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Etymology Lesson 15

Etymology Lesson 15. By: Rafa, Edu, and Malcom. Arbitration . late 14c., "absolute decision," from O.Fr . arbitracion, from L. arbitrationem (nom. arbitratio) "judgement, will,“. . Attaché .

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Etymology Lesson 15

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  1. Etymology Lesson 15 By: Rafa, Edu, and Malcom

  2. Arbitration late 14c., "absolute decision," from O.Fr. arbitracion, from L. arbitrationem (nom. arbitratio) "judgement, will,“.

  3. Attaché 1835, from Fr. attaché "junior officer attached to the staff of an ambassador, etc.," lit. "attached," pp. of attacher "to attach" (see attach). Attache case "small leather case for carrying papers" first recorded 1904.

  4. Consulate late 14c., "government of Rome by the Consuls," from L. consulatus, from consul (see consul). Also used in ref. to the consular government of France from 1799-1804. In ref. to the office of a modern consul, from 1702.

  5. discretion c.1300, from L.L. discretionem (nom. discretio) "discernment, power to make distinctions," from L. discretionem "separation, distinction," from discre- stem of discernere "to separate, distinguish“.

  6. Covenant c.1300, from O.Fr. covenant "agreement," originally prp. of covenir "agree, meet,“.

  7. emissary c.1600, from L. emissarius, lit. "that is sent out,"

  8. Entente 1854, from Fr. éntente "understanding,"

  9. Machiavellian 1560s, "cunning, deceitful, unscrupulous," from Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), Florentine statesman and author of "Del Principe," a work advising rulers to place advantage above morality.

  10. protocol 1541, as prothogall "draft of a document," .

  11. status quo 1671, "height," later "legal standing of a person"

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