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Earth Sciences Multidisciplinary Overview for Research

Gain insight into Earth Sciences across 60+ countries with indexed terms and controlled thesauri for relevant results. Explore geology, oceanography, environmental sciences, geomechanics, and human geography in over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals. Access a wealth of records on environmental planning, population studies, and more. Dive deep into specific subfields like economic geology, paleontology, and petrology for a comprehensive understanding. Ensure a thorough exploration of Earth Sciences with GeoBase and GeoRef.

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Earth Sciences Multidisciplinary Overview for Research

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  1. Engineering Village – Advanced searching GEOBASE and GeoRef mapping

  2. GeoBase Global, Multidisciplinary Overview of Earth Sciences • Over 1.8 million abstract records • Coverage of over 60 countries • Over 100,000 records added annually • Over 2,000 peer reviewed journals, trade publications, book series, and conference proceedings indexed Multidisciplinary overview across earth sciences Indexed with geosciences terms • Ensures relevant results and provide controlled terms: • GeoTree Thesaurus (subject terms) • RegTree Thesaurus (regional terms) • OrgTree Thesaurus (organism terms)

  3. Human Geography Bioengineering, Environmental resources and resources management, Historical geography, Population, People and regions, Rural and urban studies, National, regional, and community planning, Environmental planning, Exchange and development Geomechanics 2% Oceanography 8% Environmental Sciences Global ecology, Aquatic ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Pollution, Nature conservation, Economic ecology Human Geography 25% Physical Geography Synoptic geography, Landforms, Sedimentology, Soils, Hydrology, Meteorology and climatology, Remote sensing, GIS and mapping Geology 20% Geology Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Igneous and metamorphic geology, Geophysics, Seismology, Engineering geology, Energy sources Environmental Sciences 23% Physical Geography 22% Oceanography Physical oceanography, Marine meteorology, Chemical oceanography, Marine geology and geophysics, Biological oceanography and marine ecology, Pollution and environmental issues, Environment and coastal zone management Geomechanics Hydrogeology, Properties of rocks and soils, Site investigation and field observation, Analysis techniques and design methods, Rock breakage and excavation, Rock and soil reinforcement and support, Surface structures, Excavations GeoBaseFor Breadth of Insight Across the Earth Sciences Subject Coverage

  4. GeoRef In-DepthCoverage of Geology and Its Subfields • Over 2.9 million abstract records in 40 languages • Over 90,000 records added annually • Over 3,500 journals indexed, plus books, maps, reports • Includes doctoral dissertations & masters’ theses from North American Universities, and all publications of the US Geological Survey A&I Database produced by American Geological Institute Comprehensive, in-depth history of geology and its subfields Geology-specific indexing • Ensures relevant results and provides controlled terms • GeoRef Thesaurus • Over 21,000 terms & complete GeoRef indexing structure

  5. Ecology, geologic hazards-earthquakes, floods, land subsidence, landslides, debris flows, tsunamis, volcanoes, groundwater pollution conservation, land use, pollution of surface water, reclamation Environmental Geology Paleontology 6% Mining geology, commodity studies, geology of deposits, Geology & Economics of metal ores and non-metal deposits, Geology & Economics of energy sources, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale geothermal energy, coal, oil sands Economic Geology Other 12% Environmental Geology 23% Surficial Geology Geomorphology, evolution of Earth’s surface, cryptoexplosion features, mass movements, quaternary geology, archaeology, stratigraphy,palynology, soils- genesis, evolution, erosion Geophysics General, mining and rocks, transition states of compounds, magnetic properties of minerals, solid earth, plate tectonics, paleomagnetism, earthquakes and elastic waves, applied studies- well-logging, remote sensing, magnetotelluric surveys Stratigraphy 7% Economic Geology 15% Petrology Igneous & metamorphic, meteorites & tektites, metasomatism metamorphism, magma, lavas, intrusions, inclusions; sedimentary rock, sediments, genesis of peat, lignite & coal, clay mineralogy Petrology 7% Surficial Geology 13% Stratigraphy Geophysics 10% Historical geology & paleoecology, lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, evolution of land masses (continental drift), paleomagnetism, paleogeography, biogeography, paleoclimatology Paleontology Fossil plants & animals-life origin, paleontological texts & glossaries, fossil collecting; Paleobotany-algae, plantae, pteridophytes; Invertebrate-Bryozoa, Hemichordata, Trilobita; Vertebrate-Agnatha, Amphibia, Mammalia, Pisces, Reptilia, fossil man Mineralogy and Crystallography, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Extraterrestrial geology, Marine geology & oceanography, Areal geology, Mathematical geology, Structural geology, Hydrogeology & hydrology, Engineering geology Other GeoRefFor Deep Geological Insight Subject Coverage

  6. Take a Closer Look at Geosciences Research:Mapping on Engineering Village, Powered by Google

  7. Search GeoBase and/or GeoRef at www.engineeringvillage.com Mapping on Engineering Village

  8. Mapping on Engineering Village • “Geographic Terms” field includes locations referenced most in the result set • Click “Show Map” button to see terms on map

  9. Mapping on Engineering Village • Results move down on the page, below map • Map pins correspond to “Geographic terms” Hint: Including geographic term is the same as clicking on map pin – both refine results!

  10. Mapping on EV with Google Maps • Zoom in and out • Navigate using arrows or by clicking and dragging over map • Roll over icons to display term and record count

  11. Mapping on EV Visual Context for Insight and Discovery 3rd dimension of insight • Harness benefits of faceted results (show terms most associated with topic) • Visualize prominent terms’ geographic distribution Results in context • See areas of the world most associated with research topic • View where topics’ associated terms are concentrated in relation to each other Facilitate discovery • Gain insight and context into increasingly important environmental topics • Find features or locations not initially associated with a topic

  12. For more search tips download the EV user guide from www.ei.org

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