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Sept. 6 th -Sept. 9 th. in. M r s . F a i r r e l; s F i r s t G r a d e. S P E L L I N G W O R D S. I M P O R T A N T D A T E S. Words with -ck. September 7 th -SCRIP Orders Due September 8 th -Room Parent Meeting 9:00 September 12 th -Progress Reports Go Home
Sept. 6th-Sept. 9th in Mrs.Fairrel;sFirstGrade SPELLING WORDS IMPORTANTDATES Words with -ck September 7th-SCRIP Orders Due September 8th-Room Parent Meeting 9:00 September 12th-Progress Reports Go Home September 15th-PTO Meeting at 9:30 Jet’s Spirit Night September 22nd –School Council Meeting September 26th- 30th-BOOK FAIR pick…quick sick…brick pack…quack big…twig tack…track in…prince back…knack hold…scold sack…stack so…sew RobustVocabulary High Frequency Words politely pouted ambled considerate routine unexpected WHAT ARE WE LEARNING? late oh yes Reading: Beginning, Middle, and End Math: Just the Facts: Addition and Subtraction to 10 Grammar: Telling Parts of Sentences Writing: Caption Sentences and Ideas Science: Weather Phonics: Digraphs -ck We are in need of white paint. CLASSROOM INFO. Scholastic Orders were due September 2nd. Please send in ASAP if you would like to place an order. Extra!! Extra!!ReadAll AboutIt!! Please take the survey below to give your input on budget cuts for the 2012-2013 school year. You will have to copy and paste the link into your server. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FY2013BUDGET