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Welcome!. Annual General Meeting Our Journey so far…. 9 July 2014. Dr Liz Lawn. Clinical Chair. This afternoon…. Our aim is to introduce you to the clinical commissioning group (CCG)

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  1. Welcome! Annual General Meeting Our Journey so far… 9 July 2014

  2. Dr Liz Lawn Clinical Chair

  3. This afternoon… • Our aim is to introduce you to the clinical commissioning group (CCG) • The CCG is responsible for spending most of the health care budget allocated to the people of North West Surrey • We will take you on a journey through our first year • Starting with a brief explanation of CCG roles we will introduce you to some key people, and describe some of the things we’ve done on your behalf in our first year • Finally, we will set out our vision and plans for the next 3-5 years… • …and through Q&A ask for your feedback and views on what we’ve done and where we’re heading

  4. North West Surrey serves a population of 350,00 people, with 42 practices working across three localities and four boroughs SASSE 13 practices (Spelthorne BC) Thames Medical 14 practices (West of Elmbridge & Runnymede BCs) Woking 15 practices (Woking BC)


  6. The CCG governance model is different from previous organisations COUNCIL OF MEMBER PRACTICES WOKING LOCALITY THAMES MEDICAL LOCALITY SASSE LOCALITY The Council of Member Practices is the ultimate authority. It delegates functions to the Governing Body and holds it to account for adherence to the constitution, including clinical leadership & public engagement Each locality elects 3 clinical members to represent it on the Governing Body GOVERNING BODY In NWSurrey the Governing Body is made up of 9 GPs, 4 Independent Members (2 lay & 2 clinical), the Chief Executive and Director of Finance OPERATIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM The elected Chair of the PPE Forum sits as an observer on the Governing Body QUALITY & PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE REMUNERATION & NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE AUDIT COMMITTEE (INC CORPORATE RISK MANGEMENT) CLINICAL EXECUTIVE PPE FORUM

  7. North West Surrey CCG is a founding and full participating member of the Surrey Health & Wellbeing Board and the Surrey CCG CollaborativeWe also work closely with local councils and the voluntary sector, as well as with Surrey Healthwatch

  8. Our vision is to enable all North West Surrey people to enjoy the best possible health • With clinical leaders and managers working in partnership we will empower member practices, GPs and our residents to determine how spending on health is decided by together: • Considering the needs of patients and the local population • Deciding on how and where to invest to ensure effective services and treatments • Leading the local health economy to ensure health and other care providers work effectively together to deliver safe, seamless, high quality services in the best interests of patients

  9. Dr Deborah Shiel Clinical Chief of Contracts & Performance and Locality Clinical Director (Woking)

  10. Performance and Contracts Clinical lead and advice for the contracting team Involved in reviewing performance to improve 18 week referral to treatment times and A&E 4 hour waiting standard Part of a medical and managers forum to discuss and resolve issues

  11. Dr Asha Pillai Locality Clinical Director (Thames Medical)

  12. My role as Locality Clinical Director Act as conduit between practices and corporate CCG Get to know local GPs and practice staff and support them to get involved – for example in peer review, medicines management, attending meetings for education, developing strategy, redesigning and commissioning services Lead the Locality Team and establish a work plan for the locality Chair quarterly wider Locality Stakeholder Meetings

  13. Reflections on my first year Lots of very experienced and hardworking GPs in Thames Medical GPs and practices have embraced the CCG and our vision for the future, and taken on projects with much enthusiasm GPs have challenged the CCG appropriately, debating, deliberating and contributing to form an integral part of the working of the CCG We’ve built excellent working relationships within the locality and beyond

  14. Dr Richard Barnett Clinical Chief of Quality and Thames Medical Locality Lead

  15. Provider Quality Assurance A key role of Clinical Chiefs is to provide support to the commissioning of health services across North West Surrey Able to build trust between us and clinicians working in the community and local hospitals to improve the quality of health care provided to our population Involved in improving falls prevention through better medicines management, involving patients more effectively in preventing pressure ulcers and introducing quality measures for medicines management in care homes

  16. Dr Charlotte Canniff Clinical Lead for Children & Young People’s Commissioning

  17. Improving services for Children & Young People in North West Surrey Work with partners to ensure children are safe and well cared for, and that our services work effectively and together when they need protecting Defining commissioning intentions to ensure they reflect the needs of children, young people and their families in North West Surrey Involved with partners in improving services through re-procurement for children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural challenges and their families

  18. Jo-anne Alner Director of Quality & Innovation

  19. We held a workshop in June to hear the views of North West Surrey residents…

  20. We have commissioned new services to improve care for the older person • Admiral Nurses • Dementia Crisis Service • Increased the number of specialist staff to care for and treat patients in the hospital and the community • Consultant Geriatricians • Senior Nurses and Therapists • Social Care support

  21. We have improved services for people at the end of their life • Increased by 101 those people who are able to die in their place of choice • Commissioned a new integrated service to support patients their families and carers • Hospices • Marie Curie • Virgin Care Ltd.

  22. We have improved the services we offer people with diabetes… • Exceeded our target to diagnose an additional 10% of people with diabetes (465 patients diagnosed compared to our target of 370) • Invested in better targeted support for patients: • Health checks • Active identification of patients with pre-diabetes • X-PERT structured patient education programme • Invested in clinician development • Networking between all disciplines • Certificate in diabetes course – Warwick University • Working with industry

  23. …to help people keep themselves well “The course was so important, and taught me how to deal with my diabetes on a daily basis. It was also a great opportunity to meet with other patients and share experiences. The course really helped in reassuring me that I was able to cope.” Claire Gibbons X-Pert programme patient

  24. Neil Ferrelly Director of Finance

  25. In 2014/15 NW Surrey is allocated £401.193m to commission services for its population of 361,485 people

  26. In 2014/15 NW Surrey is allocated £401.193m to commission services for its population of 361,485 people

  27. Andrew Demetriades Deputy Chief Executive

  28. We have focused on improving performance in many areas…. • Improving acute hospital services • Whole system focus on improving urgent care pathway to meet 4 hour standard • Challenges around 18 weeks Referral to Treatment (RTT) for admitted pathways being urgently addressed • Reduction in acute readmission rate within 30 days from 14.9% to 12.5% • Reduction in number of hospital deaths by 102, exceeding our target of a reduction of 100

  29. We have focused on improving performance in many areas…. • Improving community health services • Strengthening contract arrangements inherited from Surrey PCT • Review of service specifications to help deliver transformation • 465 additional patients diagnosed with diabetes compared to target of 370 • Procurement of Out of Hours and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (AQP)

  30. Yvonne Parish Director of Corporate Development & Assurance

  31. We’ve focused on improving front of house services and communication with the public • Customer Services • Set up an in-house customer service team to take more direct ownership of managing enquiries and complaints • Direct telephone number: 01372 201802 • Direct e-mail address: Contactus2@nwsurreyccg.nhs.uk • In April 2014 the Governing Body approved our Customer Service Policy, which is available on our website • www.nwsurreyccg.nhs.uk “May I thank you for your courtesy and time - Appreciated.”

  32. Our public & patient engagement infrastructure ensures people’s views are incorporated at every level • Every practice has an active PPG • Locality Patient Reference Groups meet quarterly with local practice leads, district/borough councils and other locality stakeholders • The CCG-wide PPE Forum meets quarterly, chaired by our Lay Member for PPE • A representative of the Forum sits on the Governing Body • We have just launched a Twitter feed (@nwsurreyccg)

  33. Mr Charles Stewart Patient Representative, Pirbright Surgery

  34. Julia Ross Chief Executive

  35. In 2013/14 we achieved a lot for the people of North West Surrey…

  36. …working with stakeholders we have set out a vision for the next 3-5 years Acute Sector ‘Right sized’ – doing the work that only it can do Integrated pathways Phone First Clinical Triage Single Point of Access for patients & professionals Locality Hubs Extended access to integrated planned and urgent care ‘out of hospital’ with strong medical (GP) leadership Integrated Frailty Service All community health & social care, led by primary care

  37. To implement our vision we have set up 7 strategic change programmes

  38. We’re keen for you to get involved in shaping services for the future…. • Join your local practice PPG • Watch out for information on engagement and consultation events over the next few months – www.nwsurreyccg.nhs.uk • Tell us about your interests at the PPE stand:

  39. Q&A: your views and feedback

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