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Fibers. Diego Johnray Nick Sven. Natural fiber. Natural fibers include those produced by plants, animals, and geological processes. They are biodegradable over time. They can be classified according to their origin.

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  1. Fibers Diego Johnray Nick Sven

  2. Natural fiber • Natural fibers include those produced by plants, animals, and geological processes. They are biodegradable over time. They can be classified according to their origin

  3. Wood fiber, distinguished from vegetable fiber, is from tree sources. Forms include groundwood, thermomechanical pulp (TMP) and bleached or unbleached kraft or sulfite pulps. Kraft and sulfite, also called sulphite, refer to the type of pulping process used to remove the lignin bonding the original wood structure, thus freeing the fibers for use in paper and engineered wood products such as fiberboard.

  4. Animal fibers consist largely of particular proteins. Instances are silkwormsilk, spider silk, sinew, catgut, wool, sea silk and hair such as cashmere wool, mohair and angora, fur such as sheepskin, rabbit, mink, fox, beaver, etc.

  5. Mineral fibers include the asbestos group. Asbestos is the only naturally occurring long mineral fiber. Six minerals have been classified as "asbestos" including chrysotile of the serpentine class and those belonging to the amphibole class: amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophylliteandactinolite. Short, fiber-like minerals include wollastonite and palygorskite.

  6. The more about wood fibers • 植物纤维包括:种子纤维、韧皮纤维、叶纤维、果实纤维。 • 种子纤维:是指一些植物种子表皮细胞生长成的单细胞纤维。如棉、木棉。 • 韧皮纤维:是从一些植物韧皮部取得的单纤维或工艺纤维。如:亚麻、苎麻、黄麻、竹纤维。 • 叶纤维:是从一些植物的叶子或叶鞘取得的工艺纤维。如:剑麻、蕉麻。 • 果实纤维:是从一些植物的果实取得的纤维。如:椰子纤维。

  7. The more about animal fibers • 动物纤维是由动物的毛或昆虫的腺分泌物中得到的纤维。从动物毛发得到的纤维有羊毛、兔毛、骆驼毛、山羊毛、牦牛绒等;从动物腺分泌物得到的纤维有蚕丝等。动物纤维的主要化学成分是蛋白质,故也称蛋白质纤维。 • 动物纤维 (天然蛋白质纤维) 包括:毛发纤维和腺体纤维。 • 毛发纤维:动物毛囊生长具有多细胞结构由角蛋白组成的纤维。 如:绵羊毛、山羊绒、骆驼毛、兔毛、马海毛。 • 丝纤维:由一些昆虫丝腺所分泌的,特别是由鳞翅目幼虫所分泌的物质形成的纤维,此外还有由一些软体动物的分泌物形成的纤维。如:蚕丝。

  8. The more about mineral fibers • 矿物纤维是从纤维状结构的矿物岩石中获得的纤维,主要组成物质为各种氧化物,如二氧化硅、氧化铝、氧化镁等,其主要来源为各类石棉,如温石棉,青石棉等。


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