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Mark. MARK. Why Four Gospels? Four Portraits of Jesus Christ. The Author.
Why Four Gospels? Four Portraits of Jesus Christ
The Author Marcus was a Roman name, and a very common one, and yet we have no reason to think, but that he was by birth a Jew; but as Saul, when he went among the nations, took the Roman name of Paul, so he of Mark, his Jewish name perhaps being Mardocai
The Gospel of Mark opens with the “Galilean Ministry” of Jesus
2 Timothy 4:11 Paul commends Mark: Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful (profitable) to me in my ministry.
Authorship Mark wrote this gospel under the direction of St. Peter, and that it was confirmed by his authority. St. Jerome said that, after the writing of this gospel, he went into Egypt, and was the first that preached the gospel at Alexandria, where he founded a church, to which he was a great example of holy living.
Mark’s narrative does not proclaim so early as those of Matthew and Luke do, from the birth of our Savior, but from John’s baptism, from which he soon passes to Christ’s public ministry.
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) 1.) Introduction (v. 1) 2.) The ministry of John (vv. 2-8) 3.) The baptism of Jesus (vv. 9-10) 4.) The temptation of Jesus (vv. 12-13) 5.) The preaching of Jesus (vv. 14-15) 6.) The calling of the disciples (vv. 16-20) 7.) The teaching and healing of Jesus (vv. 21-28) 8.) The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (vv. 29-31) 9.) The healing throughout Galilee (vv. 32-39) 10.) The cleansing of a leper (vv. 40-45)
Chapter 3 Jesus is busy at work in the synagogue first, and then by the sea side; to teach us that his presence should not be confined either to the one or to the other, but, wherever any are gathered together in his name, whether in the synagogue or any where else, there is he in the midst of them.
Chapter 4 In this chapter, we have, I. The parable of the seed, and the four sorts of ground (v. 1-9), with the exposition of it (v. 10–20), and the application of it (v. 21–25). II. The parable of the seed growing gradually, but insensibly (v. 26–29). III. The parable of the grain of mustard-seed, and a general account of Christ’s parables (v. 30–34). IV. The miracle of Christ’s sudden stilling a storm at sea (v. 35–41).
Christ’s healing the woman with the bloody issue, in the way as he was going to raise Jairus’s daughter to life (v. 21–43).
Healing The wonderful effect produced by it; She came in the crowd behind him, and with much ado got to touch his garment, and immediately she felt the cure wrought, v. 29. The flux of blood was dried up, and she felt herself perfectly well all over her, as well as ever she was in her life, in an instant; by this it appears that the cure was altogether miraculous; for those that in such cases are cured by natural means, recover their strength slowly and gradually, and not per saltum—all at once; but as for God, his work is perfect. Note, Those whom Christ heals of the disease of sin, that bloody issue, cannot but experience in themselves a universal change for the better.
1. John’s baptism 2. People come to John 3. Jesus comes to John 4. Jesus is tempted 5. Jesus preaches in Galilee 6. Jesus teaches and heals in Capernaum 6 5 3 1 2 4?
Chapter 7: Christ’s dispute with the scribes and Pharisees Chapter 8: Christ’s miraculous feeding of four thousand with seven loaves and a few small fishes (v. 1-9) Chapter 9: Christ’s transfiguration
Jesus was an itinerant Preacher, did not continue long in a place, for the whole land of Canaan was his parish, or diocese, and therefore he would visit every part of it, and give instructions to those in the remotest corners of it. Here we have him in the coasts of Judea, by the further side of Jordan eastward, as we found him, not long since, in the utmost borders westward, near Tyre and Sidon. Thus was his circuit like that of the sun, from whose light and heat nothing is hid.
Old Testament Citations in the Book of Mark
Religious / Political Leaders in the Book of Mark Zealots are not mentioned in the Book of Mark. Essenes are not mentioned by name in the Bible.
The House of Herod Herod Philip II Archelaus Drusilla Herod of Chalcis Aristobolus Herod the Great Herod Agrippa II Herod Agrippa I Herod Antipas1 Herodias3 Bernice Herod Philip I2 Salome4 ? Antipater 1 Mark 6:14-22; 8:15 2 Mark 6:17 3 Mark 6:17 4 Mark 6:22-25
1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday) 2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday) 3. Day of teaching (Tuesday) 4. No activity recorded (Wednesday) 5. Passover meal (Thursday) 6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday) 7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 8. Resurrection (Sunday) 6a 8 7 6b 3 2 1 3 6a 6a 5
Scripture References 1. Mark16:9-11 2. Matthew 28:9-10 3. Luke 24:34 4. Luke 24:13-35 5. John 20:19-25 6. John 20:26-31 7. John 21:1-14 8. Matthew 28:16-20 9. 1 Corinthians 15:6 10. 1 Corinthians 15:7 11. Acts 1:3-8 12. Acts 9:3-6,27 The Resurrection Appearances of Jesus (Acts 1:3; 2:32; 3:15; 5:30-32; 10:40-41; 13:30-31; 1 Cor. 15:15) 1. Mary Magdalene 2. Other women 3. Peter 4. Two Emmaeus travelers 5. Ten disciples 6. Eleven disciples 7. Seven disciples fishing 8. Eleven disciples 9. 500 brethren 10. James the Lord’s brother 11. Disciples who watched Jesus’ ascension 12. Saul of Tarsus