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Umm ’ Ammarah Naseebah. The Prophet said :. ‘ O Allah! Make this family my friends in Paradise . ’. Ka’b. ?. P ARENTS. B ROTHER. ‘Abdullah bin Ka’b Mazni. Companion of Prophet Participated in Battle of Badr. M ARRIED T O …. Zaid bin ‘ Asim Mazni. Ghazyah Bin ‘ Amru Mazni.
The Prophetsaid: ‘ O Allah! Makethisfamilymyfriends in Paradise. ’
Ka’b • ? PARENTS
BROTHER ‘Abdullah bin Ka’bMazni Companion of Prophet Participated in Battle of Badr
MARRIED TO… Zaid bin ‘AsimMazni Ghazyah Bin ‘AmruMazni
BLESSED WITH… Abdullah Bin Zaid Habib Bin Zaid
HerStatus • Among the ‘Sabiqun Al-Awwalun’. • Participated in the ‘Second Oath’ calledBai’tul ‘Aqabahthaniah. • Present in the ’Treaty of Hudaibiyah’ • Present in the conquest of makkah. • Called the ‘Lady of Uhud’. • Participated in manybattles
BattlesFought... Yamamah Uhud Hunain Khaibar
Lady of Uhud ?? Umm Amarah Her husband Her 2 sons 1 hand – Sword Other hand – Shield
Lady of Uhud ?? Avenged her son’s injury Sustained 12 major wounds Deepest wound-fainted-regained consciousness asked about Prophet
Outcome of battles • Prophetpraised and made dua for the family of UmmAmmarah • Given a share in the warbooty, for everybattlesheparticipated in.
What did we learn ? Jazak-Allahu-Khaira