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Riata Fellowship Research Symposium

Riata Fellowship Research Symposium. James Hess, Ed.D . Associate Professor Family Medicine Healthcare Administration February 25, 2011. OSU Center for Health Sciences. Background Information. OSU Center for Health Sciences. Academic Programs College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Riata Fellowship Research Symposium

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  1. Riata FellowshipResearch Symposium • James Hess, Ed.D. • Associate Professor • Family Medicine • Healthcare Administration • February 25, 2011

  2. OSU Center for Health Sciences Background Information

  3. OSU Center for Health Sciences Academic Programs • College of Osteopathic Medicine • School of Forensic Science • School of Biomedical Sciences • School of Healthcare Administration

  4. Graduate Medical Education 22 Residency and Fellowship Disciplines • Internship PGY1 • Anesthesiology • Cardiology • Diagnostic Radiology • Emergency Medicine • Gastroenterology • Internal Medicine • Interventional Radiology • Interventional Cardiology • Osteopathic Manipulation • Pulmonology • Family Practice • General Surgery • Nephrology • OB/GYN • Oncology • Ophthalmology • Orthopedics • Otolaryngology • Pediatrics • Plastic Surgery • Sports Medicine

  5. Graduate Medical Education • OSU oversees 200+ interns and residents • OSU Medical Center is the largest osteopathic training facility in the nation and our primary teaching hospital • 137 interns and residents, plus 40 medical students train in the facility each day • Serves as hub (lectures, grand rounds, etc.) for OSU residents in rural programs

  6. Caring for Oklahoma • More than 2,400 physicians have graduated from OSU since 1977 • OSU grads serve nearly all of Oklahoma’s 77 counties • 1 in 4 graduates practice in communities of 10,000 or less

  7. OSU Center for Health Sciences Clinical Services • Family Practice • Pediatrics • Surgery • Ophthalmology • OB/Gyn • Internal Medicine • Behavioral Medicine • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine • Emergency Medicine

  8. OSU Center for Health Sciences Clinical Services • Operate 8 clinics in Tulsa, Muskogee, Enid • 75 physicians • 145,000 patient visits • Revenues of $20 million annually

  9. Riata Fellowship Goals and Progress Report

  10. Riata Fellowship Goals Curriculum Development • Graduate Degree Program Goals: • Revise the Healthcare Administration (M.S.) Program • Healthcare Leadership and Innovation • Program housed at CHS • Both Online and In-class options for every course

  11. Riata Fellowship Goals Curriculum Development (con’t) • Medical Education Program Goals: • Inclusion of entrepreneurship curriculum in first four years of medical school (D.O.) Program • Inclusion of entrepreneurship curriculum in Residency education

  12. Healthcare Leadership & Innovation Curriculum Revision Summary • General Core Required Courses -12 hrs • Options: (12 to 15 Hours) • Healthcare Leadership and Innovation • Administration • Electives for Specialization and emphasis – (3 to 6 hours) • Creative Component Opportunities – 3 hrs

  13. Healthcare Leadership and Innovation General Core Required Courses -12 hrs • Survey in Healthcare Administration • Social Structures of Health Care Organizations • Research and Evaluation Methods in Healthcare • Legal Issues in Healthcare

  14. Leadership and Entrepreneurship Option Core Courses - 12 hours • Leadership Methods and Styles • Principles of Entrepreneurship in Healthcare • Principles of Organizational Behavior and Development • Human Resource Management in Healthcare

  15. Leadership and Entrepreneurship Option Elective Courses – 5 or 6 hours • Health Information Systems • Operations Management & Qualitative Tools • Marketing & Communications • Internship in Healthcare Leadership and Innovation • Directed Readings in Healthcare Leadership and Innovation

  16. Administration Option Core Courses - 15 hours • Human Resource Management in Healthcare • Health Information Systems • Operations Management & Qualitative Tools • Healthcare Compliance • Healthcare Finance

  17. Administration Option Elective Courses – 2 or 3 hours • Leadership Methods and Styles • Principles of Entrepreneurship in Healthcare • Principles of Organizational Behavior and Development • Directed Readings in Healthcare Leadership and Innovation • Internship in Healthcare Leadership and Innovation

  18. Creative Component - 3 hours • May be an independent study project or an approved course that has a significant written report requirement.

  19. Riata Fellowship Goals Research and Publications • Death of the Capitalist Physician • Generational and governmental pressures are combining to eliminate the physician entrepreneur • Healthcare Costs – Entrepreneurship solutions • Collaboration with Open Market Partners, Inc. • Healthcare Hedging and Trading

  20. Riata Fellowship Goals Healthcare Hedging and Trading • Hospitals, insurance companies, providers, health plans currently have no standardized method of determining a market value for healthcare • Hospital reimbursements, office visits, surgical procedures are all negotiated separately and secretly

  21. Riata Fellowship GoalsThe Road Ahead Healthcare Hedging and Trading • Academic study of how the commoditization of healthcare services and pricing could work • Trading floor demonstration project – concept is to build a trading floor that would emulate the transactional process

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