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National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN. Formulation of NPMHAdopted by MOHCreation of Mental Health Unit in MOHInvolvement of Medical Universities in the NPMHDeclaration of Mental Health as the 9th component of
1. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Educatin I.R.IRAN Integration of Mental Health program within P.H.C system
2. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN Formulation of NPMH
Adopted by MOH
Creation of Mental Health Unit in MOH
Involvement of Medical Universities in the NPMH
Declaration of Mental Health as the 9th component of P.H.C
3. National Program of Mental HealthMinistry of Health and Medical EducationI.R.IRAN Objectives
To make essential Mental Health care available to all
To develop a Mental Health care model
To enhance Mental Health knowledge
4. National Program of Mental HealthMinistry of Health and Medical EducationI.R.IRAN Main Strategy
Integration of Mental Health within P.H.C system
Other Strategies
5. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN Mental Health facilities
735 psychiatrists
8,250 psychiatric beds
more than 100 governmental psychiatric out-patient clinics
28 psychiatric wards in general hospitals
23 psychiatric hospitals
one scientific psychiatric group in each of 39 medical universities
12 medical universities have postgraduate program (68 psychiatrists each year)
one mental health unit in each of 39 medical universities
one mental health unit in each 232 districts
500 private psychiatric clinics
140 mental health consulting centers
6. General health facilities which is involved in NPMH 6300 trained GPs out of 8400
23607Behvarzes ( MPWs) out of 28018
14498 Health houses out of 16563
2106 Health centers out of 2351
7. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN
1. Pilot programs , 1987-1990
( shahr-e - kurd & shahreza districts)
2. Expansion of the program,1990-2004
285 District health centers
2967 Rural & urban health centers
14377 Health houses
27134163 covered population
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14. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN Mental Health week
Since 1985 the last week in Oct. ,that is designated as Mental Health Week is celebrated throughout the country
In the year 2003, the following activities were undertaken during the Mental Health Week
288Mental Health meetings and seminars
3187 training sessions
Widespread news coverage about of the week by national Radios , TV and other media
15. Integration of mental health within P.H.C system National Program of Mental Health of I.R.IRAN 1985-2004
16. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN Some other achievements of NPMH include : (1)
Declaration of Mental Health as the 9th component of PHC by MOH in 1989
To create and increase positive knowledge and decrease negative attitudes about mental health in the community
Widespread public Mental Health education by health sector and mass media
Shift to community settings and psychiatric wards in general hospitals from closed psychiatric hospitals
Signing of a joint statement on Mental Health by
Health Ministries of EMRO countries
17. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN (Some other achievements of NPMH include : 2)
Nation-wide celebration of Mental Health Week since 1985
International independent evaluation of NPMH
Opening of WHO Collaborating Center on Mental Health in Tehran psychiatric institute by RD/EMRO/WHO in June 1998
Participation in implementation of Mental Health program in other countries
18. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN New & innovative Mental Health programs:
Urban Mental Health program
Primary prevention on Mental Health
( Epilepsy , M.R , Suicide)
Integration of a prevention program of substance abuse disorders within P.H.C system
School Mental Health program (pilot)
Prevention of violence against women programme
Prevention of child abuse programme
19. National Program of Mental Health Ministry of Health and Medical Education I.R.IRAN Plans for the year of 2001
2nd revision of NPMH
Preparation of Mental Health Act
Child abuse prevention program (pilot)
To increase Mental Health facilities (out-patient,in-patient & counseling services)
More expansion of all Mental Health programs