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National Library of Romania. REDISCOVER Reunion of Dispersed Content: Virtual Evaluation and Reconstruction. National Library of Romania. mission to preserve and to ensure access to the Romanian cultural heritage
National Library of Romania REDISCOVER Reunion of Dispersed Content: Virtual Evaluation and Reconstruction Vilnius, 26 March 2010
National Library of Romania • mission to preserve and to ensure access to the Romanian cultural heritage • in accordance with European framework regarding the process of Digitization of the Cultural Heritage • partner in relevant international projects TELplus (2007 - 2009) ENRICH (2007 – 2009) REDISCOVER (2009 - 2010) Vilnius, 26 March 2010
The National Library of Romania encyclopedical collections are dedicated to documentation of the cultural, economic and scientific development of the Romanian people. Its collections include more than 13.000.000 documents. Books and periodicals, important collections of manuscripts, incunabula and other old and rare books, music scores, recordings, photographs, maps and drawings. The National Library’s collections are of great value and variety, including incunabula and old Romanian and foreign rare books by famous printers: Mentelin, Guy Marchant, Pruess, Frobenius, Manutius, Elzevier, Feodoroff, Plantin, etc. Cronicarum per viam epitomatis et breviarii compilati opus quidem preclarum et a doctissimo quoque comparandum., 1493, known as Cronica de la Nuremberg Vilnius, 26 March 2010
National Library of Romania Cultural values • Batthyaneum Collections • Over 65.000 bibliographic units • 61.683 old and rare books (Romanian and foreign) • 603 incunabula • 1.600 manuscripts (9th-18th century) • archival documents • museal collections • The famous manuscripts: • Codex Aureus (9th century) • Codex Burgundus (15th century) Special Collections • Foreign Books -142 incunabula -17.950 old books (16th–18th century) -4.961 rare books (19th – 20th century) • Romanian Books -2.250 old books (16th – 19th century) -6.153 rare books (19th – 20th century) -old and modern manuscripts Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Special Collections Department is located in Bucharest, in the house of the Bratianu Cultural Establishment, built in the first half of the 20th century by the Bratianu family – well known Romanian politicians. The building is a masterpiece of classical Romanian architecture and forms – together with the adjoining park and Ion I.C. Bratianu’s monument – a very attractive social and cultural complex. Vilnius, 26 March 2010
REDISCOVERReunion of Dispersed Content: Virtual Evaluation and Reconstruction Integration of dispersed Cultural Heritage via Aggregation of Digital Copies through creating Distributed Compound Digital Documents It is a cooperation project in the EU’s Culture Programme (2007-2013), aiming at sustaining the transnational circulation of the works and cultural products and promoting the intercultural dialog. The main objective of the project is the reunion and reconstitution of the Medieval and Renaissance documents dispersed during Late Middle Age period. The virtual documents will be accessible through the well-known Manuscriptorium portal (www.manuscriptorium.com). Vilnius, 26 March 2010
National Library of RomaniaContribution • contribute to concept development • involve stakeholders • integration of digitised data • contribute to the website development and promotion, developing final DVD of national videos • organise national exhibition • local evaluation contribution Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Preparatory work(September 2009 February 2010) • kick-off meeting (Prague, September 2009) • selection of manuscripts and other historical documents documents scanning + bibliographic description • selection of documents for the catalog • the concept and selection of documents for the exhibition • concept of catalogue and article for the catalog in Romanian and English “The shape of Europe. The spirit of unity through culture in the eve of Modern Europe” • concept and text for the leaflets • stakeholder involvement Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Selection criteria Historical period - 1471 -1620 Geographic area – Europe Document typology - books Conservation status – good Themes and subjects - representatives for medieval European culture Vilnius, 26 March 2010
The books selected for the project cover the history of printing in Europe from the incunabula period till the beginning of the XVIIth century. The selection reflects the main themes and subjects that forged the European culture in the Late Middle Age and Renaissance: • texts of the classic authors (Greek and Latin) • Christian fundamental texts: Bibles, patristic literature • works of science, reflecting the new approach of the word in geography, history and natural sciences. Historical information about Romanians, their Latin origin and language, emerged from the works of Antiquity authors and medieval authors offers a wide range of information from historical and geographical fact to graphic representations often being just imaginary landscapes. Following their journeys in centuries in different libraries across Europe we can retrace the intercultural exchanges of ideas that shaped the image of Romanians within the European space. The books were collected by Romanian scholars, during19th and 20th century, especially for their historical value for the Romanian people but now we can appreciate them also for their rarity, bibliophile value. The contents of these collections can define our contribution to European cultural heritage. Vilnius, 26 March 2010
the printing press was introduced in the Romanian Principalities culture 60 years after its invention by Gutenberg, 25 years after the first printing of the first book in Slavonic (Venice 1483) and 17 years after the first printing of books in the Cyrillic alphabet (Krakow 1491). • Thefirst printing in Romania was established during the reign of Radu the Great (1495 - 1508) near Targovişte, at Dealu monastery by Macarie, a monk. • Macarie had printed the first three books in Slavonic (requested for the religious services): Missal (Liturghierul - 1508),Octoechos (Octoihul - 1510) and Gospel (Evangheliarul - 1512). Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Liturghierul lui Macarie – 1508 in the portal www.manuscriptorium.com Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Documents selection results • 306 volumes (old and rare books from the period 1477 -1620) selected for the integration in the digital platform Out of these selected for the national exhibition • 52 volumes (old and rare books from the period 1491 – 1600) Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Scanning process Equipment: • ScannerBookeye3 Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Scanning team: Dorina Stoleru Camelia Nicolae • Actual scanning status – 60% from the selected documents Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Hartmann Schedel Liberchronicarum,Nuremberg, 1493 Vilnius, 26 March 2010 p. 541
Martinus Broniovius, ...Tartariae descriptio, ante hac in lucem numquam edita, cum tabula geographica eiusdem Chersoneus Tauricae. Item, Transsylvaniae ac Moldoviae, aliarumque vicinarum regionum descriptio Georgii a Reichersdorff... cum tabulis geographicis tam Moldoviae, quam Transsylvaniae. Praeterea Georgii Werneri De admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation, addita tabella lacus mirabiles ad Cirknitz, Cologne 1595. page 66 Vilnius, 26 March 2010 title page
Manutius, Joannes Petrus et Manutius, Paulus.Transsilvaniae olim Daciae. Romae, 1596. Vilnius, 26 March 2010
National Library of Romania REDISCOVER team Aurelia Perşinaru Luminiţa Gruia Adriana Dumitran Dorina Stoleru Camelia Nicolae Vilnius, 26 March 2010
Thank you! Adriana Dumitran: adriana.dumitran@bibnat.ro Luminita Gruia: luminita.gruia@bibnat.ro Vilnius, 26 March 2010