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CAPS/Cassini Budget Review FY’03 – FY’08. David T. Young, CAPS PI April 25, 2002 Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The CAPS science objectives are to measure, document and understand: Saturn Auroral properties and dynamics; excitation mechanisms; relationships to terrestrial and Jovian aurora
CAPS/Cassini Budget Review FY’03 – FY’08 David T. Young, CAPS PI April 25, 2002 Jet Propulsion Laboratory D. T. Young
The CAPS science objectives are to measure, document and understand: Saturn Auroral properties and dynamics; excitation mechanisms; relationships to terrestrial and Jovian aurora Auroral ion beam generation and composition; relation to polar ionosphere structure and composition Electrodynamic coupling of the ionosphere and magnetosphere Generation of Saturn Kilometric Radiation The Magnetosphere Structure and morphology; external and internal boundaries; time dependent behavior Sources and sinks of matter, momentum, and energy Drivers of internal dynamics: the solar wind, planetary field rotation, internal plasma sources Microphysical phenomena of the bow shock, magnetosheath, dusty plasmas, acceleration and diffusion regions Titan Ionospheric composition; with INMS, atmosphere and exosphere composition Dynamical interactions of the ionosphere and atmosphere with the co-rotating magnetosphere Structure of the internal bow wave/shock, wake, and flux tube Icy Satellites Ion exosphere and associated surface composition Space weathering phenomena and surface interactions with the magnetosphere Structure and dynamics of associated plasma features Rings Ion exosphere and associated ring particle composition Ring spoke origins, temporal behavior, and interaction with the magnetosphere Microphysics and dynamics of dusty plasmas CAPS Science Objectives D. T. Young
CAPS consists of three sensors and supporting subsystems Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) Novel but complex isochronous time-of-flight mass spectrograph Only space-borne mass spectrometer with molecular mass resolution ~2500 Raw data rate of 1.1 Mbits/s requires on-board spectral deconvolution Controlled by two processors: SAM and CPU2 Two 15 kV high voltage supplies Electron Spectrometer (ELS) Based on prior flight instruments--conceptually simple Able to measure and track total and differential spacecraft potentials Self-contained unit controlled by CAPS CPU 1 Ion Beam Spectrometer (IBS) Based prior flight instruments--conceptually simple Ultra high energy/angle resolution gives unique capability for beam resolution Self-contained unit controlled by CAPS CPU 1 Overview of the CAPS Investigation D. T. Young
CAPS Instrument Block Diagram ELS D. T. Young
CAPS WBS, schedule, and level of effort are contained in a separate MS Project presentation D. T. Young
Task Description Manage scientific, technical, and contractual aspects of the CAPS investigation Key Technical Tasks Ensure proper operation of CAPS and reduction and scientific analysis of data Ensure technical and scientific participation and continuity of CAPS team Provide single point of contact between CAPS investigation and project management Participate in the Cassini PSG and meetings; hold CAPS team meetings Perform descopes of investigation as required by project management Deliverables Budgets, planning, and contractual materials 1.0 Management D. T. Young
Task Definition Analyze the Cassini Tour from the perspective of the CAPS science objectives to determine appropriate times for execution of science campaigns, coordinated observations, and survey periods. Key Technical Tasks Use SOA and other tools to find observing locations and periods where science returns are maximumized Ensure that all CAPS science objectives are met through the specification of appropriate science requests Deliverables An internally conflict-free set of science observations that are placed into the CAPS science collection tool (ECARs) 2. Science Planning2.1 Science Observation Analysis D. T. Young
Task Description Participate in and support DWG, TWT, SOST, TOST, & PSG meetings as required; take actions to support the Cassini Tour Planning process Key Technical Tasks Weekly teleconferences to support the Tour Planning process Run PDT (pointing design tool) to support observation integration as needed Review resulting integration plans, investigate areas of conflict, take an active role in conflict resolution Deliverables Conflict-free attitude strategy information Assumptions CAPS science team inputs have been captured in ECARS 2. Science Planning2.2 DWG, TWT, SOST, TOST, & PSG Support D. T. Young
Task Description Allows CAPS and other investigators to make science input to the tour science design (includes instrument internal configuration and spacecraft pointing configuration) Key Technical Tasks Input pointing and instrument configuration captured in ECARS Review ECARS inputs from the team and IDS’s Resolve observation conflicts within the CAPS team Deliverables Internally conflict-free observation design (to be used later in the Tour planning process) Assumptions Co-Investigators participate in ECARS process and conflict resolution 2. Science Planning2.3, 2.4, 2.5 ECARS input, review, and resolution D. T. Young
Task Description Design a series of general observation templates Key Technical Tasks Classify common observation requirements Conceptualize and build skeleton designs and place in database Validate skeleton designs Assumptions Designs can be built ahead of required delivery Skeleton designs will lead to more rapid, efficient, and accurate internal CAPS sequence generation 2. Science Planning2.6 Observation Skeleton Design D. T. Young
Task Description Input TWT and SOP requests and updates into the CIMS database Key Technical Tasks Submit inputs to the SOP according to the project planning schedule Support CAPS science planners with science design tasks and SOP deliverables Update CIMS according to TWT, TOST, and SOST schedules Assumptions Task can be carried out by a part time student worker under supervision of OTL 2. Science Planning2.7, 2.8 CIMS Inputs to SOP D. T. Young
Task Description Develop tools for quicklook and detailed analysis of CAPS data Perform scientific analysis of data Key Technical Tasks Develop, test, and validate L2 and L3 analysis software Perform Level 2 (quicklook) and Level 3 (detailed) analysis of data Assumptions Co-I teams will produce software both for incorporation into the production data processing system and for interactive analysis 3. Science Analysis D. T. Young
Task Description Develop software to perform level 2 and higher analysis of data produced by each CAPS sensor Key Technical Tasks Produce system handbooks for use by data analysts Develop level 2 software for the ELS, IBS, and IMS sensors Each CO-I to develop level 3 software specifically for own scientific analysis Deliverables Level 2 software from CO-Is to GS manager Level 3 and higher software to GS manager if deemed generally useful to other team members 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software D. T. Young
Task Description Produce documentation needed for analysis of CAPS data Key Technical Tasks Produce the CAPS Instrument Handbook describing the capabilities and operations of each of the CAPS sensors and their supporting hardware Produce the CAPS Data Analysis Handbook describing each of the data products summarizing the production algorithms, underlying assumptions, and the data distribution system Deliverables CAPS Instrument Handbook CAPS Data Analysis Handbook Assumptions Each Co-I institution will contribute to the documents 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 Instrument and Data Analysis Handbooks D. T. Young
Task Description Development and testing of software required to perform level 2 analysis of ELS sensor data Key Technical Tasks Define software requirements Design and implement software Perform component level testing and validation Deliver ELS software to the GS for integration into the CAPS production data processing system 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.4 ELS Level 2 Software D. T. Young
Task Description Development and testing of software required to perform level 2 analysis of IBS sensor data Key Technical Tasks Define software requirements Design and implement software Perform component level testing and validation Deliver IBS software to the GS for integration into the CAPS production data processing system 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.5 IBS Level 2 Software D. T. Young
Task Description Development and testing of software required to perform level 2 analysis of IMS plasma data Development and testing of software required to deconvolve and perform level 2 analysis of IMS ion composition data Key Technical Tasks Define software requirements Design and implement software Perform component level testing and validation Deliver IMS software to the GS for integration into the CAPS production data processing system 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.6 IMS Level 2 Software D. T. Young
Task Description Develop locally resident analysis software for higher level (3) analysis of SAM and CAPS data products Key Technical Tasks Develop software tools to perform scientific analysis of SAM/CPU2 data Convert SAM tools to routine use by the data production system as appropriate Deliverables SAM software to the GS for integration 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.7 GSFC Level 3 Analysis Software D. T. Young
Task Description Develop locally resident analysis software for higher level (3) scientific analysis of CAPS data products Key Technical Tasks Develop software tools to perform Level 3 scientific analysis of CAPS data As required, convert Level 3 CAPS tools to routine use by the data production system Deliverables Level 3 software to the GS for integration Documentation and training plan 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.8-3.1.20 Other Co-I Level 3 Analysis Software D. T. Young
Task Description Train team in the use of routine analysis software and data products incorporated in the ground system. Key Technical Tasks Develop training materials Update CAPS Data Analysis Handbook to reflect current tool content Conduct training sessions as required 3 Science Analysis3.1 Analysis Software3.1.21 Analysis Software Training D. T. Young
Task Description Validate CAPS L2 data through application of the data to science analysis Key Technical Tasks Assign, coordinate, and distribute data to Co-I’s based on interest and volume capability Run L2 analysis and supporting routines at team sites Flag scientific inconsistencies, calibration errors, needs for further calibration; temporal and spatial errors, etc. Deliverables Notifications of flagged data and associated errors Support for resolution of science data issues 3. SCIENCE ANALYSIS3.2 Scientific Data Analysis3.2.1 Science data validation D. T. Young
Task Description Perform quick-look scientific analysis based on L2 data Key Technical Tasks Identify special scientific events for intra- and inter-team coordination Identify special events that may impact the remaining science planning process Identify additional calibration needs Prepare L2 science results and graphics used in press releases and PSG acitvities Prepare and submit scientific papers and conference presentations dealing with early results Deliverables Lists of special events and calibration needs Special scientific events list Science results and graphics Scientific papers and presentations 3. SCIENCE ANALYSIS 3.2 Scientific Data Analysis3.2.2 Quicklook analysis D. T. Young
Task Description Perform full detailed scientific analysis of CAPS data to Level 3 Key Technical Tasks PI to coordinate analysis of special scientific events with the CAPS team, other Cassini teams, and the wider scientific community Identify special events that may impact the remaining science planning process Identify additional calibration needs Prepare L3 science results and graphics used in press releases and PSG acitvities Prepare and submit scientific papers and conference presentations dealing with early results Deliverables Lists of special events and calibration needs Science results and graphics (to PI) Scientific papers and presentations (coordinate with PI) 3. SCIENCE ANALYSIS 3.2 Scientific Data Analysis3.2.3 Detailed science analysis D. T. Young
Task Description In some special cases during Tour, the CAPS EM and IMS PT will be used to obtain extra calibration data in order to clarify measurements of complex mass and energy spectra anticipated at Titan, Dione, SOI, etc. Data will be used to revise sensor control tables, on-board processing tables, and to analyze returned data. Key Technical Tasks Validate 3.2.3 requirements for future calibrations Specify details of calibration required and the expected results Analyze calibration data and calculate new coefficients Deliverables Detailed justification for additional calibration requirements 3. SCIENCE ANALYSIS 3.2 Scientific Data Analysis3.2.4 Identify additional calibration needs D. T. Young
Task Description Perform all ground-based calibrations required to support scientific analysis of the CAPS data Key Technical Tasks Refurbish CAPS EM (eliminate noise in the IMS front-end system; HV integrity…) Re-calibrate EM to resolve differences in EM and FM units Perform EM & PT calibrations using existing facilities (SwRI, LANL, GSFC, MSSL and CRPE) Perform triple-TOF foil calibrations Deliverables Calibration and ancillary data and logbooks Assumptions It will be possible to maintain the CAPS EM, IMS PT, IMS triple-TOF foil equipment, and respective calibration systems throughout the Tour 4. CALIBRATION4.1 Calibration Activities4.1.1 Ground calibration D. T. Young
Task Description Perform in-flight calibrations required to support the operation and scientific analysis of the CAPS data Key Technical Tasks Plan internal CAPS calibration activities (completed) Coordinate and plan cross-calibration activities Execute flight calibrations Deliverables Calibration planning Assumptions Requested calibration periods are available (2 hrs/50 days—already in CIMS) 4. CALIBRATION4.1 Calibration Activities4.1.2 Flight calibration D. T. Young
Task Description Develop GS software needed for calibration data analysis and tables Key Technical Tasks Develop and test s/w for IMS: Calibration system operations Calibration data analysis Foil data analysis Develop and test s/w for IBS Develop and test s/w for ELS Deliverables Software packages and documentation 4. CALIBRATION4.2 Software Development D. T. Young
Task Description Reduce and analyze data from ground and flight calibration activities and make data available as tables for use in the ground Key Technical Tasks Reduce and analyze: Existing backlog of data from FM pre-launch and in-flight calibrations New data from flight calibrations Cross-calibration data from RPWS, MAG, MIMI, etc. EM and PT calibration data Prepare tables for ground system Document and archive data in CAPS GS data base Deliverables Ground system data tables Archived calibration data 4. CALIBRATION4.3 Calibration Analysis D. T. Young
Task Description Overall development of an integrated ground system, providing facilities for command planning, command generation, real-time operations, and data collection, processing and distribution Key Technical Tasks Development of central database to support CAPS production processes Development of software components that provide the specified functionality Development of web-based interfaces for data submittal and access by the CAPS team and others Ensure security and integrity of the GS 5.0 Ground System5.1 Ground System Development D. T. Young
Task Description Produce system level requirements and corresponding software and hardware concepts and designs for the CAPS ground system Key Technical Tasks Production of Ground System Requirements Specification Production of Operations Concepts for the ground system, for operations, and for data processing Production of the System Design Specification and Software Coding Standards Development of a migration plan, defining how existing software components will be integrated into the CAPS ground system Review specifications 5.0 Ground System5.1 Ground System Development5.1.1 System Definition D. T. Young
Task Description Development of a web-based CAPS activities request system (ECARS) that team members may use to record observation requests including the instrument configuration. The instrument operations team will use ECARS to prioritize and internally de-conflict CAPS science activities. Key Technical Tasks Design and test ECARS data base Design and test team member and support staff user interfaces 5.0 Ground System 5.1 Ground System Development5.1.2 Planning Tool Development D. T. Young
Task Description Develop an ORACLE data base to support command generation, flight operations, production data processing, data archive preparation and data distribution Key Technical Tasks Partition the system requirements for this subsystem between the components of the subsystem Adapt the INMS architecture to CAPS Develop the user interface items required to support further development Develop the data base access methods Complete component level testing Assumptions The INMS system structure such as user authentication, table management and system administration tools are readily adaptable to CAPS 5.0 Ground System5.1 Ground System Development5.1.3 Data Base Implementation D. T. Young
Task Description Develop the ground system components that acquires level 0 data from its sources and converts it to level 1B (engineering units) data Key Technical Tasks Add functionality to the CAPS data base to support downlink processing. Develop the level 0 data manager that acquires the data and expands the packets Populate the data dictionary tables in the data base Develop queries and web pages for instrument state and instrument processor memory image extraction Complete component level testing 5.0 Ground System5.1 Ground System Development5.1.4 Downlink Functions D. T. Young
Task Description Develop the ground system components that support instrument state of health assessment and safety alarms Key Technical Tasks Add functionality to the data base to support this sub-system Develop alarm management, event management and state/memory comparator components which query the data base and provide alarms to the appropriate users Develop the trend analysis and display tools including data base queries and web page design. Develop tools to track and predict consumables, including actuator cycles, power cycles and total detector charge Develop near real-time displays Complete component level testing 5.0 Ground System 5.1 Ground System Development5.1.5 Health and Safety Functions D. T. Young
Task Description Develop the ground system components that support command sequence planning and implementation Key Technical Tasks Add functionality to the data base to support this sub-system Develop the automated sequence generation component Develop software to produce and test SAM group tables Develop a software instrument simulator that produces instrument state and resource use estimates from SASFs Complete component level testing Assumptions SAM group table generation and simulation software will be developed at GSFC Most instrument operations will be performed by triggering IEBs, with few additional commands required in the background sequence. 5.0 Ground System5.1 Ground System Development5.1.6 Command Generation Functions D. T. Young
Task Description Develop the ground system components which perform production data processing Key Technical Tasks Add functionality to the data base to support this sub-system Develop software which will provide interfaces between the data base and production data processing programs and train developers in its use Develop data distribution tools, including display pages, retrieval queries and output modules Develop the software to compute geophysical quantities (distributions, moments and fits) Develop software to produce higher level products Develop software to generate E-kernels, C-kernels and an experimenter’s notebook Complete component level testing 5.0 Ground System5.1 Ground System Development5.1.7 Data Production Functions D. T. Young
Task Description Integrate each of the subsystems into the CAPS data base Establish inter-subsystem operations Key Technical Tasks Develop a detailed integration plan Integrate each software component into the data base as it is built and delivered Integrate data archive production sub-system into the data base 5.0 Ground System5.2 Ground System Integration D. T. Young
Task Description Develop and document operation procedures. Key Technical Tasks Develop operational procedures Produce user guides and training syllabi Produce operator’s handbook Train team members and operations staff 5.0 Ground System5.3 Ground System Documentation and Training D. T. Young
Task Description Current OTL will teach the new deputy OTL and backup OTL to build commands for the instrument, pointing designs for the spacecraft, and all tools needed to support the SOP Implementation task and the Cruise and Tour Sequence Generation Deliverables Two fully trained OTLs that can help with SOP implementation and sequence development starting in December 2003 Assumptions Training for new OTLs needs to being no later than October 1, 2002 in order to make sure SOP implementation is completed by the CAPS team 7. Flight Operations7.1 Train New Deputy OTL and Backup OTL D. T. Young
Task Description Pointing design development, Instrument sequence development, and meetings during sequence execution Key Technical Tasks Build conflict & violation free pointing designs & internal instrument commanding Attend meetings throughout all phases of design Deliverables Violation & Conflict Free Pointing Designs (2 Ports) Internal Instrument Commands & Power Profile (3 Inputs) Assumptions Continue with current SPVT and SVT schedules 7. Flight Operations7.2 Science Cruise Phase D. T. Young
Task Description Participate in building, updating, validating, and executing each sequence Key Technical Tasks Update SOP via aftermarket process Update pointing designs and instrument internal commands Deliverables Conflict & Violation Free Pointing Design Instrument Internal Commands for Background Sequence Instrument Expanded Block (IEB) commands Assumptions assume 1 assume 2 7. Flight Operations7.3 Tour Phase D. T. Young
Task Description Monitor health and safety of the instrument and respond to any anomalies that arise Key Technical Tasks Monitor health and safety of the instrument during downlink opportunities and report any problems for analysis Review playback data for any anomalies during off-track periods and report any problems for analysis Anomaly response (research, testing, validation, real-time commanding) Assumptions More than 1 person or group is responsible for anomaly response assume 2 7. Flight Operations7.4 Health & Safety Operations D. T. Young
Task Description Assist in building the Science Opportunity Plan (SOP) Key Technical Tasks Participate in weekly meetings & respond to meeting actions Coordinate with other teams in building pointing designs & integrating different requirements Deliverables Conflict & Violation Free Pointing Design (3 Ports) Instrument Internal Triggers & Power Profile (3 Ports) Assumptions SOP Implementation starts in May 2002 Implementation will consist of 2 concurrently running SPVT processes (each consisting of 2 sequences and 3 input ports) 8. SOP Implementation D. T. Young
Task Description Maintain all essential CAPS-related equipment, subsystems and components, and ground facilities for the duration of the mission. (Maintenance is essential to CAPS health and safety and to reduction and analysis of the scientific data.) Key Technical Tasks Maintain equipment, subsystems and ground facilities located at: SwRI: CAPS EM, calibration facility, misc. CAPS and IBS HV hardware, RTIU, CAPS EGSE LANL: IMS PT, calibration facility, misc. IMS and IBS hardware, EGSE for FEE and TDC; IBS facilities VTT: IBS facilities, misc. IBS hardware GSFC: SAM/CPU2 test facility, calibration facility, misc. hardware for HVU1, EGSE for SAM/CPU2 U. Va.: Ion beam facility for studying plasma-surface interactions with ice CRPE: IMS triple-TOF foil calibration and test facility; misc. IMS hardware MSSL: Calibration facility, ELS PT, misc. ELS hardware, EGSE for ELS RAL and NDRE: ELS development facilities Deliverables All of the above items should be available as the need arises during Tour Assumptions Some institutional support made available to CAPS since many of the calibration systems are multiple-use items 9. GROUND SYSTEM OPERATIONS9.2 Equipment and Facilities Maintenance D. T. Young
Task Description Develop and produce the CAPS data archive Key Technical Tasks Develop archive data file formats and contents Design, code and test software needed to create archive volumes Generate and deliver archive volumes on a periodic basis Deliverables Deliverables are indicated in the following charts 10.0 Data Archive Operations D. T. Young
Task Description Define the content and format of the CAPS archive volumes and develop the software to produce them Key Technical Tasks Specify the data products to be archived Develop the software to produce the Level 1B archive products (CDF files) Develop the software to produce the Level 2 archive products (geophysical quantities) Deliverables Data volume SIS Prototype data volume 10.0 Data Archive Operations10.1 Archive Volume Development D. T. Young
Task Description Produce the data archive volumes and deliver them to the PDS Key Technical Tasks Create files, volumes and associated labels Coordinate science validation of the data Deliver data volumes to the PDS Deliverables Pre-SOI data (7/1/05) SOI through probe delivery (3/30/06) Staged tour deliveries (4/3/06 and every 4 months thereafter) 10.0 Data Archive Operations10.2 Volume Generation D. T. Young
Manpower Loading in FTE’s by Task and FY D. T. Young