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A Batteries Life

A Batteries Life. The Scientific Method. Brands. Duracell Energizer Rayovac Sunbeam. Variables The Control Variable- How much time it will take for each flashlight to burn out. The Independent Variable- Four different types of AAA Alkaline batteries.

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A Batteries Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Batteries Life The Scientific Method Christina D.

  2. Brands • Duracell • Energizer • Rayovac • Sunbeam Christina D.

  3. Variables • The Control Variable- How much time it will take for each flashlight to burn out. • The Independent Variable- Four different types of AAA Alkaline batteries. • The Dependent Variable-The amount of time it takes for each light to burn out. • Materials • Three of each type of battery • Four flashlights (same brand) • Index Cards • Sharpies Christina D.

  4. Hypothesis There are many different types of batteries, the batteries in this experiment are Dry Celled batteries. They convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The batteries cell is composed of a zinc anode (-), and a graphite cathode (+). The electrons travel from anode to cathode creating energy, when the electrons die out so will the energy. As a result the flashlight will burn out. I use batteries all day everyday, from phone batteries, cordless curling iron’s, and my numerous flashlights. I couldn’t image a life with out batteries and I'm sure my fuzzy friend The Energizer Bunny is going to last the longest. Christina D.

  5. Christina D.

  6. PROCEDURE I USED THESE STEPS TO INVESTIGATE THE LIFE OF BATTERIES. Results • Opened and tested each 200 Lumen, High Intensity Flashlights. • Inserted three of each brand of AAA Alkaline batteries into lights. • Placed flash lights on appropriately labeled index card. • Turned each flash light on low setting. • Documented time. • Checked lights in thirty minute intervals. • Recorded when lights bunt out. Christina D.

  7. In Conclusion My hypothesis was that Energizer would last longer, based on personal choice. I was wrong “The Copper Top”, Duracell was the winner. Although it was a pretty close race, I would advise people to spend the extra few bucks, and at least get Rayovac batteries for important items such as hearing aids and smoke detectors. Christina D.

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