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Ellysa Stern Cahoy Information Literacy Librarian Penn State University November 3, 2004

Building a Community of Lifelong Learners: Connecting K-12 and College Information Literacy Standards. Ellysa Stern Cahoy Information Literacy Librarian Penn State University November 3, 2004. Today’s Presentation . Introduction

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Ellysa Stern Cahoy Information Literacy Librarian Penn State University November 3, 2004

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  1. Building a Community of Lifelong Learners: Connecting K-12 and College Information Literacy Standards Ellysa Stern Cahoy Information Literacy Librarian Penn State University November 3, 2004

  2. Today’s Presentation • Introduction • Comparing the AASL/AECT and ACRL Information Literacy Standards • Examples of K-20 Collaboration • What Can SLMSs do? • What Can Academic Librarians do? • Questions / Comments

  3. Comparing the Standards • K-12:Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning (AASL/AECT, 1998) • Post-Secondary:Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (ACRL, 2000)

  4. Comparing the Standards • AASL/AECT K-12 Standards • Comprehensive in scope • Address “appreciation of literature and other creative expressions of information” • Emphasize the development of the student as an independent learner and a socially responsible person

  5. Comparing the Standards • ACRL Post-Secondary Standards • Almost entirely focused on cognitive skills • Developed as a work-in-progress to be revisited • Highly practical, with detailed competencies • Should be viewed as a “continuum of the AASL/AECT standards”

  6. Why Do We Need to Know About the ACRL Standards? • A model for K-12/College collaboration • With the AASL standards, represents a complete picture of the information competencies that our students must learn • Lend clarity and added detail to skills defined in the AASL standards

  7. What Isn’t Covered in the ACRL Standards? • Affective Skills • How do your students feel about the library and academic research? • Library Anxiety • Four Causes of Library Anxiety (Mellon, 1986) • the size of the library • a lack of knowledge about where things are located • how to begin • what to do

  8. Examples of K-20 Collaboration • Nationally: • AASL/ACRL Blueprint for Collaboration • AASL/ACRL Information Literacy Task Force • Pennsylvania: • K-16 Councils • (North Central PA Regional K-16 Council) • PSU Center for Science and the Schools (CSATS)

  9. K-16 Councils Statewide

  10. K-20 Library Collaboration • Collaborative Models • Academic Library “Warmth Seminar” • Research Field Trip to an academic library • Cooperative borrowing privileges

  11. What Can SLMSs Do? • Evaluate the scope and sequence of your library’s curriculum in relation to each set of standards • Selecting an appropriate academic research topic • Delineating between freely available Web resources and articles available via online subscription databases • Emphasizing concepts rather than processes

  12. What Can SLMSs Do? • Reach out to other schools in your area • Contact an academic librarian about bringing your students in for a tour/instruction session • Collaborate with librarians at other educational levels • Consider the information literacy skills that are being addressed above and below the grade levels that you reach.

  13. What Can SLMSs Do? • Explore and implement performance-based assessment methods • Research logs • Conferencing • E-Portfolios • Conferencing • Assessment examples and strategies for implementation are detailed in Information Power

  14. What Can Public Librarians Do? • Develop and promote programs for college-bound students • Career Development programs • Homework Assistance • Reinforce within school-age patrons a love of libraries and lifelong learning

  15. What Can Academic Librarians Do? • Reach out to local SLMSs to form collaborative partnerships • Provide opportunities for freshmen and new students to get to know the library in a fun, non-threatening atmosphere • Include information competencies as a graduation requirement

  16. The Academic Library Today

  17. Which One is Your Typical College Librarian?

  18. Today’s academic library: an oasis of quiet, intellectual reflection…

  19. Or a fun, exciting place with lots of friendly people to help you?

  20. Can we introduce our students to the excitement and rigors of academic research…

  21. …Without overwhelming them in the process?

  22. YES WE CAN!Provided that we work together to bridge the K-12/College divide!

  23. Questions / Comments? Ellysa Stern Cahoy Information Literacy Librarian Penn State University ecahoy@psu.edu

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