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Effect of growth temperature on the structure and magnetic properties ofsputtered biepitaxial (111) permalloy film. Beenish khan Roll # 10 Ms physics (1 st semester). Outine line: we see…. Temperature variation on sputtered biepitaxial permalloy film
Effect of growth temperature on the structure and magnetic properties ofsputtered biepitaxial (111) permalloy film Beenish khan Roll # 10 Ms physics (1st semester)
Outine line: we see… • Temperature variation on sputtered biepitaxial permalloy film • increase temperature ( coercive field decrease) • decrease temperature (coercive field increase) • no magnetocrystalline anisotropy for any biepitaxial permalloy film • uniaxial anisotropy observed in biepitaxial permaloy film
Some terms which are used: • Epitaxial layer : deposition of crystalline over layer on crystalline structure. • Permalloy : its a alloy of Ni and Fe (Fcc) , soft ferromagnetic alloy can easily magnetize • Sapphire : it is a single crystal of Al2O3 with hexagonal structure used as a substrate. Because has high working temperature, stable dielectric constant and good thermal conductivity
For analysis the film structure … EBSD : • it’s a scanning electron microscope (SEM) used to measure the crystallographic orientation • it produce image scanning it with focused beam of electron. • The electron interact with sample produce various signals. • Kikuchi band : these are bands name formed by the SEM having slightly higher and lower intensities variation. • Kikuchi bands mark orientation space with well defined intersection (called zones or poles ).
Introduction …multilayer film • Magnetic devices has feromagnetic (co ,FeNi) and non magnetic layers (Cu ,Ag) and then can observe the effect of exchange bias. • between these layer electrical resistance can be change due to apply field referred as GMR • in multilayer permallay / Cu film corcetivity decreases with increases total magnetic thickness • thick magnetic layer have a good soft magnetic properties
Experiment : Growth of biepitaxial permalloy film…. • At 750 C temperature (a subtrate sapphire temp) 250 nm thick Nb film grown by sputter deposition • At 350 c (subtrate temp) by sputtering deposition 200 cm thick Cu layer deposited on it • Then permalloy film (20 nm) deposited on Cu film by process of sputtering at 3 different subtrate temp (350 ,100 ,10) C • epitaxial layer of Cu and Py having only 1.3% mismatch.
Chamber pressure...and temperature : • All multilayers grown at 2.5 ^ 10 (-3) torr and chamber base pressure 1^10(-8) • deposition rate for Nb is 3A/s and for Py 4A/s. • Magnetization measure of the Py film at room temp 300k and 12 k . • All these temp and pressure Nb layer which act as a buffer layer become not a superconductor and thus not effect the magnetization • coercivity and magnetization of the Py film studied by measuring in plane magnetization [110] & [112]
Experimental results: EBSD Results: This technique collecting the data at different orientation of sputtered Py film and gives result at 3 different temp in the form of poles in Kikuchi bands:
Epitaxial permalloy to biepitaxial permalloy film…….???? Electron move on the permalloy film and temperature of subtrate about 350 C its gives two different orientation having 2 different stacking sequence of [111] fcc plane… same for Py film and also has pattern of Cu then such layers called biepitaxial Py film and biepitaxial Cu layer
Stage control scanning of Py film…. • Distribution and size of biepitaxial Py film (200 nm thickness) at 350 C determined by mapping the film with the help of stage control scanning • Due to scanning the pattern , by two thick layers [111] of Py film changes widely not giving a particular pattern. • Grain size measured by linear intercept method , measured in this paper 5um
200 nm thick Py film grown at subtrate temp 350 C on 20 nm epitaxial Cu film two variant shown by grey and black areas
Variation of Hc with room temp and 12 K • At room temp 300 k and different subtrate temp the variation of Hc are 2.5 , 25 and 38 oe • variation in Hc at growth temp due to the production of elastic strain • variation of Hc as subtrate temp decreases due to the decrease in the crystalline quality of biepitaxial Py film
Magnetic and magnetocrystalline anisotropy • Magnetic properties in different direction in magnetic material knows as magnetic anisotropy • Allingment of spin in FM some specific direction imposed by crystal lattice knows as magnetocrystalline anisotropy • Epitaxial metallic film (111) plane growth direction symmetry <110> <112> 3 fold • no in plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy , so if measured in 110 or 112 has no difference as in (111)
Superconducting quantum interference device (magnetometer) • To study higher order aniotropies we rotate this device to study magnetization measurement from 0 to 360 degree at zero applied magnetic field • maxima and minima magnetization occur 180 degree to each other • strain induce in plane uniaxial anisotropy