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Herbaria, Voucher Specimens,

Herbaria, Voucher Specimens,. and YOUR research. Outline. Herbaria What are they? The Intermountain Herbarium Voucher specimens What are they? Why make them? Your research Optional Assignment. Herbaria: what are they?.

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Herbaria, Voucher Specimens,

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  1. Herbaria, Voucher Specimens, and YOUR research

  2. Outline • Herbaria • What are they? • The Intermountain Herbarium • Voucher specimens • What are they? • Why make them? • Your research • Optional Assignment

  3. Herbaria: what are they? Organized collections of carefully preserved and documented plant specimens PLUS Associated resources

  4. The Intermountain Herbarium • A major regional herbarium with • 232,413 specimens • 60,811 in database • 20,142 Utah • 7,286 Nevada • 20,629 grasses • 14,497 georeferenced

  5. Specimens The Intermountain Herbarium contains mostly vascular plants, but the fungal and bryophyte collections are becoming more active.

  6. Specimens have two parts … The plant material and …

  7. and the label The label is critical. The identity of the plant specimen can be checked; the accuracy of the label cannot be checked.

  8. Our specimens come from … These are just georeferenced specimens. We have many others.

  9. Some useful cabinets to know… Range Class Accessible 8-5, M-F

  10. The Intermountain Herbarium …. Has a non-circulating reference library

  11. With professional references … And an on-site copier, 5¢ per page, cash

  12. other references …

  13. and yet more …. Books for children – useful for those in education

  14. Resources for teaching…

  15. And more teaching resources… Demonstration mounts

  16. Voucher specimens • What are they? • Why make them?

  17. Voucher specimens • Voucher specimens are herbarium specimens that: • Document your work • Explain what you mean by a name • Give your work longevity • May end up being an integral part of studies you never thought of – giving you greater fame.

  18. When are voucher specimens needed? Any time the name being used is important to the story you are telling. If others might use your work If you want the value of your work to outlast you If using “grass 1” and “blue flower 2” would not change your story, voucher specimens are not needed.

  19. Why make voucher specimens? • Because plant identification is not easy • Because names mean different things to different people • Because the meaning of plant names may change over time • For credibility • As a contribution to knowledge

  20. Identification is not easy Every taxonomist has found mistakes of their own to correct Every taxonomist has had others correct their mistakes ‘New’ species are not new; they are species that have not yet been recognized – not even by experienced taxonomists. Identification is not always easy; compare with specimens, not pictures.

  21. Some warnings If the name is important, as much effort should go into determining the appropriate name as selecting a method of data analysis. Field identifications should be verified in an herbarium Checklists are often incomplete – and may contain errors

  22. Why isn’t the name enough? Because its meaning may differ according to the reference used.

  23. Citing authorities Adds little information. State which reference you used for identification

  24. Making voucher specimens Requires time and some equipment The folks in the herbarium will show you how to make specimens, loan you the inexpensive equipment, get you started on identification.

  25. Other tools needed Field notebook Clippers and digger Pencil(s) Tags Bags GPS*, altimeter** Field press**

  26. Other needs The Intermountain Herbarium will loan plant presses and allow you to use its plant dryer and label making program.

  27. And, most importantly… A place to identify your plants. Floras are on shelves adjacent to this space. Specimens are in cabinets all around.

  28. The label should inform …

  29. Cultivated plant label

  30. Tell others about vouchers State that you made voucher specimens, state where they are deposited, and make sure that you have deposited them.

  31. Are voucher specimens used? • YES • Ferren – Chenopodiaceae • Fleur – Persoonia • Bowden – Pascopyrum smithii • Resource for other studies • Floristic • Morphology • Molecular

  32. Lack of vouchers costs • Mitella • Themeda

  33. Your Research Unvouchered work cannot be refuted or substantiated. It can, and ideally should, be rejected for publication; if published, it should be ignored or its dubious status mentioned.

  34. Is that what you want for your research?

  35. MAKE VOUCHER SPECIMENS Let your research live

  36. Optional Assignment The prizes Take a learning tour of the herbarium – and maybe win a prize.

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