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Learn the importance of modeling "blueprints" in software development, the difference between object-oriented and functional analysis and design. Unified Modeling Language (UML) and steps to OOAD are explored in this chapter.
Chapter 5: Object Oriented Analysis and Design Chapter 1 in Applying UML and Patterns Book.
Why do we need Modelling ”Blue prints” ? • Object Oriented Analysis and Design - OOAD. • Object Oriented vs. Functional Oriented Analysis and Design. • Unified Modelling Language - UML. • UML Models. • Steps to OOAD. Overview
Understands what Object Oriented Analysis and Design is. • Understands what is Unified Modeling Language “UML” and the UML models. • Distinguishes between the analysis oriented and design oriented. By the end of this chapter, you will..
Knowing an object-oriented language and having access to a library is necessary but not sufficient in order to create object software. • In between a nice idea and a working software, there is much more than programming. • Analysis and design provide software “blueprints”, illustrated by a modeling language. • Blueprints serve as a tool for thought and as a form of communication with others. • These blueprints can then be transferred into code using any specific OO language. The Need for Software Blueprints
OOAD essential for creating well-designed, robust & maintainable software system using OO Programming Language (e.g. C++, Java, smalltalk, etc…). • It is the latest and most used way of design now. • UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a modeling language for OOS. Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOAD
An investigation of the problem (rather than how a solution is defined). • During OO analysis, there is an emphasis on finding and describing the objects (or concepts) in the problem domain. • Example: Concepts in a Library Information System include; Book and Catalog. Object Oriented Analysis
Emphasizes a conceptual solution that fulfills the requirements specified in the analysis. • Need to define software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements. • Designs are implemented in a Programming Language. • Example: in the Library Information System, a Book software object may have a title attribute and a display() method. And implemented using any OO programming language; e.g. Java. Object Oriented Design
Book Attribute: Title Method: Display() From Analysis to Implementation
OOAD SAD Object Oriented vs. Function Oriented AD
A notational system aimed at modeling systems using object oriented concepts. Unified Modeling Language