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School Peprally Schedule |

Stay updated with the schedule for mercredi le 10 octobre. No food or drink allowed. Follow guidelines for submitting assignments. Learn French verbs in class. Turn in your binder for checks.

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School Peprally Schedule |

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  1. Mercredi le 10 octobrePeprally schedule! 7:30-8:13- 1st period 8:19-9:04- 2nd period 9:10-9:53- 3rd period 9:59-10:42-4th period 10:48-11:14 LUNCH 11:46-12:12-5th period 12:18-1:01-6th period 1:07-1:50-7th period Peprally

  2. http://www.france24.com/en/20121005-zadig-voltaire-boss-sorry-over-no-chinese-gaffe-tourism-france-chinahttp://www.france24.com/en/20121005-zadig-voltaire-boss-sorry-over-no-chinese-gaffe-tourism-france-china • http://www.france24.com/en/20121004-artist-withdraws-exhibit-koran-verses-misunderstanding-sparks-near-riot-toulouse-france-mounir-fatmi http://www.france24.com/en/20120922-france-paris-louvre-museum-unveils-new-islamic-art-wing-culture-peace http://www.france24.com/en/20121003-black-fashion-week-paris-adama-katherine-pradeau-thula-sindi-jamila-lafqir


  4. HOW TO TURN IN YOUR PAPERS! 13 PrénomNom F I-6Date Title of work with page # You should take pride in everything you turn-in. The only ink allowed for turned in work is either BLUE or BLACK. Using any other color will result in point deductions. You need to write legibly. Please use white, wide-ruled notebook, not spiral paper. Anything I cannot read will not be graded.-10 for each thing missing! YOU WILL TURN IN YOUR BINDER FOR BINDER CHECKS!

  5. Any assignments turned in on LMS or printed should follow these guidelines:. YOU WILL BE TOLD WHICH ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON PAPER AND WHICH ARE DUE ON LMS! 1. Typed in 14-16 point, Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier or Comic Sans MS font. 2. Double-spaced 3. 1” margins 4. Above heading in the header section, right justified, number on left side. 5. Printed on plain white paper or sent. All assignments should be turned in either via LMS, or hard copy form. YOU MAY NOT EMAIL YOUR ASSIGNMENTS TO ME. • Not following the above guidelines will result in point deductions. • All work should be your own. Any indication of plagiarism or cheating will result in a zero for the assignment, a “P” or “U” in conduct, and disciplinary action.

  6. French 2 1. Warmup--Notes: ER, IR, RE Verbs…copy chart on board& practice. (see following slides) 2. Finish any presentations. No H/W

  7. French 2 PreAP • Warmup-Notes: Verbs & commands (See Poster, powerpoint & text pgs. R8-R11.(R12 ) • Finish presentations No H/W!

  8. Regular verbs •Verbs ending in -er •Verbs ending in -ir •Verbs ending in -re

  9. Regular Verbs VERBS ROCK

  10. Regular -er verbs To conjugate in the present tense . . . •Drop -er •Add appropriate endings

  11. “ER” verb endings ons Je e Nous ez Tu es Vous Il, Elle, On ent e Ils, Elles

  12. Example: jouer - to play 1. Je joue1. Nous jouons 2. Tujoues2. Vousjouez 3. Il joue3. Ilsjouent Elle joueEllesjouent On joue

  13. “IR” VERB ENDINGS!!! issons is issez is issent it

  14. Example: finir - to finish 1.Je finis1.Nous finissons 2.Tu finis2.Vous finissez 3. Il finit3.Ils finissent Elle finitEllesfinissent On finit

  15. “RE” verb endings!!! s ons s ez ent -

  16. Example: vendre - to sell 1.Je vends 1.Nous vendons 2.Tu vends 2.Vous vendez 3.Il vend 3.Ils vendent Elle vend Ellesvendent On vend Ellesvendent de la limonade.

  17. Summary Re Verbs s ons s ez -- ent Er Verbs e ons esez e ent Ir Verbs is issons is issez it issent

  18. ER VERBS INFINITIVES! 1. Chanter- To sing 2. Danser-To dance 3. Dîner-To eat dinner, eat out 4. Écouter- To listen to 5. Étudier- To study 6. Jouer-To Play 7. Manger-To eat 8. Nager-To swim 9. Parler- To speak 10. Regarder- To look at or watch 11. Téléphoner (à)- To call, phone 12. Travailler- To work 13. Voyager- To travel 14. Aimer- To like/love 15. Habiter (à)- To live in/at 16. Inviter- To invite 17. Organiser- To organize 18. Visiter- To visit 19. Rentrer- To return 20. Aider- To help 21. Rencontrer- To meet by chance 22. Dépenser- To spend 23. Retrouver- To meet 24. Prêter- To loan 25. Marcher- To walk 26. Passer- To pass by, spend time 27. Apporter- To bring 28. Louer- To rent 29. Arriver- To arrive 30. Acheter- To purchase, buy 31. Porter- To carry or wear 32. Gagner- To win or earn 33. Préférer- To prefer 34. Adorer- To love, adore 35. Détester- To hate 36. Trouver- To find 37. Chercher- To look for 38. Préparer- To prepare 39. Rester- To stay/remain 40. Retourner- To return 41. Entrer- To enter 42. Monter- To climb/go up 43. Demander- To ask 44. Donner- To give 45. Fermer- To close 46. Laver- To wash 47. Oublier- To forget 48. Penser- To think 49. Pleurer- To cry 50. Montrer- To show

  19. French 3 • Warmup- Notes: Passé composé • Finish any presentations • No H/W

  20. 1-Use and formation of the PAST TENSE (PASSE COMPOSE) or “Perfect tense” ( I HAVE VERBED, I VERBED, I DID VERB) • This tense is used to describe a single completed action in the past. • It needs 2 parts: the auxiliary verb (avoir or être in the present) and the past participle. V. Passerat

  21. Regular past participles • The past participle of a verb is the form that generally corresponds to the –ed ending in English (played, changed, finished…) • -ER verbs end in –é (manger mangé) • -RE verbs end in –u (vendrevendu) • -IR verbs end in –i (finirfini) V. Passerat

  22. 2-Avoir verbs-Regular verbs • Most verbs use the auxiliary avoir . • ER, IR, RE PP’s are below. (Like English....play...>played) -ER -RE -IR REGARDER VENDRE FINIR J’ai regardévendufini Tuas regardévendufini Il, Elle, On a regardé vendufini Nous avons regardé vendufini Vousavez regardévendufini Ils, Ellesont regardévendufini SOME IRREGULAR VERBS PP: Avoir (j’aieu/I had), être (j’aiété/I was), faire (j’ai fait/I did) (Like English----think……> thought.) V. Passerat

  23. Past tense: using ETRE for 17 verbs: • There are some verbs that use the auxiliary être. • In that case, the past participle agrees with the subject (masculine, feminine, singular or plural endings). EXAMPLE: -ER -RE -IR ALLER DESCENDRE PARTIR Je suis allé(e) descendu(e) parti(e) Tues allé(e) descendu(e) parti(e) Il,Elle, On est allé(e) descendu(e) parti(e) Nous sommes allé(e)s descendu(e)s parti(e)s Vousêtesallé(e)(s) descendu(e)(s)parti(e)(s) Ils, Ellessontallé(e)s descendu(e)s parti(e)s

  24. List of ETRE verbs! • Devenir (to become) devenu(e)(s) • Retourner (to return) retourné(e)(s) • Monter (to go up) monté(e)(s) • Rentrer (to return) rentré(e)(s) • Sortir(to go out) sorti(e)(s) • Venir(to come) venu(e)(s) • Arriver (to arrive) arrivé(e)(s) • Naître (to be born) né(e)(s) • Descendre (to get off/go down) descendu(e)(s) • Entrer (to enter) entré(e)(s) • Rester (to stay) resté(e)(s) • Tomber (to fall) tombé(e)(s) • Revenir (to come back) revenu(e)(s) • Aller (to go) allé(e)(s) • Mourir (to die) mort(e)(s) • Partir (to leave) parti(e)(s) • Passer (to pass by) passé(e)(s)

  25. Remember: In French the Past Tense, or PERFECT tense, is formed with a Helping Verb and a Past Participle. Most of the verbs use “TO HAVE”, or AVOIR, for the helping verb. Some use Etre though….see the chart ----- THEY MUST AGREE! J’aiverbed. The “Verbed” part is your past participle. See the slideshow now on how to make the PP for regular and then, irregular verbs. Passer

  26. TIME EXPRESSIONS • L’annéedernière (last year) • Avant-hier (the day before yesterday) • Hier (yesterday) • Hiermatin/soir (yesterday morning/evening) • Pendant les dernièresvacances (during the last holidays) • La semainedernière (last week) • Le week-end dernier (last week-end)

  27. French 1 • Speaking pkt due-90% (tomorrow for 50) • Warmup-Notes: unit 2-vocab. Pg. 45 (3XF, 1XE) • Borrowed words sentences due today-100% (tomorrow for 50) • Fri: No work from this past week will be due! SUB: You’ll be working on APT pages, due Monday! • Due Tuesday: Flashcards with all 160 vocabulary words from unit 1. Use 3 X 5 index cards…may cut in half. One word in French on one side, English on the other. Use virtual cards! http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/french_1/get_resource.htm?ci=1&rg=online_review&at=flashcards&aid=2 *** TUES:QUIZ ON Bor.Wrds. THURS: quiz-50 of the 160 words from unit 1. The following week: ORAL GRADE---topic picks!

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