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Common Core: When Do We Buy & When Do We Build. College Graduation and Remediation Rates. The more remedial classes students take, the less likely they are to stay in college. EngageNY.org. 2. Percent at or above Proficient: 3-8 ELA & Math. New York.
Common Core:When Do We Buy & When Do We Build EngageNY.org
College Graduation and Remediation Rates The more remedial classes students take, the less likely they are to stay in college. EngageNY.org 2
Percent at or above Proficient: 3-8 ELA & Math New York Source: NYSED June 17, 2012 Release of Data (Background Information: Slide Presentation). Available at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/pressRelease/20120717/2012-ELAandMathSlides-SHORTDECK-7-16-12.ppt. ELA data from slide 16; Math data from slide 31. Percentages represent students scoring a “3” or a “4” Source: NAEP Summary Report for New York State. Available at: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/states/Default.aspx Most recent year available for Reading and Mathematics is 2011. EngageNY.org EngageNY.org
If you build it (and it’s good), they will come,and then they will change their practice… P-12 Comprehensive Curriculum for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, the Arts Video Projects – classroom, reflection, studio Assessment Design Documents Sample Assessment Items Tri State Rubric Evidence Collection Tools Professional Development Kits EngageNY.org
Context for Curriculum Work • Vendor Partners: $26 MM (RttT) • P-2 ELA: Core Knowledge • 3-8 ELA: Expeditionary Learning • 9-12 ELA: PCG & Odell Education • P-12 Math: Common Core, Inc. • Regents Research Fund/ SED = 3 FTE + 2 Mgrs • Teacher Reviewers = 50 teachers @ 10 hrs/wk • Intensive Review Cycles with SAP • SAP calibration and gradual release to RRF/ SED EngageNY.org
6 Shifts in ELA/Literacy 6 Shifts in Mathematics Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary Focus Coherence Fluency Deep Understanding Applications Dual Intensity Instructional Shifts Demanded by the Core 6 EngageNY.org 6
Shifts in Assessments Six Shifts in Mathematics Assessments EngageNY.org
Math Assessment Documents EngageNY.org 8
EQUiP Rubrics – Math & ELA/ Literacy Collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials Actualize the Publishers Criteria EngageNY.org 9
Common Misconceptions in draft Math Curriculum Progressions Focus Micro Standards or All-in-One Standards Teachers are still doing all the thinking EngageNY.org
Traditional U.S. Approach EngageNY.org 11 11
Focusing Attention Within Number and Operations EngageNY.org 12 12
Major Areas of Work: P-2 EngageNY.org 13
Major Areas of Work: 3-5 EngageNY.org 14
Major Areas of Work: 6-8 EngageNY.org 15
Sample Grade 5 EngageNY.org 16
Common Misconceptions in draft Math Curriculum • Progressions • Are students steadily acquiring knowledge and skills along the progressions? • Focus • Are the focus standards being addressed primarily? • Micro Standards or All-in-One Standards • Are students learning bits of standards at a time? • Teachers are still doing all the thinking • If you read between the lines, who will actually be thinking and talking math publicly? EngageNY.org
6 Shifts in ELA/Literacy 6 Shifts in Mathematics Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary Focus Coherence Fluency Deep Understanding Applications Dual Intensity Instructional Shifts Demanded by the Core 18 EngageNY.org 18
Shifts in Assessments Six Shifts in ELA Assessments EngageNY.org
ELA Assessment Documents EngageNY.org 20
EQUiP Rubrics – Math & ELA/ Literacy Collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials Actualize the Publishers Criteria Ensuring Rigor, Quality, Alignment EngageNY.org 21
Common Misconceptions in draft ELA Curriculum Low Rigor Questions and Activities Pacing of Texts Micro Standards or All-in-One Standards Teachers are still doing all the thinking EngageNY.org
The Wizard of Oz Use details and evidence to support your answers! • What motivates Dorothy? • What role do the red shoes play? • What element of the human psyche does the lion represent? • What is the climax of the story? • How many settings are there in the story? • Is it real or is it a dream? • What is the theme? EngageNY.org
Just a Sentence & a Standard From Sherman Alexie’s “Every Little Hurricane”: “Although it was winter, the nearest ocean four hundred miles away, and the Tribal Weatherman asleep because of-boredom, a hurricane dropped from the sky in 1976 and fell so hard on the Spokane Indian Reservation that it knocked Victor from bed and his latest nightmare.” 9.RL.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. EngageNY.org
Pre-CCSS Questions What weather words and phrases does the author use? Alexie uses the paradox of fighting at a party, two seemingly incompatible events that nonetheless occur. What other examples of paradox appear in the story, and why might that be? Which character to you most resemble? Why? How does the author use one or more major metaphors (storms, water, drowning)? Write a brief summary of the text, its relationship to events, and its use of symbolism and paradox to illustrate it major theme. EngageNY.org
Reading Targets EngageNY.org
A Common Concern: Literary Elements (Now part of a greater whole…) 2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with others, and advance the plot or develop the theme. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g. parallel plots) and manipulate time (e.g. pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, and surprise. EngageNY.org
A Common Concern…Stamina/ Miles on the Page There is a difference between witnessing the scope of the narrative and conducting analysis of words on the page. Details of the narrative are not sufficient evidence for marshaling an argument. Close reading is a mission critical activity if students are to be able to tackle the number and complexity of texts assigned to them in college. True stamina will come. EngageNY.org
Common Misconceptions in draft ELA curriculum… • Low Rigor Questions and Activities • What are the kids actually doing? • Do the activities and questions require them to be able to read, understand, and analyze? • Pacing of Texts • When is the “reading” actually happening? • Micro Standards or All-in-One Standards • Teachers are still doing all the thinking • If you read between the lines, who will end up making the meaning? EngageNY.org
EQUiP Rubrics – Math & ELA/ Literacy Collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials Actualize the Publishers Criteria EngageNY.org 30
Your materials Math Misconceptions ELA Misconceptions Low Rigor Questions and Activities Pacing of Texts Micro Standards or All-in-One Standards Teachers are still doing all the thinking • Progressions • Focus • Micro Standards • Teachers are still doing all the thinking EngageNY.org
What we’ve learned… • Highly Qualified Writers and Reviewers take up to 6 months to calibrate • Devotion to/ experience in a content area does not a CCSS writer/ reviewer make • A good teacher does not a curriculum writer/ reviewer make • Much of what must shift is sacred • Rhetorical alignment and actual alignment are two different things • CCSS stickers are easy to produce; true quality, rigor, and alignment are not • It often takes 6-8 revision cycles to get to necessary levels of quality/ rigor/ alignment EngageNY.org
Spend • Money on Texts (Books/ Periodicals/ Databases) and Math Materials • Time on • Conceptual PD in Math for Elementary & Secondary Teachers • PD on Research Writing (standards 7-9) for Secondary (6-8) Teachers • Adult to Adult conversations about Content • Math concepts • ELA Texts • PLCs devoted to problem solving implementation/ shift experimentation/ evidence collection guides EngageNY.org
Timeline for Modules EngageNY.org
Evidence Collection Tools • Ideal for evidence based feedback on practice • peer observations • informal supervisory observations • learning walks EngageNY.org