. • Less strict glycemic control with a target blood glucose level of 140-180 mg/dL is more effective.
如何應用於臨床? • 將實證應用到臨床時,你會如何建議? • 在因敗血症而入加護病房的病人,過度的血糖控制(小於110mg/dl)對病人預後並沒有明顯的好處,而血糖控制在110-150之間對病人相對有較大的好處
可能出現之困境或陷阱 • 臨床應用是否會遭遇困境或有哪些陷阱? • 目前的研究並沒有針對敗血症做血糖 • 目前的研究,血糖控制較不偏向於將血糖做嚴格的控制,較偏向於將血控控制在較高的level,但並沒有明確的Glucose level
參考資料 pubmed