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TITLE. Rémi Avril , Léa Garcia , Bruno Trabut , Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble , IUG. First International Workshop. Lisbon , 14-19th July , 2014. SUMMARY.

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  1. TITLE RémiAvril, LéaGarcia, Bruno Trabut, Institutd’Urbanisme de Grenoble, IUG First International Workshop Lisbon, 14-19th July, 2014

  2. SUMMARY Ourworkwascenteredontheanalysis of theurbancontext and onthestudy of thesociodemographicissues. So there are twosteps in ourpresentation : • Urbancontext : a global urban and historical context analysis of Lisbon, followed by a more specify one on the two sites. • Sociodemographiccontext : a multiscalesociodemographicanalysis of Portugal and Lisbon, from the land to the quarter. Lisbon Workshop

  3. UrbanAnalysis Roman Settlement MedievalPeriod Napoleon Invasion AfterWarGrowth MotorcarDevelopment IndustrialRevolution Today 1853 Master Plan of Lisbon1948 Lisbon Workshop

  4. UrbanContextBairro Da Liberdade Bairro da Liberdade 1853 1960 Today Bairro da Portela Lisbon Workshop

  5. SociodemographicAnalysis of Portugal Unemployment in Europe, 2010 Population change, 2010 GDP per inhabitant in Europe, 2010 Age pyramid, 2012 Lisbon Workshop

  6. SociodemographicAnalysis Of The TwoSites Lisbon Workshop

  7. CONCLUSIONS Crossed hypothesis (sociodemographic and urban context) on both sites to be studied : • Issues for Bairro da Liberdade : - history - link with the city center - landscape - the local population, quality of space • Issues for Bairroda Portela : - mobility - free spaces - socialization and social life EventName

  8. Ifyouwouldlike more informationaboutthecontent of thispresentationpleasecontact: info@oikonet.org trabutbruno@hotmail.fr or visitour web site www.oikonet.org OIKONET is co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union 2013-16 Project number: 539369-LLP1-2013-1-ES-ERASMUS

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