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E178 Web Service Development With PowerBuilder 9.0

E178 Web Service Development With PowerBuilder 9.0. Jinyou Zhu Senior Software Engineer Sybase Inc. jyzhu@Sybase.com. Chris Rank Senior Software Engineer Sybase Inc. crank@Sybase.com. Web Service Development With PB 9.0. Section 1: Web Service Quick View

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E178 Web Service Development With PowerBuilder 9.0

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  1. E178 Web Service Development With PowerBuilder 9.0 • Jinyou Zhu • Senior Software Engineer • Sybase Inc. • jyzhu@Sybase.com • Chris Rank • Senior Software Engineer • Sybase Inc. • crank@Sybase.com

  2. Web Service Development With PB 9.0 • Section 1: Web Service Quick View • Section 2: Deploy PB NVO as Web service • Section 3: Access Web service in PowerScript • Section 4: Access Web service in JSP • Demos

  3. Web Service Development With PB 9.0 Section 1: Web service quick view • What is Web service ? • Where to find a service ? • How to define/describe a service ? • How to communicate to a service ? • How to publish a service ? • How to access a service ?

  4. Web Service Quick View-- What is Web service? Web service is defined as use of Internet technologies to make distributed software components talk to each other. • Available over Internet or private intranet networks • Uses a standardized XML messaging system • Self-describing via a common XML grammar • Discoverable via a simple find mechanism • Not tied to any OS and languages • Separate Web service description from implementation

  5. Web Service Quick View-- Where to find a service ? UDDI -- A central registry UDDI (Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration) is a place to store the information about your business, your services, and other technical information • White Page -- Business description and related information • Yellow Page -- Index of services • Green Page -- Technical documents about the services

  6. Web Service Quick View-- How to describe a service ? Web Service Description Language (WSDL) WSDL is an XML grammar for specifying a public interface for a Web service • Namespaces • Complex data types -- structures • Messages -- data between client and server • PortType -- Operations in the service • Binding information -- transport protocol • Service and ports (endpoints)

  7. Web Service Quick View-- Communicate to a service ? SOAP SOAP is an XML-based protocol for exchanging information between computers • XML-based messaging • Platform- and language-independent • Can be delivered via a variety of transport protocol such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and BEEP etc.

  8. WSDL file Invoke Return Server Side Step 1: Create functionality (component) Step 2: Create SOAP service wrapper Step 3: Create WSDL file Step 4: Deploy service Step 5: Publish service to UDDI Web Service Quick View-- How to publish a service ? Registry (UDDI) Client Server

  9. UDDI Site Searching WSDL file Server Invoke Client Return Client Side Step 1: Find service via UDDI Step 2: Retrieve WSDL file Step 3: Create SOAP client Step 4: Invoke service Web Service Quick View-- How to access a service ?

  10. Web Service Development with PB 9.0-- What’s Next ? • Section 1: Web Service Quick View • Section 2: Deploy PB NVO as Web service • Deploys PB NVO to EAServer • Generates stub and skeleton • Creates WSDL document and service • Sets endpoint and selects operations • Generates WSDL file

  11. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service-- Create & deploy PB NVO Create NVO • PowerBuilder 9.0 has complete facility to create object -- visual or non visual (NVO) Deploy NVO to EAServer • EAServer Component Wizard • Deployment

  12. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service-- Wizard for NVO deployment in PB 9.0 EAServer Component Wizard in PB 9.0 • Collects information such as library, component, EAServer, package, type of component, and transaction. • Creates a generator for deployment • Generator will deploy the NVO to EAServer Demo -- EAServer component wizard

  13. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service-- Deploy PB NVO to EAServer

  14. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service -- Generate stub and skeleton • Stub -- client side • Allow client to interact with server components as if they are local components • Skeleton -- server side • Allow EAServer to invoke your component methods Demo -- Generate Stub/Skeleton

  15. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service -- Create WSDL document & services • WSDL document works as a Web service container • It setups definition name and target name space • One WSDL document --> each WSDL file • You can create several services in one document • One service will wrap only one component. • Once service is set, more properties can be set to add functionality. Demo -- Create WSDL Document and services

  16. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service -- Set endpoint and operations • Endpoint -- where the web service will reside • includes protocol, port, host, WebApp Context, and URL Pattern. • Operations • Select operations in the component, which you want to expose as Web service Demo -- Set properties and generate WSDL file

  17. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service -- Summary (1) 6Steps to deploy PB NVO as Web service • Step 1: Deploy NVO to EAServer using wizard • Step 2: Generate and compile stub/skeleton • Step 3: Create empty WSDL document • Step 4: Create service in the document • Step 5: Add endpoint and operations, The WSDL file will be generated automatically. • Step 6: Copy the WSDL file to Web server

  18. Deploy PB NVO as Web Service -- Summary (2) Advantages • PowerBuilder is tightly integrated with EAServer • PowerBuilder has wizard to help users to deploy the NVO • It is very easy to use

  19. Web Service Development With PB 9.0 -- What’s Next ? • Section 1: Web Service Quick View • Section 2: Deploy PB NVO as Web service • Section 3: Access Web service in PowerScript • How to generate Web service proxy? • How to use Web service proxy? • Error handling in PB 9.0 • Data mapping in PB 9.0 • Examples

  20. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Standards used in PB 9.0 Messaging & Transport Protocol • SOAP 1.1 over HTTP/HTTPS Service Description • WSDL 1.1 Service Discovery (not support right now) • UUDI

  21. Access Web service in PowerScript-- Overview WSDL Files 3 Two things need to be done for client side • Generates Proxy -- Communicates to server • Uses proxy and error handling Web service Server PowerScript 1 Other components NVO 2 Invoke Web service Proxy Web service Stub Data

  22. Access Web service in PowerScript-- Components in PB 9.0 Generates proxy from WSDL file • Web service wizard and generator Uses proxy • SoapConnection object Error handling • SoapException object

  23. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Web service proxy wizard • Collects information such as location of WSDL file, service, port(s), proxy name, and target library • Create a proxy generator object in PowerBuilder library Proxy generator • User can set/change any property • Create proxy objects and structures and deploy them into specified PowerBuilder library Note: Proxy generation is port based.

  24. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Select the WSDL file to use

  25. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Select the service

  26. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Select the port(s)

  27. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Select the proxy name

  28. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Select the library to deploy

  29. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Review and create the Gentor

  30. 1. Mini toolbar 2. System Tree Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Gentor project 3. Project Window Demo -- Use wizard/generator to create WS proxy

  31. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Proxy wizard/generator in PB 9.0 Proxy

  32. Access Web service in PowerScript -- How to use proxy in PowerScript SoapConection object • Used to instantiated the proxy object and populated SOAP options • Implemented in PBSoapClient90.pbd, so this .pbd file MUST be added to current target Functions in SoapConnection class • CreateInstance - Create a proxy instance • SetOptions - Set log file, user name, and password

  33. Access Web service in PowerScript -- How to use proxy (cont.) SoapConection object 1. CreateInstance • CreateInstance(proxyObj, ProxyType) -- Create a proxy object using default endpoint CreateInstance(obj, “Calculator”) • CreateInstance(proxyObj, ProxyType, endpoint) -- Create a proxy object using specified endpoint CreateInstance(obj, “Calculator”, “ http://sybase.com”)

  34. Access Web service in PowerScript -- How to use proxy (cont.) SoapConection object 2. SetOptions • SetOptions(optionString) -- Set options for the connection -- Options include log file, user ID, and password • Format of optionString -- Name/value pairs Example: “SoapLog=~”Logpath”, userID=~”username”, Password=~”password”

  35. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Error handling in PoweScript SoapException object • SoapException inherited from PowerBuilder RuntimError object • Errors that occur in the execution of a method of Web service are converted to SoapException objects and thrown to the calling script For PowerScript • Use try-catch block to capture the exception • Unhandled exception will be propagate to PB and cause SystemError event to be executed

  36. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Example: Use the service SoapConnection conn // Define SoapConnection demo_ieuroport proxy_obj // Define proxy long rVal real amount conn = create SoapConnection //Instantiated connection // Create proxy object rVal = Conn.CreateInstance(proxy_obj, " demo_ieuroport") try amount = proxy_obj.toeuro(100, “DEM”) // Invoke service // use the amount …. catch ( SoapException e ) messagebox (“Error”, “Cannot invoke WS”)// error handling end try destroy conn

  37. Access Web service in PowerScript -- Data type support and mapping XML Type PB Type XML Type PB Type boolean boolean decimal decimal byte int (-128~127) float real unsignedByte uint (0~255) double double short int string string unsignedShort uint date date int long time time unsignedInt ulong datetime datetime long longlong base64Binary blob unsignedLong longlong (*) hexBinary blob integer longlong base64 blob * range (0 ~2exp63 -1)

  38. Web Service Development With PB 9.0 -- What’s Next ? • Section 1: A Quick Look at Web Services • Section 2: Deploy a PB NVO as a Web service • Section 3: Accessing Web services from PowerScript • Section 4: Accessing Web Services from a JSP • Wizard for custom tag generation • Using the custom tag • Taglib directive + examples • Input/output parameters + examples • Error handling • Deployment

  39. Accessing Web Services from JSPWizard for Custom Bean in PB 9.0 • Wizard for Custom Beans • Collects information such as location of WSDL file, service, and port (s). • Provides for user-specified overrides for custom bean name, Java class name, Java package name, TLD name, Jar name, output variables and selection of operations within a service. • Provides as output a TLD file, Java source to process custom tag and compiled Java class files of source that can be deployed to a JSP container or used as standalone Java classes.

  40. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Select the WSDL file to use

  41. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Select the Services to include

  42. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Select the Operations to include

  43. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Modify parameter information

  44. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Select the ports for each Operation

  45. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Set a destination for the tag library

  46. Custom Tags Wizard for Web Services-- Generate the custom tag library

  47. Accessing Web Services from JSPAuthoring JSP – Using custom tags • Choose custom bean that represents web service to drag and drop on JSP from system tree. • Add Taglib directives. • Specify input and output arguments. All arguments must be represented as objects as they are stored in the pageContext of the JSP container. • Invoke custom tag. • Handle errors.

  48. Accessing Web Services from JSPAuthoring JSP -- System Tree

  49. Accessing Web Services from JSPA simple example Purpose is to define to JSP container custom tags that are to be used in this page. <%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/tlds/examples.publish.Exchange.tld" prefix="exchange" %>

  50. Accessing Web Services from JSPAuthoring JSP – Using a custom tag <%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/tlds/examples.publish.Exchange.tld" prefix="exchange" %> … <% String firstCountry = “usa”; String secondCountry = “japan”; Float exchangeRate; %> … <exchange:getRate country1="<%= firstCountry %>" country2="<%= secondCountry %>" /> … <% exchangeRate = (Float) CurrencyExchangeService_getRate_returnValue; out.println(“The exchange rate between ” + firstCountry + “ and ” + secondCountry + “is: ” + exchangeRate %> ); %>

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