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Welcome to Grade 12 Exercise Science! PSE 4U. A little bit about your teacher. Named most outstanding athlete in Windsor during high school Played/Coached soccer at McMaster for 5 years (captain, OUA first team, assistant coach 2004, 2005 ), Played volleyball at McMaster
Welcome to Grade 12 Exercise Science! PSE 4U
A little bit about your teacher... • Named most outstanding athlete in Windsor during high school • Played/Coached soccer at McMaster for 5 years (captain, OUA first team, assistant coach 2004, 2005), Played volleyball at McMaster • Graduated with Honours B.Sc. in Kinesiology, minor in Philosophy • Nearly completed a Masters degree in Molecular Biology • Donated a kidney to his brother, and then had testicular cancer • All of this is secondary to being a husband, a father, and a teacher
How to contact Mr. Del Duca • By email: ddelduca@wellingtoncdsb.ca • In person: Health and Physical Education Office (in the gym) • By Phone: 519. 822.8502 ext. 229 or 326 • Via website: • http://delduca.weebly.com
My Website… • Using this tool, students will have access to course materials: notes, assignments, extra resources, homework assignments • Students are expected to check this website regularly, and use it to see what is missed when absent from class
PSE 4U What to expect this semester...
Course Philosophy • This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems, factors, and principles involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sports, and the factors that influence an individual’s participation in physical activity. The course prepares students for university programs in physical education, kinesiology, recreation, and sports administration
Strands and Overall Expectations: By the end of the course students will: #1 The Biological Basis of Movement • describe the structure and function of the body and of physiological principles relating to human performance • demonstrate an understanding of biomechanical principles related to improving movement • demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which nutrition and training principles affect human performance #2 Motor Development • demonstrate an understanding of individual differences in performance, growth, and development • demonstrate an understanding of the principles of motor learning #3 Physical Activity and Sports in Society • describe the evolution of physical activity and sports • analyse the relationship of society and culture to sports and physical activity
Unit Timelines and Evaluation ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION Knowledge and Understanding 40% Thinking/Inquiry/Problem Solving 20% Applications/Making Connections 30% Communications 10%
Evaluation continued • Term work (70%) • Unit tests (30%), portfolio assignments (20%), final project (15%), class marks (5%) • Culminating activities (30%) • Final exam (20%), Independent Study Essay (10%) • These values are estimates, and may change throughout the semester
Exercise Science Workbook • Associated with the course textbook is a student workbook that all students are expected to use throughout the semester. Some activities will be for homework, whereas others will be submitted as assignments.
Semester Outlook • February • Anatomical terminology, bones, bone and muscle physiology • March • Muscles, muscle physiology, joints and sport injuries, 1st portfolio assignment due • April • Energy systems and Cardio-Respiratory Physiology • May • Nutrition and Supplementation, Human Performance, begin final project, 2nd portfolio assignment due, UofG Trip • June • final project analysis due, final exam
Portfolio Assignments • This assignment is to be a collection of TWO pieces of student work that show growth and development during the course. The student is to demonstrate continuing progress in understanding course material and in maturity of organization, initiative, responsibility, and presentation of material in each assignment. The pieces of work are to be extensions of the course content. Each portfolio will be on a prescribed format set by the student, but no two portfolios may have the same format. Conferencing with your teacher is strongly encouraged in order to stay focused on the material and to assist with any problems. The due dates indicate the last possible date that can be submitted for each portfolio item on the contract, but contract items may be handed in at any time prior to the due date. • The evaluation will be based on the successful completion of each assignment to meet the expectations. Please see separate assessment sheets for the portfolios.
Portfolio Options • Anatomy and Physiology • Construct a synovial joint • Sport specific muscle portfolio • Muscle flash cards • Poster board on bone health/benefits of exercise on bone growth during adolescence • Sport Nutrition, Exercise Performance and Motor Development • Skill analysis of a sport • Help/assist coach a team • Teach a skill to a junior HPE class • Take a first aid, technical sport or coaching certification course
Specific Course Policies • 1. A student MISSING A TEST for a valid reason MUST write the make-up the day he/she returns or, depending on the discretion of the teacher, other arrangements may be made. Either a phone call from a parent/guardian/student on the day of the test, or a note upon return indicating an awareness of a missed test, will validate the absence. A student knowing in advance that he/she will miss a test, for a valid reason, MUST inform the teacher well in advance so other arrangements can be made. A student failing to follow these procedures may get a “ZERO” recorded. • 2. All assignments are due at the START OF THE CLASS and must be handed directly to the teacher. The same policy applies to late assignments. • 3. All tests must be written in blue ink and assignments MUST be typed with a proper title page. • 4. The class textbook, workbook and a notebook must be available for every class. Notes are to be neat, complete and in order. All handouts are to be inserted. • 5. You are responsible for any notes or handouts missed due to an absence since your absence does not excuse you from the material/topic covered that day. • 6. Each student is expected to take care of the course textbook EXERCISE SCIENCE. If a textbook is lost it will cost $80.00 to receive another one. • 7. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED UP TO FIVE SCHOOL DAYS (INCLUSIVE) AFTER THE DUE DATE.
My Expectations… • Come to class prepared and ready to work • Arrive on time and in uniform • Respect classmates at all times • Use class time wisely to ensure you keep up with course material • Complete homework regularly • Take ownership for personal schedule and manage time effectively/wisely • Open communication with teacher • Respect course materials (texts, models, etc.) • Adhere to all due dates • Be a good human being (even if you aren’t a morning person)
Get to know one another… Nose Jousting tournament!
Get to know you… • Fill out the student information sheet provided
What is ki-nee-see-ol-uh-jee? • [Gk, kinesis = movement + logos= study of/science], the scientific study of muscular activity and the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the movement of body
Basically… • Kinesiology is the study of human movement, and its goal is to discover strategies for human health and performance. The work of kinesiologists benefits all those who move, including high-performance athletes, people suffering from chronic injury or disease, and those wanting to improve their overall physical health.
An applied, multi-disciplinary SCIENCE… • Kinesiology is a multidisciplinary science encompassing anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, psychomotor behaviour, and social and cultural factors. • It is this multidisciplinary approach to movement and human performance that makes Kinesiology an important contributor to health and wellness, as well as to high performance sport.
Where can an education in kinesiology, human kinetics, or physical education get you? Brainstorm with the people around you…
Good luck and have a great semester! • Homework • Course outline signed and returned • Read pp. 2-7 from text • Complete exercises from chapter 1 in workbook