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Western Oregon University's Pre-Service Middle School Mathematics Focus

Western Oregon University's Pre-Service Middle School Mathematics Focus. Laurie Burton & Rachel Harrington TOTOM 2010. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. Shared Foundations. First Math 211-212-213 12 quarter credits 3 hours of “lecture” & 2 hours of “lab. Shared Foundations.

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Western Oregon University's Pre-Service Middle School Mathematics Focus

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  1. Western Oregon University's Pre-Service Middle School Mathematics Focus Laurie Burton & Rachel Harrington TOTOM 2010


  3. Shared Foundations FirstMath 211-212-213 12 quarter credits 3 hours of “lecture” &2 hours of “lab

  4. Shared Foundations Math 396 Elementary Problem Solving 3 quarter credits 2 hours twice a week

  5. Non-Math Middle School Teachers 211, 212, 213 & 396 (15) Math 111 or 392—College Algebra for Elementary Teachers (3 or 4) One more math ed class

  6. Math Middle School Teachers 211, 212, 213 & 396 (15) College Algebra (3 or 4) Five more 3 credit math ed classesThese meet two hours twice a week

  7. Math Middle School TeachersFive math ed classes 393: Prob/Stats for Teachers 398: Discrete for Teachers 492/592: Abstract Algebra for MS 494/594: Geometry for MS 495/595: Calculus for MS

  8. Math Middle School Teachers 400/500 level classes meet late so inservice teachers can attend 500 level classes apply toward MSinEd coursework See wou.edu/math for details


  10. Elementary Problem Solving Mathematical problem solving, techniques and materials helpful in improving student problem solving abilities, mentoring of elementary and middle school students in problem solving processes.

  11. Elementary Problem SolvingMaterials Crossing the River with Dogs, Keypress Coursepack for problem solving Math Forum mentoring via Drexel University

  12. College Algebra for Teachers Enhancement of algebraic skills via problem solving and the visual representation and use of algebraic methods. Integer arrays, algebraic patterns, linear equations, quadratic equations, and graphing

  13. College Algebra for TeachersMaterials Visual Algebra Coursepack (free download at the Math Learning Center (link) Google Burton Math Learning Center Black and Red Tiles & Algebra Pieces (available Math Learning Center)

  14. Probability and Statistics for Teachers Using basic elements of probability and mathematics statistics to solve problems involving the organization, description and interpretation of data. Concrete applications will be explored.

  15. Probability and Statistics for TeachersMaterials Workshop Statistics (text) Fathom Software Class meets in computer lab

  16. Discrete Math for Teachers Explores topics in discrete math including set theory, enumeration and graph theory. Techniques in enumeration include the multiplication rule, combinations and permutations. Topics in graph theory include coloring, the traveling salesman problem and spanning trees.

  17. Discrete Math for Teachers Materials Coursepack Contact: Klay Kruczekkruczekk@wou.edu

  18. Abstract Algebra for MS An introduction to abstract mathematics as a structured mathematical systems. This course will explore number sets and properties, and beginning group theory with concrete applications for the elementary and middle school classroom.

  19. Abstract Algebra for MS Materials Coursepack 2.0 version 1.0-Burton Contact: Cheryl Beaverbeaverc@wou.edu

  20. Geometry for Middle School Selected topics in informal geometry through the use of discovery and technology. The studies in how students learn geometry will be used in the development of geometric ideas.

  21. Geometry for Middle School Materials Coursepack 3.0 version 2.0-Kruczek, version 1.0-Fung Geometer’s Sketchpad SoftwareClass meets half time in computer lab Contact: Laurie Burtonburtonl@wou.edu

  22. Calculus for Middle School An introduction to the theory of functions of one real variable, the derivative and its applications to optimization, integration theory and its applications to areas and volumes, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and infinite series. A hands-on approach with applications to the middle school curriculum.

  23. Calculus for Middle School Materials Coursepack 2.0 version 1.0-Fung Contact: Laurie Burtonburtonl@wou.edu

  24. Middle School Math Praxis0069 Students usually do very well One of our “best” students just emailed us to let us know he scored 200 (of 200)

  25. After that…. Two terms of mathematics pedagogy

  26. Term 2 (of 4) Mini-Work Sample Part time field experience Coursework in Assessment and Literacy My class

  27. Content Pedagogy I • Lesson Planning (Problem Based Lessons, Start of Year) • Task Analysis • Questioning • Reading Research • Teaching with Technology

  28. Term 3 (of 4) First Teacher Work Sample Part time field experience Coursework in Differentiation and Classroom Management My class

  29. Content Pedagogy II • The Standards & Curriculum • Assessment (Proficiency Based) • Lesson Planning (Problem Based) • Professionalism (Journal Project, Readings)

  30. ThanksandANY QUESTIONS?

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