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Hormones & Menstrual Cycle

Hormones & Menstrual Cycle. B5f. OBJECTIVES. Key Objective Describe the link between hormones & the menstrual cycle Outcomes Describe the main stages of the menstrual cycle and the reasons for such changes (D)

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Hormones & Menstrual Cycle

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  1. Hormones & Menstrual Cycle B5f

  2. OBJECTIVES Key Objective • Describe the link between hormones & the menstrual cycle Outcomes • Describe the main stages of the menstrual cycle and the reasons for such changes (D) • Describe treatments for infertility to include: artificial insemination, use of FSH, ‘in vitro’ fertilisation (IVF), egg donation, surrogacy, ovary transplants (C) • Understand the control of the menstrual cycle by the hormones oestrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH (B) • Discuss the arguments for and against such infertility treatments (A) • Discuss the ethical issues raised by foetal screening (A*)


  4. Your Task(s) … • In your groups of 4, you are going to work as 2 pairs to complete the following tasks; • Pair 1: Work through and complete the tasks on slides 5-7 (slides 8-10 are there to help if needed) • Pair 2: Work through and complete the tasks on slide 11 (slide 12 provides more information) • These need to be finished and either handed to me or e-mailed to me by the end of the lesson.

  5. Grade D Use the internet and videos from websites such as the following to answer the questions:msnbc.com/news/wld/graphics/menstrual_cycle_dw2.swf Explain the following words: • Menstruation • Ovulation • Pregnancy Draw a timeline of events in the average menstrual cycle. • Label it with: • i The correct number of days • ii When ovulation starts and ends • iii When menstruation starts and ends

  6. Keywords Research and explain the following terms, including information on where they are produced and their function; • FSH • LH • OESTROGEN • PROGESTERONE

  7. Task (Grade B) • Research how hormones (FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone) control the menstrual cycle. • Explain that the role of the pituitary gland and the ovary. • Link any physical changes to hormonal changes and stages in the menstrual cycle. • Produce a summary document/slide showing a labelled diagram on the menstrual cycle.

  8. Task (Grade C-A*) • Outline, briefly, the different fertility treatments that are currently available (C) • As a group summarise the advantages and disadvantages of two of the treatments on the following slide (A) • Summarise the ethical issues surrounding foetal screening (A*)

  9. Infertility Treatments Artificial insemination • Possibility of blocked oviducts • Sperm donated • Sperm placed in oviducts Injections of FSH • The ovaries may not release eggs • FSH is a hormone • This follicle stimulating hormone is injected into a woman IVF • Various causes • An expensive treatment • The world’s first baby produced from IVF was Louise Brown • Egg and sperm are fertilised outside the body and then replaced into the uterus Surrogacy • A fertilised egg is put into a surrogate woman who is then pregnant • At birth the baby is given to the infertile woman Ovary transplants • The first successful ovary transplant was carried out in 2004 • The transplant used the woman’s own ovary tissue taken before she had treatment for cancer Egg donation • Ovaries stop producing eggs at an early stage • Eggs are donated from another woman, fertilised by sperm and then placed into the uterus


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