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Active European Research Networks and International Collaboration. SUPERGEN Marine Energy Consortium Sustainable Power Generation and Supply Initiative
Active European Research Networks and International Collaboration SUPERGEN Marine Energy Consortium Sustainable Power Generation and Supply Initiative A major UK collaborative programme of research focused on specific thematic areas on marine renewable energy (www.supergen-marine.org.uk). More than 25 industrial and academic partners from across the marine energy community The Norwegian Centre for Renewable Energy (SFFE) Combines the competence of NTNU, SINTEF and IFE (The Institute for Energy Technology), within the field of renewable energy (www.sffe.no). There is a strong sense of cooperation between these three research institutions.
The European Union is the most important host of collaborative research in the field of ocean energy, mainly driven by the European Commission through the Framework Programmes.
The International Network on Offshore Renewable Energy (INORE) made by, for and with PhD students and Post Docs working with issues related to Offshore Renewable Energy (offshore wind, wave or tidal energy) is an example of reinforcement of links between the young researchers (www.inore.org).
The European Ocean Energy Association (EU-OEA) was formed in 2006 to unite the broad interests of the European ocean energy industry into a single, focused and independent voice. Together with its regional and industry partners, the EU-OEA and its members address issues of relevance to the industry with decision-makers including regulators, legislators, and policymakers.
The WAVETRAIN Researcher Exchange Programme 06/2004 – 04/2008 Marie Curie Research Training Network • International Network for Researcher Mobility in the area of Wave Energy • 11 Institutions all over Europe were granted ca. 30 researcher-years (~1.8 M€) • Network includes device developers and leading research institutions • Project was WavEC initiative and is managed by WavEC; co-ordinator is IST/Lisbon since 10/2008: (WavEC is coordinator) 13 Institutions ~50 Researcher-Years (~3.5 M€) Initial Training Network for Wave Energy Professionals (FP7-People) www.wavetrain2.eu
There exist international mechanisms of collaboration on Ocean Energy in which European countries are involved, a major one the Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems (OES-IA) of the International Energy Agency (www.iea-oceans.org). From the present seventeen members, ten are European countries.
The WavePlaM project: market barriers removal 2007 - 2010 • Objectives: • Raise the knowledge and interest of decision makers and investors • Identify and propose mitigation to non-technical barriers on a cross-border level • Outreach to regions outside EU to discuss market inhibitors www.waveplam.eu/page