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Information Resources to Facilitate and Optimize Finance and Economics Research. Presented by: Cindy Minor, Portfolio Marketing Manager. Agenda The Value of Content to Facilitate Finance and Economics Research Cross-Disciplinary Workflow Components Finance and Economics Usage Trends
Information Resources to Facilitate and Optimize Finance and Economics Research Presented by: Cindy Minor, Portfolio Marketing Manager
Agenda • The Value of Content to Facilitate Finance and Economics Research • Cross-Disciplinary Workflow Components • Finance and Economics Usage Trends • Content for Academic, Government, and Corporate Researchers • Efficiency Gaines through Online Access • Join the Elsevier Community
Content to Facilitate Research Outcomes: The Top Reasons Finance Researchers and Students Recommend Online Books to their Library The value of content to facilitate research outcomes Data Source: 2012 Elsevier survey of 130 finance and economics students and researchers
Economics Mapping the Cross Disciplinary Workflow of the Finance Researcher 60% of researchers with finance as their primary area say they also do cross-disciplinary research in economics, business, and computer science Computer Science Business Finance Data Source: 2012 Elsevier survey of 130 finance students and researchers
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Elsevier publishes quality content with relevance across science disciplines to meet the cross-disciplinary needs of finance researchers and students The Need for Quality, Diverse Content for Academic, Government, and Corporate Researchers Computer Science Economics Finance Business Math
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