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Valgamaa-Pihkva. Madis Gross Rainer Kuutma 26.04.2007. Euregio Pskov-Livonia. Eesti-Vene-Läti piirialade koostöönõukogu moodustati aastal 1996 (3 Eesti maakonda, 4 Läti rajooni, 4 Pihkva oblasti rajooni) 2003 detsember reorganiseeritakse euroregiooniks
Valgamaa-Pihkva Madis Gross Rainer Kuutma 26.04.2007
Euregio Pskov-Livonia • Eesti-Vene-Läti piirialade koostöönõukogu moodustati aastal 1996 (3 Eesti maakonda, 4 Läti rajooni, 4 Pihkva oblasti rajooni) • 2003 detsember reorganiseeritakse euroregiooniks • Igas riigis oma organisatsioon, mille igapäevast tegevust korraldab tegevdirektor • Kogu tegevust koordineerib ühine nõukogu • Presiidium. Rotatsioon 2 aastat. Praegu Pihkva oblast
MTÜ Euregio Pskov-Livonia • Valga, Võru ja Põlva maakonnad (st omavalitsuste liidud ja maavalitsused) • Tänavu iga osanik panustab 25000 krooni • Juhatuses esindatud 3 maakonna OVL • Tegevuse sisu osalemine projektides. Nt: -Interreg IIIA ühisprojekt “Puuetega inimeste piiriülese koostöövõrgustiku loomine” - Interreg IIIB projekt “Baltic Tangent” - Phare CBC “Piiriülese koostöö struktuuride loomine ja informatsiooni edastamise süsteemide parendamine”
BEN Project WP2(targeted capacity building for specific regions) • Seminar 1, Task 2.5; in Spizino, Gdov district, Pskov region. September 20-22, 2006 • Seminar 2, Task 2.7; in Valga, Estonia. May 2-5, 2007
Seminar 1 • Historical overview of the development of Estonian self-government • Election system in Estonia • Decision making on the level of local authorities • Forming of a local budget • Solving of some local authorities’ technical issues including water supply, sewerage, heating etc issues
Seminar 2 • May 2-5,2007 • Seminar days May 3 and 4 • 09.30 – 13.30 Seminar • 13.30 – 14.30 Lunch • 14.30 – 17.00 Study visits • 18.00 – 22.00 Sightseeing with dinner
Seminar 2, Day 1, Seminar topics • Opening of the seminar • Synopsis of the seminar held at Spizino, • Administrative system in Estonia, • Educational system in Estonia, kindergartens, nurseries and pre-school, basic school and secondary school, vocational schools, • Social welfare and health care system in Estonia, • Sports and leisure
Seminar 2, Day 1 Study visits + sightseeing, • Social welfare and health care (Valga Hospital, the family doctors’ centre, the activation centre, home for the elderly, etc) • Institutions of culture (the culture house, the library, the museum, the stadium, the sports hall) • Educational establishments (the Russian Gymnasium, a basic school, a kindergarten) • Sightseeing in Otepää area including dinner at Otepää
Seminar 2, Day 2, Seminar topics • Estonian experience in privatisation of living space, • Organisation and work of apartment associations in blocks of flats, • Solutions in Valga County concerning public water supply, sewerage, distance heating and refuse management, • Work with information on the regional and local, • Provision with internet service in the countryside, • Support to entrepreneurship
Seminar 2, Day 2, Seminar topics • Public technical service in Valga (Valga water purification centre, Valga waste water treatment plant, Valga central boiler-house, etc) • Public technical service in the countryside (a rural water supply network, a rural sewerage treatment plant, a boiler house) • Local mass media (the Valgamaalane newspaper, Radio “Ruut”, etc) • Sightseeing in Tõrva-Helme area including dinner at Taagepera Castle