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MITOSIS. What is the cell cycle?. Growth And Division. What is Mitosis?. Nuclear Division. What is Chromatin ?. ( Thin Chroma tin ) Stretched out, unwound DNA Looks like spaghetti Not visible under microscope. What is a Chromosome?.

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  2. What is the cell cycle? Growth And Division

  3. What is Mitosis? Nuclear Division

  4. What is Chromatin? (Thin Chromatin) Stretched out, unwound DNA Looks like spaghetti Not visible under microscope

  5. What is a Chromosome? Coiled up (condensed) version of chromatin; easier for moving DNA (Looks like a slinky)

  6. How many pairs of chromosomes do normal human cells have? Pairs

  7. What is the Centromere? Holds Sister Chromatids together Where spindle fibers grab chromosome (Think: Centro = center mere = middle)

  8. What is the Sister Chromatid? Two identical strands of a chromosome

  9. What are the Centrioles?

  10. Name the phases of the Cell Cycle… G1 Phase S Phase G2 Phase M Phase

  11. What happens in the G1 Phase? Growth Phase When cell gets bigger and makes lots of proteins 1st part of Interphase

  12. What happens in the S Phase? “Synthesis” Phase Makes a copy of the DNA Single strand →Double strand 2nd part of Interphase

  13. What happens in the G2 Phase? “Growth 2” Phase Cell is getting ready to divide Getting organelles and proteins (Like going to grocery store to get the food to prepare dinner) 3rd part of Interphase

  14. What happens in the M Phase? “Cell Division” Mitosis and Cytokinesis

  15. What is the“Cell Growth and Protein Synthesis” stage that is the longest phase of the Cell Cycle? (NOT part of Mitosis) Includes: G1, S, G2 Interphase

  16. When does the chromatin begin to condense? (phase) Late Interphase

  17. When is the chromatin visible under the microscope? (phase) Prophase

  18. Name the phases of Mitosis(Nuclear division) “The Professional MetAna on the Telophone.” Prophase Metaphase PMAT Anaphase Telophase

  19. Name each phase of Mitosis (not in correct order) Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Prophase

  20. What happens in Prophase? “Prepare” Longest phase of Mitosis!!! • Chromosomes coil up to make easy to move • Nuclear envelope (membrane) dissolves • Centrioles make spindle fibers Spindle fibers (muscles of chromosome) form to help move

  21. What happens in Metaphase? “Middle” Chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell Spindle fibers are attached and centrioles go to the poles

  22. What happens in Anaphase? “Apart” Chromosomes get pulled apart by spindle fibers

  23. What happens in Telophase? “The End” or “Tidy Up” Uncoiling of chromosomes Nuclear envelope reforms Spindle fibers go “bye-bye”

  24. What is Cell Cytoplasm & Membrane Division called? This is the next stage after mitosis. Actual cell division into two cells dividing into two daughter cells Cytokenesis Hint: cytoplasm gets Kut

  25. Cytokenesis in Animal Cells What structure appears?

  26. Cytokenesis in Plant Cells What structure appears? Creates a CELL PLATE (Think: Hard cell wall is like a hard plate)

  27. What are the twonew identical cells made in cell division called? Daughter Cells

  28. Name the two stages of cell division. MITOSIS & CYTOKINESIS

  29. What is it called when a mass of cells are growing out of control? TUMOR

  30. Why do normal cells stop growing when they touch other cells or reach the sides of a petri dish? Contact with other cells or the sides of the dish signal to the cell to stop growing. This happens when you cut your finger. The cells grow rapidly to fill in the cut. When the cells touch, they go back to normal cell cycle.

  31. What signals a cell to start the cell cycle? Cyclins

  32. What are internal regulators and external regulators? Internal regulators are proteins that respond to events inside the cell . External regulators are proteins that respond to events outside the cell.

  33. What is it called when cells have lost their ability to control their growth? Cancer

  34. What is it called when a cell grows and becomes specialized? Differentiation

  35. What are stem cells? Cells that have not differentiated yet.

  36. When a cell becomes larger, which increases faster: Volume or Surface Area? VOLUME The bigger the cell gets the less efficient the cell is at doing its job (function) in the body.

  37. What are diploid cells? What are haploid cells? 2 pairs of chromosomes Somatic Cells = 23 pairs 1 set of chromosomes Sex Cells = 23 single chromosomes

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