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«MCMC Conference». M eeting the C hallenge of the M ulticultural C lassroom An EU collaborative project between Southwark (UK) and the Algarve (PT). 26 April 2013. Goldsmiths, University of London, New Academic Building, Room LG02. www.mcmc-regio.com.
«MCMC Conference» MeetingtheChallenge of the MulticulturalClassroom An EU collaborative project between Southwark (UK) and the Algarve (PT) 26 April 2013 Goldsmiths, University of London, New Academic Building, Room LG02 www.mcmc-regio.com Context and Decisions Objectives and Outcomes of activities • I teach in a secondary school in Southwark where the proportion of students who have a first language that is not English is well above the national average. • Around one in three students is of Black and Black British heritage and around one in three is of White British heritage. Other students are from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. • I want to make my classroom inclusive and actively engage students in their learning. I am looking for new ideas in how to do this. • I am in particular looking for strategies to help learners with low English levels access the curriculum. Resources and Materials produced Impact on Learning • During the course we have discussed a number of games and exercises that can be done in class that explore students sense of identity. • I have found these very useful to do with my tutor group. My tutor group are in year 7 and there have been a number of incidents of name calling and bullying. These exercises have helped them with their identity and so helped them appreciate that people are different and that’s not a bad thing. • I teach an year 9 EAL student from Brazil. When she was started in September, her English was minimal, but she has made great progress through the year. • As well as basic strategies like keyword lists, we have also looked at using scientific texts in her own language that she then needs to try and explain to me. • I keep a blow up globe in my room. As well as being useful for teaching scientific concepts, I use it to throw to students to answer questions. • It has prompted some good conversations with students about where they are from. • This course has equipped me with some different ways of helping students look at their own identity as well as making me look at how I see myself. • It has also made me appreciate language and how words can be interpreted differently, particularly by someone new to the language. República Checa School: Kingsdale School Teacher/s: JRN Year group taught: 7-12 Turquia