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Induction. Dr Sarah Logan Year 1 Tutor s.logan@hull.ac.uk Room: Fenner 160. Induction Information. We have created an Induction website in order to make your move to the University run as smoothly as possible! http://psy.hull.ac.uk/Induction/
Induction Dr Sarah Logan Year 1 Tutor s.logan@hull.ac.uk Room: Fenner 160
Induction Information We have created an Induction website in order to make your move to the University run as smoothly as possible! • http://psy.hull.ac.uk/Induction/ • This talk will appear on the website later today. There is also information about the course, the university, hull etc. • If there is anything that you would like to see added, please let me know
Registration • You have registration tomorrow at 10am in Staff House • You need to bring all formal documentation with you when you register (e.g. finance documents, passport, visa etc).
Personal Supervision • You all have a personal supervisor • Meet several times throughout the first semester • Discuss PDP and set your first essay • You should all have a note of the day (Thursday or Friday), time and room of your first meeting this week. ?
Student representatives Represent the whole year group, and sit on our staff-student committees (4 times per year). If you would like to volunteer please email Jo Arnett (SSC Secretary) by 12 noon on Friday 9th October. Send one page summary on PowerPoint with 250 words about why you would like to be a student rep and include a photo. If more than 3 candidates apply then an election will be held on Monday 12th October in 5.15 LAW lecture. j.c.arnett@hull.ac.uk
Second hand books/book selling This year we have launched the student book selling site as a result of student feedback. http://psy.hull.ac.uk/Students/Booksell/ You will be able to use this to sell books you no longer need or buy books for upcoming modules.
Professional PrinciplesWhat we expect from students in the Department of Psychology
Professional Principles • Employers want to employ graduates who are professional in their approach to work • Students in the Department want a professional learning environment • Staff in the Department want to support students in their learning.
Professional Principles As a result of student feedback, the Faculty has produced the following professional principles: As a student in the Faculty of Science you are expected to: 1) ATTEND all classes and meetings as required by the department 2) Be ON TIME for classes and meetings
Professional Principles 3) Be PREPARED for classes by reading set material, working through examples sheets and reading through notes from previous classes 4) TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your assessed work ensuring it is submitted in a timely fashion and free of plagiarism and unfair means 5) RESPECT other students and teaching staff. Ensure you don’t disrupt the learning of others – arrive at classes on time, switch off your mobile phone and remain quiet whilst the lecturer is talking
Professional Principles 6) REFRAIN from eating and drinking in lecture theatres and laboratories. If there is a good reason why you are unable to engage with your studies, please contact your personal supervisor as soon as possible.
To ensure that there is a constructive learning environment for ALL students, lecturers and tutors may: • Exclude late arrivals • Exclude students who are not prepared for their classes • Warn disruptive students that they will be asked to leave if the disruption continues. Students who are asked to leave a class as a result of being disruptive will be required to attend a follow-up meeting to discuss their unacceptable behaviour. Persistent offenders will be dealt with under the existing student disciplinary procedures.
Deadlines for assessment • Work handed in 1 working day late: 10% of possible marks are automatically deducted. • Work handed in 2 and 10 working days late: mark will be capped at 40%. Can still be lower. • Mark of zero if assignment is more than 10 working days after deadline • Need to apply for authorised extension in mitigating circumstances. See main office
Plagiarism Turnitin is a new plagiarism software which has been introduced recently. It checks your submitted work against published work (i.e., books, journal articles), internet sources and other students work. You will have the opportunity to check your work on Turnitin before submitting it. You will be shown how to use Turnitin prior to handing in your first assessment.
Clinical Psychology The University of Hull is unique in having the only integrated clinical psychology training programme in the UK. Clinical Psychologists work with children and adults with a wide range of psychological difficulties. Clinical Psychology meeting: Thursday 5th November (week 6). You will receive a reminder about this nearer the time.
Free Elective Only applies to those students taking a Psychology only degree You should have either chosen the Psychology module “Pioneers in Modern Psychology” or a “Free Elective” offered by a different department. We need to know what you have registered for. Please come and see me after the Induction session if you are unsure of whether you have registered for Pioneers or a Free Elective
Support services • Student support services within the University Offer many services including: Disability Services Student Loans and Hardship Student Counselling Study Advice Service and more..... You can get in touch with them at: studenthelp@hull.ac.uk.
Student mentors Our student mentors are: Victoria Blackwell, Sophie Booth, Sarah Canty, Samantha Lillywhite, Hannah Marklew, Felicity Nichols, Eileen O’Donoghue, Natasha Roby, Zena-Leigh White, Susan Woodley, Joseph Dowling You will receive an email later this week telling you who your student mentor is. You can contact them with any questions you have. Some of our mentors will also be at the pub quiz on Thursday night.
Psychology event this week... where to find it! Upstairs at Haworth Arms The University 10 minute walk along Cottingham Road from University
Freshers week and beyond... • Make the most of your first week here.... Join clubs/societies Enjoy yourself! • When semester starts........ Get into good habits! Any problems contact your personal supervisor, myself, or our students mentors.
To finish! Get into groups of 5 or 6!! • See if you can find something in common with the others in your group • Discuss what has happened so far • Let us know if you would like more information about things The student mentors will be doing campus tours of where your lectures will be this semester if you would like to go on these after. **Remember – come and see me if you are not sure about your Free Elective** This presentation will be available on the Induction website: http://psy.hull.ac.uk/Induction