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English: Non-fiction writing – Instructions, Explanation and Non Chronological Reports Fiction– Historical stories, poetry. Science: How Things Work- Sound Materials and their properties. Investigating how materials are formed and how materials are used. Mathematics:
English: • Non-fiction writing – Instructions, Explanation and Non Chronological Reports • Fiction– Historical stories, poetry Science: How Things Work- Sound Materials and their properties. Investigating how materials are formed and how materials are used. Mathematics: Place value, ordering and sequencing Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions Data handling; Reading scales Symmetry, shape and area Measure and perimeter Welsh: Pod Antur- Teulu Y Tuduriaid (The Tudor family) Teithio Extended vocabulary through: oracy, reading and writing. Use incidental welsh e.g. simple instructions, feelings and weather. The Tudors OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! ICT: Internet safety and searching. Multimedia presentations – the children will become co-authors Toy designers- Children will be designing and marketing a toy Religious Education: Festivals The need for rules in society School rules Exploring rules in Christianity, Islam and Judaism Art and Design Technology- Tudor weapons Tudor wife portraits and frames Tudor tapestry Tudor toys Candles Curriculum Overview Year 4 Autumn 2014 History: Experiences: Battle of Bosworth, Tudor Court , Tudor Feast What was Henry VIII like as a ruler? Tudor timelines Why did Henry marry so many times? What was is like to be rich/ poor in the Tudor era? Tudor food, clothes and entertainment Tudor crime and punishment Tudor exploration P.E. and Games: Outdoor- Invasion games Indoor – Gymnastics and Tudor Dance. Music: Play it again (exploring rhythmic patterns) The class orchestra (exploring arrangements) PSE/ SEAL: KIVA Anti-bullying Program New beginnings Getting along and falling out
General Information • Homework- each week, pupils will be given 1 extension activity to complete at home. We also expect them to continue practicing times-tables and Nessy spellings. • Home Reading- your child will be provided with a reading book along with a reading diary. As we have such a huge focus on reading at Glyncoed, we ask that you listen to your child read at home at least three times a week. We also ask that you leave a comment in your child’s diary that refers to how your child has read their book. • Uniform– school uniform is compulsory. All pupils need to be wearing the school t-shirt (blue/white), school trousers or skirt and a school jumper. Suitable black shoes must also be worn. • PE days– pupils will need both indoor and outdoor kit on Tuesday and Friday.Kit should include the Glyncoed t-shirt and blue shorts and a tracksuit for outdoor games. All pupils need trainers for games lessons. • Jewellery– please ensure pupils are not wearing jewellery to school that they’re not able to remove for PE and games sessions.
General Information • Water bottles– pupils are encouraged to have a water bottle in class to discourage pupils from leaving the class during lesson time. • Absences– children should not arrive at school until after 8:40am as they are unsupervised before this time. Latecomers need to sign in at the main reception. If you children are absent, please call the school or provide a note explaining their absence. Holidays during term time will no longer be authorised by the school. • School trips– children are encouraged to attend all educational trips which form part of their learning. Costs are kept to the minimum and all pupils are expected to contribute, as lack of funds can lead to trips being cancelled. We are always in need of parent volunteers. • Class assemblies and concerts– the junior pupils will take part in a Christmas carol concert this year instead of the usual class productions. Year 4 will also be having a class assembly during the Spring term (dates to be confirmed shortly).