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An ITBP jawan was killed in a moist IED blast in chhattisgarh during the second phase of voting. The blast targeted a turnout of 68% till 5pm, with expectations of it rising. The incident occurred when the polling team was returning from the booth. The injured jawan was taken to hospital but Couldnu2019t be saved. Reinforcements were sent to rescue the polling officials. The highest turnout was in Kurud constituency at 82.6%.<br>
ITBPjawandiesinNaxalblasľ;sluggish pollinginChhaľľisgarh An ITBP jawan was killed in a moist IED blast in chhattisgarh during the secondphaseof voting. Theblasttargetedaturnoutof68%till5pm,with expectations of it rising. The incident occurred when the polling team was returningfromthebooth.Theinjured jawan was taken tohospitalbut Couldn’tbe saved. Reinforcements weresentto rescuethepolling officials. Thehighest turnout was inKurud constituencyat 82.6%. VoľersarriveľocasľľheirvoľesaľapollingsľaľioninCh.. RAIPUR AnITBPjawanwaskilledinaMaoisľIEDblasľwhileescorľingapollingparľyin Gariaband disľricľ of Chhaľľisgarh on ľhe second and final phase of voľing in ChhaľľisgarhonFriday.Thesľaľereporľedamodesľľurnouľof68%ľill5pm,buľ iľwasexpecľedľorise. Police say Maoisľs ľriggered an IED explosion in Bade Gobra village of Gariaband,around100kmfromRaipur,ľoľargeľapollingparľyof50ocials andsecuriľypersonnel.
AnareacoveringninepolicesľaľionsinGariabandisľheonlyMaoisľ-aecľed area ľo go ľo ľhe polls in ľhe second round. Voľing goľ over aľ 3pm in ľhese parľsandľheincidenľľookplacewhenľheľeamwasreľurningfromľhebooľh afľervoľingwasoverinBindranawagarh (ST)consľiľuency. The polling parľy had walked 3km from ľhe booľh when head consľable JoginderSinghsľeppedonacamouflagedmineandľookľhefullbrunľofľhe blasľ.Nooneelsegoľinjured,saidASPDSPaľel.Hewasľakenľohospiľalbuľ couldn'ľbesaved.SinghwasanaľiveofJammu&Kashmir. Reinforcemenľswererushedľorescueľheľerror-sľruckpollingocials,who hadľakenrefugeinMainpurpolicesľaľion,ashorľdisľancefromľheaľľack siľe. Polling sľarľed slow in mosľ parľs of ľhe 70 consľiľuencies buľ picked up in ľhe afľernoon. Around noon, iľ sľood aľ 40%. Kurud consľiľuency had ľhe highesľ ľurnouľof82.6%aľ5p,followedbyKharsiaaľ81.4%andSanjariBalodandPali Tanakharaľ79.3%each.Urbanareashadlowerľurnouľs,wiľhRaipurCiľySouľh aľľheboľľomwiľh52.1%polling. IMINATESNDER Chief minisľer Bhupesh Baghel casľ his voľe in Paľan, while his depuľy T S Singhdeo voľed in Ambikapur. Sľaľe BJP presidenľ Arun Sao voľed in Lormi consľiľuency,andJCC(1)presidenľAmiľJogiandhismoľherRenuJogi,who are conľesľing from Paľan and Koľa, voľed in Gorela in Marwahi (ST) consľiľuency.FourMPsareamongľhe958candidaľesinľhefray.