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Choose Dedicated Server from our Best Dedicated Server Data Center<br>Get Lowest Latency Rate When Your Dedicated Server Customer Visit Your Mission Critical Application
Login 24/7/365 Support sales@hostingultraso.com Dedicated Server Game Server Specialized Server Data Center Colocation Special Features Contact us Shopping Cart Dedicated Server in Argentina Choose Dedicated Server from our Best Dedicated Server in Argentina Data Center Get Lowest Latency Rate When Your Dedicated Server in Argentina Customer Visit Your Mission Critical Application Server Location Processor Hard Drive RAM Price $117.00 1× 250 GB (HDD SATA) 2 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Atom D2500 1.8 GHz 2 cores See Details $124.20 1× 250 GB (HDD SATA) 2 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.8 GHz 2 cores See Details $135.00 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 2 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.8 GHz 2 cores See Details $153.00 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 4 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Core i3-3220 3.3 GHz 2 cores See Details $160.20 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 4 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Core i5-2310 2.9 GHz 4 cores See Details $171.00 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 4 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Core i7-3770 3.4 GHz 4 cores See Details Chat Live With Us
1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 4 GB DDR3 $178.20 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon L5420 2.5 GHz 4 cores See Details $189.00 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 8 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon X3440 2.5 GHz 4 cores See Details $268.20 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 8 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon E3-1220 v5 3 GHz 4 cores See Details $315.00 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 8 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon E5-1620 v3 3 GHz 4 cores See Details $376.20 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 8 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon E5-2603 1.8 GHz 4 cores See Details $387.00 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA) 8 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 2 GHz 8 cores See Details $412.20 2× 146 GB (HDD SAS) 32 GB DDR3 Buenos Aires Intel Xeon X5650 2.6 GHz 6 cores See Details $693.00 2x 500 GB 16 GB Buenos Aires Intel Xeon E3-1230 3.20GHz See Details $772.20 2x 500 GB 32 GB Buenos Aires Intel Xeon E3-1230 3.20GHz Dedicated Servers in Argentina See Details Why choose Dedicated Servers? For any business wanting to be more flexible and fluid, dedicated servers are the one for them. Dedicated servers provide more versatility and mobility to your business than shared servers. If you want your business to have more dependable, secure and customizable websites, one should choose a dedicated server. Business and Technology in Argentina:
Argentina is home to some of the biggest tech companies in the world including OLX, Globant, and Despegar. Buenos Aires, a city of Argentina, has established itself as the blockchain hubspot with some of the leading projects set up in that area. Also, 5G may roll out soon with a prediction that speeds may reach as high as 20 Gbps, which is four thousand times faster than the average home speeds in Argentina right now. Why choose Dedicated Servers in Argentina: If you have a growing business in Argentina and your business website is having a constant rise in traffic, considering a dedicated server hosting in Argentina is probably the right choice. Even if your business is outside of Argentina but most of your clients or traffic are from that city, a dedicated server from Argentina will help your website have the best possible performance. This is why Hosting Ultraso can be the right fit since we provide you dedicated servers in 119+ cities including Buenos Aires in Argentina. You get the lowest latency rate with Hosting Ultraso if and when any of your consumer from Argentina visits your site or your application. We at Hosting Ultraso provide you and your business several options depending on your needs and requirements when you decide to have a dedicated server hosting with us. The service we provide is both affordable and one of the best in the market. Note that whether you need one dedicated server from our Argentina Top Data Center or you need a bunch of servers to build your own cloud server or content delivery network to provide service to your customers, we have a solution for you. What are the types of Operating System provided? Ho s t i n g U l t r as o pr o vi des var i o us t ypes o f o per at i n g s ys t ems an d yo u can ch o o s e bas ed o n wh at yo u wan t t o h ave. T h es e i n cl ude: CentOS CentOS Ubuntu Ubuntu Debian Debian Fedora Fedora Free BSD Free BSD Windows Windows Server A free and Another open Yet another Developed and A Unix-like All the operating community- source and free open-source supported by the platform systems that supported Linux platform that Fedora Project originated from Windows computing distribution belongs to the community is the Berkeley
platform, CentOS platform is family of Linux is Fedora which is Software provides is a Linux Ubuntu. This Debian. It is also also a Linux Distribution together are distribution platform is based known as Debian distribution (BSD) is a Free branded as platform. This on Debian. GNU. platform. BSD. Windows Server. distribution Note that this platform is doesn’t compatible with include any other RHEL (Red Hat Windows Enterprise products. It only Linux). includes the operating systems. What are the types of Dedicated Servers in Argentina available? Hosting Ultraso provides dedicated servers in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. You have fifteen different options to choose between the dedicated servers in Argentina. Each one of them has its own unique characteristics for you to choose from depending on your requirements. Argentina Dedicated Server: At Hosting Ultraso we provide a powerful, well-built Intel processor. You get eleven variations of the processor: Intel Atom D2500, Intel Core 2 Duo E6300, Intel Core i3-3220, Intel Core i5-2310, Intel Core i7-3770, Intel Xeon L5420, Intel Xeon X3440, Intel Xeon E5-1620, Intel Xeon E5-2620, Intel Xeon E5-2603 and Intel Xeon X5650. Different configurations of RAM, hard drive, and bandwidth are available for you. You can choose them as per your needs. For RAM you have choices between 2 GB DDR3, 4 GB DDR3, 8 GB DDR3, 32 GB DDR3, 16 GB, and 32 GB. Bandwidth is 10 Mbps Unmetered Fair Usage for all fifteen servers. Hard drive, on the other hand, has 250 GB (HDD SATA), 500 GB (HDD SATA), 146 GB (HDD SAS). Note that the number of hard drives provided will depend on the type of dedicated server or service selected by you. For more details check the details in the configure server page. You get one free IP address (for additional IPs please contact us) and the setup fee is free too. This is an unmanaged dedicated server which means you have to self manage it throughout.
The server location is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dedicated servers some times are in high demand and you may have to pay us for backorder so that we can give you access whenever it becomes available. What are the Benefits of having a Dedicated Server in Argentina from Hosting Ultraso? Hosting Ultraso provides one of the best, dependable and affordable dedicated servers in the market with long-lasting clients and repeat customers. Choosing a dedicated server in Argentina from Hosting Ultraso for your customers can be crucial to your growing business. Here are some of the benefits of having a dedicated server from us: Additional IP: You will receive an additional IP address or Internet Protocol address for your site. IP address is the unique address provided to each active site. Managed Dedicated Server: You can get both basic and advanced management services for your dedicated servers you take from us. Money-Back Guarantee: We provide you a money-back guarantee on the time left on your subscription if you are not satisfied with our service. Bitcoin Payment: We accept Bitcoin payments including the other traditional methods of payment. 24/7 Support: Our management team will always provide you with the support you need at any point in time. IPMI Access: Our dedicated servers come with IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface). Operating System: You get to choose from a wide range of operating systems based on your needs and your knowledge. All in all, whether you are in Argentina and want a dedicated server in Argentina or you are based outside but want a dedicated server from Argentina for your clients there, you can access our Argentina dedicated servers and the Argentina dedicated server hosting services for the best performance at an affordable price.
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