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Argentina. By: Imad, Jonathan. Pre-Columbian Era. Before the Europeans arrived to Argentina, Argentina had a population of 100,000 people. They were all natives. The start of Argentina. Argentina first began when the Spanish chroniclers came back in 1516.
Argentina By: Imad, Jonathan
Pre-Columbian Era • Before the Europeans arrived to Argentina, Argentina had a population of 100,000 people. • They were all natives.
The start of Argentina • Argentina first began when the Spanish chroniclers came back in 1516. • The Spanish in 1776 started to create small territories in Argentina. • These territories soon became independent which slowly formed Argentina. Argentina before the declaration of independence
Argentina’s Independence • In 1516 Juan De Solis arrived at River Plate. He was soon killed by natives. Following him was Sebastion Cabot an explorer from Spain who reached River Plate in 1526. • In 1536 Pedro de Mendoza built a fort after an expedition. They were soon forced to leave because of hostile natives • In 1580 the southern part of Argentina was given to the natives Pedro de Mendoza
Argentina’s Independence • The British attempted to capture Buenos Aires 2 times. One time in 1806 and another time in 1807 • In the 19th century after Napoleon was conquering countries Spain started to lose connections with Argentina • An Argentinean military team called “Junta” was created Argentina in May 25, 1810 • Soon after in 1811 an Argentinian living in Spain named Jose San Martin came to Argentina to fight for their independence • A war for independence was soon started it lasted from 1810-1818. It ended when Argentina won their independence with the last battle of Maipu.
Creation of Argentinian Flag • Manuel Belgrano a military soldier was proudly the creator of the first flag. The flag was created to determine if the soldier was one of them or a foe. Though it did not look exactly like the flag now a days. For example the sun was first added in 1818. The original flag he created was only 2 strips of blue and one strip of white in the middle. • The flag was claimed officially in July 20 1816 by Argentina
Progress of Argentina • In 1835 the first dictator of Argentina was announced as General Juan Manuel de Rosas. • He built a strong central government but was removed from government in 1852 • In 1857 the first railroad in Argentina was built • In 1900 Argentina exported a lot of grain, wool, and meat so soon became the richest country in South America • Argentina blasted in population after Italian and Spanish immigrants started coming to Argentina and reached 4 million people First Railway
About Park Tower Hotel • Park tower hotel in Buenos Aires is located in the heart of city. It is very well known for awing décor and gracefulness. Also for its amazing activities. • Park tower hotel is not just known for the awing décor, gracefulness, and amazing activities, it is also known for its excellent service. Park tower hotel has a concierge that attends to all your needs for 24 hours a day. The guest may dine in their room if they prefer and there is a service with butlers on every floor of the hotel. • The hotel has a total of 181 rooms and 23 floors. The terrace rooms give spectacular city views. Each room comes with amazing Italian marble bathrooms. • Park tower hotel is a 5 star hotel.
Activities in Argentina • In there are a lot of activities around the hotel. You can go to a lot of good restaurants. There is Las Nazarenas, El Salmon, and The Kikinney. • There are also many malls for souvenirs, clothers, etc. A few malls around the hotel are Liberia Tarradellas, and Buenos Aires polo. • Malls and restaurants are not all there is also an opera theatre called Teatro Colon. • These Activities can keep you entertained for hours!
Attractions in Argentina • A beautiful attraction in Argentina is the Ibera Wetlands. A wild exotic place that is amazing for tourists to visit • Mendoza Wine Regions is one of Argentina’s big wine making industry. It’s an amazing landscape and very interesting. • Monte Fitz Roy is an amazing snowy mountain it is 11,073 ft high. Its is preferable for photographers • Las Leñas a snowy mountain good for skiing
More Attractions in Argentina • The Iguazu waterfalls is one of the biggest waterfalls in the world. It is on the frontier of Argentina and Brazil • The obelisco in Buenos Aires is a very tall pole like figure that is placed in the middle of an avenue called 9 de Julio in Buenos Aires.
Bibliography • http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.calahorra.info/pics/rodrigo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.calahorra.info/uk/calahorra2.html&h=284&w=219&sz=23&tbnid=RrOsmSeqNUX5xM:&tbnh=82&tbnw=63&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpedro%2Bde%2Bmendoza%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=pedro+de+mendoza&usg=__Ou1QA3ivQU07DwfLNkeDLwuld30=&docid=q67NkPshP36jYM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=seTuUIq9LOSc2QWw7oH4Dg&sqi=2&ved=0CIEBEP4dMAs • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FerroCarrilOeste001.JPG • http://latinamericanhistory.about.com/od/independenceinargentina/a/Biography-Of-Jose-De-San-Martin10_2.htm • http://www.starwoodhotels.com/luxury/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=233 • http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=teatro+colon+buenos+aires&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&biw=1517&bih=783&tbm=isch&tbnid=m_IdcOEn9nqQ3M:&imgrefurl=http://alojargentina.com/blog/visitando_buenos_aires/tag/teatro-colon/&docid=WTlLe4URM0SlFM&imgurl=http://alojargentina.com/blog/visitando_buenos_aires/files/2010/05/22teatro-colon2.jpg&w=1772&h=1326&ei=9UXzUJyyFqPI2gX-tIHQAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=4&sig=107558887333080843230&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=207&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:91&tx=124&ty=116 • http://trendszine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/teatro_colon_468787_t0.jpg • http://img.vacaciones-turismo.com.ar/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/las_lenas_03.jpg • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-96YOxUb476I/TjvU71DdRKI/AAAAAAAAMCo/OmKpHOdufr8/s1600/BXK5316_cataratas-do-iguacu-montagem800.jpg