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Living our Faith with the

SHC Year Of Faith (YOF) Parish Block Rosary 2013. Living our Faith with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Dr. Damian Lee

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Living our Faith with the

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  1. SHC Year Of Faith (YOF) Parish Block Rosary2013 Living our Faith with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Dr. Damian Lee 11/09/13

  2. Overview • Parish Block Rosary (PBR) - the Final Parish level Pastoral event before YOF concludes on 24/11/13. • To wrap up this YOF with Parish level final event/process making it a most fulfilling YOF. • Parish YOF Core Committee – to incorporate elements of pilgrimage among others into PBR. • Organizing committee to supervise, monitor & implement with SHC Parish office. • Updating Parish Pastoral Focus.

  3. Duration of YOF • 23/10/2012 – 24/11/2013 • Archdiocesan level thanksgiving concluding Eucharist on 25/11/13, Monday at 7.00pm • Creed / catholic faith talks/seminars. • Parish feast of Sacred Heart celebration of Living our Faith from 3/6/13 – 9/6/13. • Block Rosary –Parish level final pastoral event/ process.

  4. Brainstorm Session • PFPN to review and fine tune Parish Block Rosary to encourage and improve on better Participation from all quarters. • YOF Core Committee – to incorporate elements of pilgrimage among others into Parish Block Rosary (PBR).

  5. Centenary Stations of the Cross at SHCP • SHC Centenary Stations of the Cross Project -Ground breaking launched on 31st Oct 2003 and blessed on 27th February 2004. • Built to commemorate the 100 years of good news to Sacred Heart – from 1903 – 2003. • Landmark for SHC Parish and to be a place of Pilgrimage for all.

  6. Process • Brainstorm and crystallize to incorporate elements/messages of pilgrimage and process PBR, 2013. • Identify, & recruit additional taman/zone coordinators to help out “inactive” zones/taman from Census info. • Organizing Committee to supervise and implement with SHC Parish office / PFPN Co-coordinator. • Once confirm, publicize in Website, Weekly Bulletin, flyers and all 46 parish groups/.

  7. WHERE IS SHC BOUNDARY? Parish Pastoral updates • (1) Official Demarcation of Parishes approved. • Publishing of Zones/ taman in our Website & Church notice board. • Sense of responsibilities, belonging & ownership.

  8. Inclusive Parish Family Spirit • Weeklong Parish Feast celebration of Faith was specially planned & catered to suit all strata of SHC Parishioners from the 4 language groups (including the sign language) & background. • Always something for every parishioner to participate, to absorb & be part of Parish Family.

  9. Parish Pastoral updatesSHCP OFFICIAL WEBSITE • 2) SHCP New Official Website; • http://www.sacredheartcathedralkk.org

  10. Website feedback as at 31/8/13 • 4127 visitors, 3670 are from Malaysia, US (66), AU (55), NZ (31), Russia (3), SG (41), Italy, TW, PH, BR, Nigeria, Germany, Indon... • Most popular page is the church bulletin follow by Pastoral Calendar, Directory and Pastoral messages -visitors came looking for news and info.

  11. Parish Pastoral updates • PFPN Website articles – • 1. Organizational info. • 2. Pastoral directory. • Background, concept, formation, structure, objectives, set up, scope, roles, function, Vision and Mission of PFPN are all in details for your understanding and references.

  12. Sustainable Website • Monthly articles/ update on PFPN/ ministry and sharing would make our website sustainable, informative, dynamic & preferred. • Invitation to all leaders/ individuals who are passionate in Social communication to join SOCCOM to contribute your time, ideas and share expertise to evangelize in the new media.

  13. 3 PPP focus • Catholic Faith Formation. • Family Issue – Focus group dialogue done in LP & Bukit Padang area. • Eucharist at Taman level as scheduled. • Movie on life of Saints to be filmed once a month/3 months at Hall or even at Taman level. • PFPN – Block Rosary for all Tamans –October. • Closing Eucharistic Celebration for Archdiocesan level YOF on 25th Nov Monday 7.30pm.

  14. Parish Family Spirit • There are 43 Parish community / 66 language groups in SHC Parish. • PFPN being the Parish vehicle need to play its Primary role as the CORE channel & network reach out to all Catholic families & members in the housings to instill the Parish Family spirit.

  15. The Way Forward • Over 300 neophytes (Catholic families) are baptized to join SHC Parish almost every year. • As inclusive Parish PFPN needs to reach out to all neophytes to join a group, ministry or PFPN to start new pastoral journey as a Parish family member. • New Catholic families moving in your taman.

  16. The Way Forward • Identify, recruit & train additional zone/ taman coordinators to share out responsibilities. • Need to train and form more BR leaders. • Any suggestions?? Good concept?/

  17. Pareto's theory The 80-20 Rule • Observed that 20% of the people owned 80% of the wealth in his country, • "vital few and trivial many” • The 80/20 Rule means that practically in almost everything a few (20 percent) are vital and many(80 percent) are trivial. • 20 % of something always are responsible for 80 % of the results.

  18. Pareto's theory The 80-20 Rule • 80% of PFPN process/ events/ work done comes from 20 % of our zone/taman coordinators. • Also 80 % of your sales will come from 20 % of your sales staff. • 20 % of your staff will cause 80 % of your problems, but another 20 % of your staff will provide 80 % of your production. It works both ways.

  19. Take home framework • Framework on HOW to play our role as Leaders/ members of PFPN/ Parish groups or ministries.

  20. 6C for 3 PPP in new evangelization for YOF. • Cooperate, Collaborate, Communicate, Converge and Compliment with and between the PPC to Create unity and integration to address our 3 PPP in this new evangelization in the year of faith and beyond as a BIG Parish Pastoral Family.

  21. Conclusion • If 20% or > of 43 zones can put in committed effort and action to this HOW framework , Sooner than later PFPN shall be leading & coordinating to address our 3 top PPP with: • Oneness in Heart, Family & Parish with the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and becoming a more mature and complete Parish pastorally


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