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Origin of the word “Nigger”

Origin of the word “Nigger”. The degradation and recovery of the Sacred African Image. The Metu Neter. Most ancient human language Most ancient monuments ca. 10,500 – 11,500 B.C. Seshep ankh Atum [the Sphinx] Atum spoken name of original name of God “N”

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Origin of the word “Nigger”

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  1. Origin of the word “Nigger” The degradation and recovery of the Sacred African Image Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  2. The Metu Neter • Most ancient human language • Most ancient monuments ca. 10,500 – 11,500 B.C. • Seshep ankh Atum [the Sphinx] • Atum spoken name of original name of God • “N” • Ng (Nu, Ngr, Neg, Niger, Nigger) • “Great Black God-King I come to worship you” Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  3. European Use of the word Nigger • 2006 Microsoft Encarta and Merriam Webster removed nigger form entries; Niger will remain. • 1806 Noah Webster includes in Dictionary as epithet of contempt (entries of neger instead of nigger ) • 1517Bishop Bartholomew de la Casa authorizes enslavement of 12 Africans per Spanish Conquistador to New World – beginning of Transatlantic Slave Trade • 1440 Portuguese merchants identify 20 kidnapped Africans as Nigers (Negros) to Prince Henry • December 19,1442 Pope Eugenius IV issues papal bull “Illius Qui”granting Portuguese rights to enslave ‘soulless’ Africans. • January 13,1435 Pope Eugenius IV issues encyclical “SicutDudum” December 17, 1434 heissuespapalbull “Creator Omnium” Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  4. Noah Webster – Father of American English Dictionary Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  5. Biblical References to Niger • AD 63 – the Book of Acts 13.1, “Simon, called Niger (Gr. Νίγερ) . . . “ • St. Luke 3:27, “ . . . son of Neri [Niger]” • 792-722 BC - Isaiah 11:1, “ . . . a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch [ Heb. נצרnetzer, (Ngr, Neter, Niger) ] shall grow out of his roots.” Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  6. Coin of Emperor Justinian II • AD 705 gold coin of Jesus Christ - African • Justinian II of Byzantine on obverse • Christ on reverse • In Josephus’ Halosis II he describes Jesus as, “short dark-skinned ugly man .” Isaiah 53:2 Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  7. Map of Niger Named after the Niger River and founded 500 – 700. Official language Hausa and Djerma. Romanized orthography and cursive Arabic. Niger and نحر “Ni-jer” is the French (1922) and Arabic (700-1100) influence. Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  8. Ancient names, titles of deity and royalty preceded by N. Nu, Nana, Nkruma Nkulunkulu, Ngr, Nga Ngola (Angola, Port.) Nero, Negus, Negiste Om-ni-potent, Negast First letter of Roman alphabet “A” is in factNigger. Last letter of alphabet “Z” is in fact Nigger. The birth cry is in fact Nigger – “nnnaahhh,” the most ancient name of God. Nana Nyame (Shekinah) Gye Nyame Prominence of “N” Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  9. Cosmic Correspondence • First vibration of Universe’s creation, viz. harmonic of C# • Aum, Om, Ohm, name of God – Nigger, Nu, Ni, Nga • Alpha and Omega Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  10. Recovery: Sacred Meaning of Nigger • God • Lord • Causation of Nature • King • Living Image of God • Divine life manifest in the human condition • The Creator manifest in the African Image Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  11. Chronology of Languages • Metu Neter • Hausa • Hebrew • Greek • Latin • French • English • Portuguese Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  12. Original Script of Name Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

  13. References • Original Names of God and Jesus - J. Johnson • Hamitic Bible Dictionary “ “ • Black Biblical Heritage “ “ • Africa’s Gift to Civilization - J. A. Rogers • Book of Beginnings - G. Massey • Hieroglyphic Dictionary - W. Budge • Anagrams of D. A. - A. Jones • The Faith of Adam “ “ • Echoes of the Old Darkland - C. Finch Origin of the Name "Nigger" Dr. A. Wayne Jones, (c) 2006

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