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CSA 2010 Driver information. WHAT IS CSA 2010? CSA 2010 is a government initiative to make roads safer by contacting motor carriers sooner before crashes occur. This program identifies safety problems so correction can take place. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DRIVERS?
CSA 2010 Driver information WHAT IS CSA 2010? CSA 2010 is a government initiative to make roads safer by contacting motor carriers sooner before crashes occur. This program identifies safety problems so correction can take place. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DRIVERS? CSA 2010 changes the way motor carriers are evaluated. Drivers will have more direct attention too. HOW DIFFERENT IS IT FROM THE CURRENT PROCESS? It is very different in many ways. CSA 2010 breaks down roadside activity into seven areas and previously four areas were used. Plus, before only out of service violations were counted in the calculations. Under CSA 2010 ALL violations will be used in calculations. Further, there are more intervention opportunities with specific element focus. So an investigator will only have to look at a problem area rather then all factors. This will allow more carriers to be visited. Another difference is that not all visits will be onsite. Some contacts will be offsite. Another huge difference is that SafeStat has no direct impact on the carrier’s safety rating. CSA 2010 does. However, under CSA 2010 the measurement tool (Safety Measurement System, SMS) feeds the safety fitness determination (rating). Therefore, the carrier’s rating may change monthly depending on inspection volume. In the past, drivers were rarely fined at roadside inspections. Under the new procedures, FMCSA can assess problem drivers through intervention levels similar to motor carrier review. Drivers chances of receiving monetary fines will increase. WHAT ARE THE 7 BASIC AREAS? The 7 BASICS take the 4 safety evaluation areas from SafeStat and go deeper. The 7 BASICs are: unsafe driving, fatigued driving (hours of service), driver fitness, controlled substances and alcohol, vehicle maintenance, cargo securement, and crash experience. The SMS explains this more. DOES CSA 2010 GIVE INDIVIDUAL DRIVERS A RATING? No, ratings will not be assessed to drivers. Drivers with poor safety performance will be identified during an intervention. A driver focused evaluation tool, DSMS – Driver Safety Measurement • System will be used by investigators but not accessible by the industry. • WILL I, THE DRIVER, HAVE ACCESS TO MY INFORMATION? • The driver will be able to see their individual safety information from the Driver Pre-Employment Screening Program. This is program includes the driver’s past history that inspectors are currently seeing. Access to this data requires driver consent. • WHAT ARE THE INTERVENTION STEPS? • Interventions include: • Early contact: (1) warning letter ,(2) carrier access to safety data and measurement information, and (3) targeted roadside inspection. • Investigations: (1) off-site investigation, (2) on-site focused investigation , and (3) on-site comprehensive investigation. • Follow-on interventions: (1) cooperative safety plan, (2) notice of violation, (3) notice of claim and (4) settlement agreement. • WHAT TRIGGERS INTERVENTION? • One or more deficient BASICs • A high crash indicator, or • A complaint or fatal crash.
CSA 2010 Driver information SINCE ALL VIOLATIONS COUNT, ARE DIFFERENT VIOLATIONS WEIGHTED DIFFERENTLY? Yes. Violations are weighted based on crash causation. By weighting violations, newer violations will be more damaging than older ones. There is a maximum level on the severity points any one violation charged against the driver or carrier can cause. DOES CSA 2010 TREAT ALL CARRIERS THE SAME? No. Carriers are evaluated on size in CSA 2010. Carriers will be broken into peer groups based on the number of power units in some basics and the number of inspections in other basics. WHAT OTHER DIFFERENCES ARE THERE? The evaluation data in SafeStat goes back 2 ½ years. In CSA 2010, there is a 24-month tracking period for carrier data. Driver data will be tracked three years. A wider range of the industry will be assessed. By digging deeper within the evaluation areas, carriers will be assessed more stringently and may not appear as good as they have in the past. WHAT’S THE SAME? Carriers will still be evaluated and the government will still visit the motor carrier when performance suggests attention is needed. SafeStat hides driver names and personal information to the general public and makes it available to the motor carrier. Under SafeStat, the motor carrier only saw a driver’s activity that occurred while operating under their authority. This specific driver information is hidden from the general public view and will continue to be hidden under CSA 2010. DataQ is the Data Correction Request System that exists today and will continue. Carriers and drivers can request data be corrected through this system. WHEN WILL 4-WHEEL DRIVERS GET ATTENTION? Sixteen states already have programs focused on ticketing aggressive cars and trucks. WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFO? FMCSA has put together a website devoted to CSA 2010. It is: www.csa2010.fmcsa.dot.gov. This site is being updated frequently. See the Frequently Asked Questions, the Safety Measurement System (SMS) document, the Driver Fact Sheet, Media Kit, Factsheets, Brochures, and other materials. WHAT ARE OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES? Driver Pre-Employment Screening Program: http://www.psp.fmsa.dot.gov