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To apply for funding . SOPHIE HYDEN PICASSO, Karin langborger and Tina Trollås, Research services. Structure of the Presentation. Research Services Funders and calls for application The application The evaluation Research Professional and the Research Timesaver. Research Services.
To apply for funding SOPHIE HYDEN PICASSO, Karin langborger and Tina Trollås, Research services
Structure of the Presentation • Research Services • Funders and calls for application • The application • The evaluation • Research Professional and the Research Timesaver
Organisation of central administration at Lund University Research Services
EU Framework Programmes and US federal funding bodies: AnneliWiklander Karin Langborger RagnaEhrenstråhle KjellJosefsson Sophie Hydén Picasso Teresia Rindefjäll Swedish funding bodies: Birgitta Larsson Tina Trollås Magnus Edblad Research communication: Lisa Thelin Bodil Malmström Elisabet Jonsson Research studies, LERU network: Cecilia Gagné University-wide research database project: Karolina Widell Head of unit: Klas Malmqvist Research Services – Forskningsservice
Research Services areas of activity Research funding: help to increase the University’s revenue for research and promote the University’s interests in these contexts Research strategic decisions: Secretary and rapporteur in the university-wide Research Board. Close collaboration with LU leadership Research communication: support and encourage the development of LU’s research communication; organise events such as Innovation in Mind Support for research studies: support for quality enhancement of education of PhD students, business intelligence, etc. Research database:procurement and implementation of a university-wide research database Management support: compile factual information, draft consultation responses, participate in benchmarking, process research-related matters
Research Services target groups Research funding: researchers, administrators, all levels of management Research communication: researchers, research communication officers, the public, partners Support for research studies: Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Education Board Committee for Third-Cycle Education, PhD students Research database:researchers, all levels of management, the public, partners Management support: management at all levels of the University
Support for applicationsto Swedish fundingagencies Whatapplications? University-wideapplications Wallenberg Foundations Vice-Chancellor as principal applicant or signatory ofthe letter of support Whathelp is provided? Information on announcements Seminars and workshops Time plan and facilitation Formalities Budget Commentson projectdescription Vice-Chancellor’sendorsement
The Wallenberg Foundations For more information – visit: http://www.wallenberg.com/
Swedish Research Council (VR) • When Vice Chancellor’ssignature is required: • Research Schools • Cooperationwith China • Infrastructure • Equipment of national interest • Large data bases • Management ofinfrastructure
Support for applications to EU and international funding bodies • Support from application to project completion • Dissemination of information on current calls • Courses, seminars (researchers and administrators) • Help with formalities • Budget calculations • Assistance with parts of application (e.g. management, impact) • Help with contract negotiations and contract signing • Training in project management (for administrators) • Support funding when LU researchers coordinate collaborative projects: - Planning grants (SEK 50 000) - Coordination grants (SEK 100 000 / SEK 200 000) • Mediate contact with other units as necessary, e.g. contract lawyers and innovation system
The EuropeanFrameworkProgramme Cooperation Collaborative research 32,4 B € Ideas - ERC Individual Research Grants 7,5 B € People Researcher Mobility 4,7 B € Capacities Support to research 4,2 B €
Horizon 2020 Nextframeworkprogramme (2014-2020) Three priorities: • Excellent Science (31% of budget) • Industrial Leadership(22,7%) • SocietalChallenges (40%) & EuropeanInstituteof Innovation and Technology (EIT) Joint Research Centres, Euroatom
All projectsfinanced by MC grants must advertisetheir positions at thiswebsite. Thiswebsite is usefulifyouwishtofind a position withclosecooperationwithindustry. Each EU memberstate has its national-specific information in the Euraxess portal, which is veryusefulifyouwishtoapply for a position in a certain country. http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm
Information • Newsletter. Sign up by emailingSophie.Hyden_Picasso@fs.lu.se • Sendlists for different thematic areas. Sign up by emailingus at Research Services • Information meetings tailoredto research groups/departmentsneeds. • Research Services answersquestions from all researchers and administrators at Lund University.
Tools administered by Research Services • Newsletter Forskningsnytt – Research FundingNews • reSearch for the Future • Research Timesaver (Forskningsguiden): a databasewith administrative information on LU, internal rules for certainfundingagencies, templates egcommunication plans, instructions on howtohandleethicalissuesetc • Research Professional: fundingopportunities. Possibilitytopersonaliseaccountwithfundingnotices by email. • www.researchprofessional.com
Improve your chancesofgettingfunding – strategies • Joinnetworks – local, national, international • Identifyfundingopportunities • Match the research to the call for applications • Look at previoussuccessfulapplications • Writing a goodapplicationrequirespractice – start learningalready as a doctoral student
Identifying a funder – find a call for applications • Ask yourcolleagues • Contact Research Services for calls within the EU frameworkprogramme and the Wallenberg Foundations • Research Professional • Acknowledgements in articles
Matching the research to the call for application • Make sure that the project is what the funder wants to fund • Findoutwhat the funder valueshighly • Basic research? • Applied research? • Boundary-crossing research? • Benefits to society? • Cooperation partners? • Dissemination of results? • Innovation?
Writing applications for funding • Different from writing an article • Part ofacademiclife • Plan ahead • Yourfunding ID is part ofyourtrack record • Preparetofail
Process the idea and the application • Start in goodtime! • Ask colleagues/mentors for reactionsto the idea at an earlystage • Allowothersto read the application and give feedback in the courseofwriting • Ask someonewithexperienceofevaluatingapplicationsto read and comment on yourapplication • Read, analyse and follow the instructions in detail, e.g. in the outline • Be concrete. Show that the project is feasible
Whatshould an applicationcontain? • Candifferbetweenfundingagencies, but in general: • Research questions and objectives • Review of previous research • Theory and methodology • Expectedresults • Budget and CVs
Preparing an application - practicalities • Start in goodtime! • Preliminary data? • Permission? • Forms? • Language? • Electronic submission – whatfilesize is allowed? Format? • Who shouldsign? • Doublecheck the deadline • Submittwodaysbefore deadline toavoid problems with web portals • Get help from the Research Timesaver
A uniqueapplication • Check that no similar projects have been carried out previously • Link to previous related studies if there are any • Find your niche! Position in relation to other studies – what is uniqueabout this project?
Basics of a goodapplication • Follow the instructions in detail! • Use the headingsindicated in the call • Structure the application in a comprehensiblemanner • Use simple and clearlanguage • Emphasise key sentences in the text (italics, bold) • Leteachparagraphhave a clearmessage. Onethought – oneparagraph • Don’tboreevaluators with toomuchbackground information – capturetheirinterest from the veryfirstparagraph on the first page!
Bad start B1.1 Concept and objectives Currently, concrete is the mostfrequentlyused (approx. 6 billion m3 annually) material out of all thosecreated by man, and second only to water in the entire group of materials. Evenifconcrete is not considered the mostimportant material, it consumes 20 billion tonnes of aggregate and, irretrievably, 800 m3 of water (approx. 5% of total water consumption), as well as 500 billion MJ of energy. At the same time, the cement industrygenerates 5-7% of global CO2 emissions. Future development of the industry, whichconsumes so muchenergy and materials, cannotremainunimportant for any society. Simultaneously, concreteconstitutes a response to the basicneeds of society and andconcretestructureshavebecome a permanent element of the landscape. (…) The aim of the project is to improve the performance as well as in-service life of materials and structures in extreme conditions.
Good start B2.1. Concept and objectives B2.1.1 Introduction This 48-month projectwill be focused on materials research, the development of new piezoelectric materials, and electrode materials to be used for manufacturing actuatorstailored for high reliability under extreme conditions and environments: humidity and high stress. Piezoelectricactuators are used in an increasingnumber of applicationsdue to their unlimited resolution, compactness, high efficiency, fast response time and high force capabilitycompared to electro-magneticactuators. A verysuccessfulapplication is the replacement of magneticactuators for diesel fuelinjection. For this application, piezoelectricactuators offer a 10 timesshorterresponse time and muchbetter combustioncontrol, saving of fuel, reduction of emissions and more power. In the future it is anticipated that piezoelectricactuatorswill as well be applied for gasoline engines for for all automotiveengines, provided that reliability and costrequirements can be satisfied.
Good start STATE OF THE ART AND OBJECTIVES: Cardiovasculardisease (CVD) is a major cause ofmorbidity and mortality in Europe. By taking advantage of great experience in genetic and cardiovascular epidemiology (Figure 1) (1-7), some of the largest cohorts in the world with linked DNA and plasma biobanks (Table 1) and long clinical experience of CVD and metabolic medicine, the applicant and his team aim to reduce CVD incidence in the population by (1) improving CVD risk prediction and (2) identifyingmechanisms causally related to CVD development in order to provide novel targets for drug discovery and targeted life style interventions for use in primary prevention. FIGURE 1
Project budgeting • What are the conditions for the application? • The work and efforts described in the application has to be reflected in the budget • Try to use actual cost estimations • Involve your department’s financial administrator • Some budget templates are available at Research Services upon request • Cost estimates (fullkostnadskalkyl) must be done for all grant applications at LU • The head of department must approve of the budget before the application is submitted
Evaluation – for whom are you writing? • To write a goodapplication, you need to understand the evaluationprocedure In general: • First check that the applicationmeets the formal requirements, e.g. number of pages • The evaluator reads and grades, i.e. he/she is the key person! • The evaluator reports to a board/committeewhichdecideswhichprojects are to be funded
The evaluator • An active researcher • Often an expert in the field, but not always • Reads and evaluates at the same time as he/she is conductinghis/herown research
Satisfying the evaluator • Understand the evaluator’s situation • Make his/her work as simple and enjoyable as possible • Findouthow the evaluator reads your application – whatinstructions has he/shereceived?
EvaluationcriteriaTheSwedishResearch Council Graded on a scale from 1-7: • Noveltyand originality • Scientific quality of the proposed research • Merits ofapplicant(s) • Feasibility (graded 1-3)
Evaluation criteria – Project ERC Starting grant – FP7 Research Project 1.0 (Non-competitive) 1.5 2.0 (Very Good) 2.5 3.0 (Excellent) 3.5 4.0 (Outstanding) Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research project - To what extent does the proposed research address important challenges? - To what extent are the objectives ambitious and beyond the state of the art (e.g. novel concepts and approaches or development across disciplines)? - How much is the proposed research high risk/high gain? Scientific approach - To what extent is the outlined scientific approach feasible? - To what extent is the proposed research methodology appropriate to achieve the goals of the project? - To what extent does the proposal involve the development of novel methodology? - To what extent are the proposed timescales and resources necessary and properly justified (based on scientific proposal)?
Evaluation criteria – CV ERC Starting grant – FP7 Principal Investigator 1.0 (Non-competitive) 1.5 2.0 (Very Good) 2.5 3.0 (Excellent) 3.5 4.0 (Outstanding) • The PI has demonstrated the abilitytopropose and conductground-breaking research and his/herachievementshavetypicallygonebeyond the state-of-the-art • The PI provides abundant evidenceofcreative independent thinking • The ERC grant willcontributesignificantlyto the establishmentand/or furtherconsolidationof the PI’sindependence • The PI is stronglycommittedto the project and demonstrates the willingnessto devote a significantamountoftimeto the project (min 50% of the total workingtime) based on scientificproposal
The Research Timesaver and Research Professional • www.lu.se