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BUBBLES and DRY ICE. BIG QUESTION. What will happen to a bubbles if it floats over dry ice?. If there is a bubbles floating over dry ice then I think that it will pop. I think the bubble will pop because over a dry surface the wet bubble becomes dry and pops.

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  2. BIG QUESTION • What will happen to a bubbles if it floats over dry ice?

  3. If there is a bubbles floating over dry ice then I think that it will pop.I think the bubble will pop because over a dry surface the wet bubble becomes dry and pops

  4. That the bubbles can last for a while in the fish tank You can make the bubbles glow. Who would guess that you could have this much fun with bubbles and dry ice? You can change the color by food coloring. It can be so much fun to watch.

  5. EXPERIMENT • MATERIALS • Bubbles from the store • Dry ice 7 inches by 5 inches • Video camera • A fish tank • Pen and notebook • Assistants • Gloves/Tongs • Warm Water • MUST BE CAREFUL WITH THE DRY ICE

  6. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS • Put 1/2 inch of warm water in fish tank, then put in the dry ice • Now make sure that the person video taping is ready to start taping • Blow the bubbles and start taping • Keep the video camera running until the bubble pops • Once the bubbles pop then you can start blowing more • Right down in your notebook any observations you had about this experiment.

  7. CONTROLS The bubble and the dry ice VARIABLES The bubbles and dry ice AND VARIABLES CONTROLS

  8. OBSERVATIONS 1.it was hard to blow the bubbles into the fish tank 2.we had a lot of fun doing this 3.the smaller the bubbles the longer it stayed floating 4.a bubble froze to the side of the fish tank

  9. DATA

  10. ANAYLSIS OF DATA Yes, my experiment did test my hypothesis I know that my experiment tested my hypothesis because the bubbles did pop

  11. CONCLUSION Yes my hypothesis was correct What I would change in my experiment would be using regular ice instead Some new questions I had were, why did the warm water and dry ice make fog. Why did some of the bubbles float in the fog and some did not

  12. REFRENCES http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000055 http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000079 http://www.west.net/~science/co2.htm http://www.deepscience.com/experiments/dryiceday.html http://chemistry.about.com/cs/howtos/a/aa012004.htm

  13. THE END

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