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when need Dog safety collar in Missouri

Safetydoggiecollars delivered top quality Dog safety collar in Missouri. visit: https://safetydoggiecollars.com/

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when need Dog safety collar in Missouri

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why dog need safety belt? SafetyDoggieCollars

  2. Don't know how to hang out safety collars on dogneck? Tightbudget? It will start 60dollar No time toshop? You can check our onlinestore

  3. What is the benefit of Safetybelt? Guaranteed fair marketprices It is also fair marketprice Delivered to yourhome It is also delivered to hoe easily and it help your pet dog from an accident on theroad.

  4. ABOUTUS In2012,onarainynightinMissouriitwasatypicalnightathome.Around10:00p.m.,I letMiley,ourchocolateLabradorRetriever,outinthegatedbackyardbeforebedtime. MileywasoneofourfamilydogsalongwithShelby,ourbeagle;bothdogswererescues fromlocalshelters.Mileywasanamazingdog,greatwithkidsandaperfectfitforour family!Afterabout10minutes,Iwenttoletherin,andshewasnotinthebackyard.We searchedtheneighborhoodforher,butunfortunately,wewereunabletofindher.We werehopingshewouldreturnthatnight,otherwise,weweregoingtogooutthenext morningtokeeplookingforher.Thenextmorningwecalledthelocalhumanesociety toseeifsomeonehadturnedMileyin.AfterIdescribedMileytothem,theystatedadog ofherdescriptionhadbeenpickednearabusystreet,andshewasnotingoodshape becauseshewashitbyavehicle.Weaskedtocomeseeher,andthehumanesociety suggested that would not be a good idea. Losing Miley was like losing a family member.Sinceitwasdarkout,andMileyhaddarkfur,shewouldhavehardtosee.Ifwe hadaSafetydoggiecollaronher,theoutcomemayhavebeendifferent!

  5. ADDRESS: 16105 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD, CHESTERFIELD, MO63017 Call: +1800-674-9832 Visit: https://safetydoggiecollars.co m/

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