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Project Overview NOTE: THIS IS FROM 2008. Studies of Society and Environment, English and Philosophy. Learning Areas. Levels. Ages 10- 14. Objectives.

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  1. Project Overview NOTE: THIS IS FROM 2008 Studies of Society and Environment, English and Philosophy Learning Areas Levels Ages 10- 14 Objectives How do we best develop positive values in students? How do we encourageSTUDENT VOICE, STUDENT ACTION and ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP through connecting hearts, head and hands. Description • For the students we wanted them to consider environmental assets existing in their communities. • For the educators, we wanted them to explore the potential of environmental education programs to develop and engage in values education. • For everyone, we wanted to raise the awareness of the interdependent aspects of sustainability. Software Keywords Powerpoint, Movie Maker, Word, Outlook, OneNote, Moodle Centra Symposium, Publisher, Bing, Skydrive environment ecollaboration student action values online Authors Mark Sparvell South Australia (DECS) Australia In 2008 this was HOT STUFF!! Documents

  2. Teacher Planning and Management Click the documents below to help you understand the context of this exemplary learning project: Background & Planning: A picture of the origin and objectives of the learning project, including the manner in which the project was planned and managed. Classroom Images: Images of the classroom to give you a better feeling for how the project was implemented. Documents

  3. Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Student Project Overview: An overview of required tasks. Class Server Resources: Download teaching resources in Class Server format. <Enter other document details> Documents

  4. Assessment and Standards Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards cover in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: Examples of assessment rubrics provided to students showing how the project was assessed. Mapping the Standards: Mapping this project’s learning objectives against curriculum standards. National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): Performance indicators for technology-literate students. Documents

  5. Teacher and School Information • Mataranka in Northern Territory • Spearwood in Western Australia • Birdwood HS in South Australia • Victor R7 in South Australia • Yankalilla As in South Australia • Peregrine PS in Tasmania Mark Sparvell is currently Principal at Kadina Primary School in South Australia. Kadina Primary caters for 480 students from ages 5 to 13 and is situated 200 kilometres from the city of Adelaide. Mark coordinates the work in 6 schools across 5,000 kilometres using a number of online and offline environments. This collaborative work together is now in its FOURTH YEAR.

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